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Non pov


"Dabi I m sorry that I left you, I misunderstood you, come back with me all of us mised you" Shigaraki said holding his hand to Dabi to take his hand.

Mr compress stod behind the wall in case some one comes. Hawks is fighting Toga and twice. "I know you don't love me. You just used me for your experiments" Compress have seen Dabis files but did not pay attention to them. "Dabi, baby what are you talking about. What did heros do to you?" " they did not do anything to me you did. Don't come closer" Dabi backed away when he tripped and fell in the bed Shigaraki pinned him on the bed.

"I tryed it easy way but you are to stubborn to understand" Dabi tryed his best to push him down but he was to weak "don't move " He said in a raspy voice. Shigaraki pull out large needel from his bag. "Don't please I will come with you ,please AAAAGGHHGAAAAG" Dabi cryed out when Shigaraki poked the needel in his stomack.

Compress could not stand there when Dabi is in so much in pain and screaming for help. He pushed Shigaraki to the grownd he picked Dabi in his arms and ran out of the room and out of the house " compress were are you heding" He compresed Spiner and ran in to the forest.

He didn't know were he is runing it is dark now and cold. Dabi had passed out in his arms.

Other pro heros got to Hawks house. Hawks ran out the house and explained what happend. "League took Dabi I can't find him". "There is footprints in the snow" Ruyuku said. Hawks,Ruyuku and Eraserhead followed the footprints.

"Dabi are you okay" Compress said "mhm.I m cold, were are we? I wana go back" "I don't know......okay we are going back" For Compress it was hard choice but he betrayed the league and have no were to go.
He walked for a while when he noticed a light in distance.

"There is some" Hawks said. When they reached Dabi and Mr compress they were redy to fight but what came out of Comress mouth socked them " I surender" he said. Dabi turned his head "Hawks I m cold" Dabi said in a whisper if Hawks hadn't his super hearing he would not hear him, but he heard him.

"Hawks I m sceard" Dabi said little bit louder for Compress to hear him. "Haw-" Hawks interupted Compress "I know I heard him" Hawks slowly aproched him and took Dabi from him.

When they returned they
all sat in Hawks livingroom  Hawks,Dabi,Tsukauchi,Ereserhead,Me,  Compress (in handcuffs) ,Ryuku, Mt lady and  Kamui woods.
Dabi is curled in blanket and  lean against  Hawk's side, Fluff siting in Hawks lap.

No one knows what Shigaraki tryed to do and what was in the needel " I almost forgot I have Spiner and some files about Dabi compressed in my marbels"
Comress said.

All heros looked at each other and noded "We will let you use your quirk,but do not pull some kind of tricks" Tsukauci said and and removes the handcuffs. Mt lady and Kamui woods took Spiner to prison.

"Hear is Dabis files I have seen it and there is not very pretty pictures and it's little bit torn " "take the pictures out I wana see just the file" Dabi said in a low voice. Compress did what he asked and the pictures give to Tsukauchi whose eyes widened in shock.

Dabi pov

I asked Compress to take the pictures out I didn't wana see them I saw Tsukauchi's eyes widen. I m sceard to open the file, 'what if I see what is not meant for me to see' I took a deap breth and opened the file, I opened it and saw that it was torn were was ment to be my name. I read what I can see " I m a intersex" " that explains a lot" Hawks said.

"Evrything else is what they did to me" Hawks took file from me and read it all.
Hawks sighed "at lest we know what happened to you"
"Compress you will be questened and we will see what next" Tsukauci said taking Compress to the car.

"Hawks, Dabi can stay in UA dorms, till we capture the league or you have some thing else in mind" Ereserhead said. "It will be safer for him" " Dabi  you can not go to school tomorrow, but I will wait for you at 7 at the UA dormitories" Eresurehead said and left.

I woke up shivering from cold. I sat up in bed and fell back down I fell like shit evrything hurts, I m dizzy and cold. "Fluff call Hawks" she has learned to open the door herself and ran out the room to find Hawks.

She returned with Hawks "Hawks I don't fell good" I he sat in bed. " what's wrong?" he looked woried " I m cold, dizzy and evrything hurts" Hawks put his hand on my forhead....wait are thos fucking talons "that's why you always were gloves" Hawks put on his glove on " Dabi you have a fever"

"I will call Aizawa that you are sick, stay in bed" "Hawks-" I tried to say "get some sleap" he walked out the room "what did I do" I whisper to myself.

I woke up  "Sorry did I woke you up? How are you feeling?" said sad voice. Hawks had took of the bandages my leg is almost healed. " I m cold and my head hurts atlest I m not dizzy" He gave me some pills and water "thes are for your head and I made a sup  and I don't care if you don't wana, you have to eat"

He walked out the room and soon returned with sop. I ate it all and went to sleap.
I woke up feling beter,I then went to bathroom, I felt cold again I took one blanked and wrapped in it. I walked down stairs and Hawks was talking with...... " wait is that Compress" I murmured to my self and walked down to see why they are here.

1042 words

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