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Non pov

"It looks bad" Pr Nezu said looking at Dabis leg "no it's much beter now not like yesterday" Hawks starts to put new bandages on and Tsukauchi started to ask questons to Dabi "Dabi Hawks had told us that you have anesia. What is the last ting you remember?"

Dabi thought about it trying to remember "when I first joined the League" that was all what Dabi remeber.
Hawks finished changing the bandages.

"Do you remember why you become a villan?" Tsukauchi said "that man who I see in dream he hurts me and that little boy I think thats why"Dabi said it like a queston not as an a ansver "does the league know's?" "Sigaraki knows, he said that it's okay that I don't remember".

Dabi has changed a lot when he was with the league he was unemotional but now he is quiet and emotional.

"Dabi eat, later I'll pull out your staplers from your leg and you need energy thats why you have to eat" Dabi forced him self to eat but he ate little bit.

Hawks is glad that tomorow is Saturday, Dabi have not to go to school and he can not worry about Dabis leg that much.

One by one Hawks removed the staplers the towel under Dabis leg is soked in blood. He has done one side of leg but Haeks  is worried abouth Dabi if he can contun "Dabi how are you feeling?" Hawks saw that he was in big pain "I m tired and my leg hurts as a fucking shit" Hawks wrapped his leg and helped Dabi to bed and give him orange juice.

"It would be easier with Anesthesia,just try" the pain was too much to bear "f-fine I will try" Dabi layed on bed and crossed his arms over his eyes, Hawks
disinfect the place where the anesthetic will be applied.

"Hey relaxs soon you will not feel any pain" when Hawks poked the needel in his tight Dabi flinched. With feather help Hawks holded down Dabis tight "shhh it's over wasn't that bad"Hawks said rubing Dabis tight "I m never doing this shit again" "never say never" Hawks teases.

All staplers is goon on his leg and replased with steces. When Hawks started it was 8 o'clock but now it is 10:57 pm.

"Hawks.......can I go to bed I m tired" Dabi forced himself to not fall asleep "yes you can. Can you stand up" with Hawks help Dabi maded to bed "night" "good night" Hawks walked to his room clened evry thing in bathroom and went to bed.


Next morning Hawks woke up and went to check on Dabi. Dabi is up siting in his bed tinking about his past and he has one queston why, why doesn't he remember "good morning Dabi, does the leg hurt's?"Hawks walks over to him "no" "that's good, go in the shower I will clean your leg for you" Dabi steped out of bed and slowly with Hawks made to shower. Hawks unwraped the bandages and washed the blood from the leg with lukewarm water "your leg looks much beter now. Your leg is healing very fast" leg is more pink than purple "I will put crem again and I will not put bandages on for now".

Hawks made brekfas. They bouth eat in silence. Dabi forced himself again to eat but that food he has eaten in the end it ends up in toilet, but Dabi isn't thinking to tell that to Hawks, afraid of being poked with needles in his arms or in his stomack or even worser.

Hawks look's at Dabi who is looking at his food "Dabi a-" Hawks could't finish his sentence because Dabis ran away so quickly.

Dabi pov

I don't know why but I fell sick oh no that's a fish shit. "Dabi a-" I sprinted to bathroom to puke. Now I fell like shit, I fell weak "he can't see me weak" Why did I say that I thought to my self "who? me?" I turn my head in his direction " I....no not you someone else. Was that a fish?"

I fell evry thing coming up my trouth again"gagh" I felt Hawks rubing my back "you have an allergy to fish" I nod catching my breath " why didn't you tell me anything I would have made something else" how I didn't notice that it was fish shit my stomach hurts. "My stomack hurts" Hawks didn't say anything, I felt his hand slids to my stomack and starts to push "shhhh let it all out you will feal beter soon".

When I was finist I sat ther and waited for Hawks to return. Soon he returned with glass of water "hear drink some water" Hawks said and handed me the glass I took a sip of water and Hawks sat beside me.

"Why do you care so much about me?" "Do you have some kind of other allergy's to some thing else?" Hawk changed the subject "I don't tink so" I will not get ansver not today at lest.

"Do you have allergy only to fish or on all seefood?" Hawks ask "Only fish if I remember correctly" "you start to remember tings".


Me and Hawks are waching some kind of horror movie. "This movie is not scary" I looked at Hawks has passed out
"Hmp no wonders".

I don't know when I passed out but currently my head is on Hawks shoulder "Did you sleep well" I sit up straight " Mhm...when did I pass out"

"I don't know when I woke up you already were sleaping on me...do you wanna eat something" do I "I don't know "  Hawks stud up and walked to kitchen to make some thing to eat it's still 12:55pm.

When we finished eating Hawks said that he'll pull out the staplers on my other leag and I said "the fun will con-"I felt burning in my leg but when I looked at my leg ther was noting.

"Hawks what was that" I m sitting on bathroom floor "what I didn't do anything yet" "you are a tereble liar" I said that he pulled out a needle. I jumped up in fear and hit my head on the shower door.

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME YOU DUM BIRD" I yelld at him "sorry....that wasn't that bad was it" he asked. He putting the needle away and starting to pull out my staples out of my leg  and puting stices.

Hour has past and he finally finished and  bandaged up  my leg were stices is now.

1113 words

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