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Hawks pov

My day is horrobol and now it's snowing, Dabi  break the rules and meting went like shit. "What day is today" I parked the car " Oktober 31 friday".

He has lied to me tree weeks " put all stufs in your room and come to my room" I walked to my room I changed and got my belt. Dabi came in the room " come closer" Dabi steped closer to me" you listened to me today I will ease the punishmen. Do you know why you are punished?"

"B-because I didn't f-folow the ruls" He said looking at the flor " thats right, now pull of your pants and lay on the bed" he walked to the bed and pulled his pants till his kees " fully of and boksers to, lay on your somack" he did that but slowly. "Now count,you even coldn't put on new bandages"

Dabi pov

"Now count,you even coldn't put on new bandages" he said and pain, burning pain " o-one please I-it hurts i-i m so sorry-" I was cut of with another smack on my other cheek "t-two"

"Aghhh....S-seven" sob it hurts so much and another came "agaaaahhhhh e-ei-eight" I scremed I can't any more this. Why didn't I listen why " I m sorryyyyy aghaaa n-nine" but one came to my not healed leg "AAAAAHHHHAAAGg I can't any more I m sorry" I wispered.

"Go to bathroom now" he pulled me out of the bed I cryed out I limping to bathroom. He soon walked in to angry still "bend over the covner" I did what he said I tried to be quiet but sobs escaped my trembling lips.

He clened up my leg. Then again he smached my ass I cryed out tears faling. He took out some kind of botel out of one of the cabinets. It is cold he rubed my ass cheeks with it.

"Take your closes and go to your room" I did what he said. My body hurts I can't walk it's to painful to. My closes fell on the gownd, I fell in the bed crying in the pillow fluff came to comfort me.

I don't know when I fell a sleep I woke up feling bed dip in. "Did I woke you up?" it was Hawks "yes" he tuched my back I winced and he saw that "I will not hit you and diner is redy I will bring it up" he walked avay I cerfuly sat in bed my ass sore and my leg to I put my legs over the bed but I stoped " don't what do you need" he put the plate on my nightstand.

"I know I was rought on you I had a bad day and when I found out I was rely realy mad, but I m sorry I didn't meen to hit your leg anger took over me. Now what do you need" He said. I covered my self how best I could with my hands.

" b-boksers a-nd p-ants" I some how managed to tell him "for now wear bagy pants or some thing that is not tight or it will hurt" he found one pair with black bagy pants "I will help you pull them on" He kneled in fron of me and puled pands to my knees then helped me to stand up with hes feather help he puled up the pants.

" do you wanna tallk about why you were angry in first place?" He handed me the plate " the stupid meeting with comison"he said. I took the fork in my hand but my hand is too much saking "give me I will help you"he feeded me till I cold not eat anything.

"W-what hapend?" " comison wants me to get married and that bulshit" he said.
We said our good night. I woke up because I was sick and I needed to puk.


It's been another week. He forgive me and he said that he is realy sorry that he hit me and he promised he will not hit me again.

We sat in his room just talking my leg still is healing its much beter but still hurts. He gave me crutches to make it easier for me to walk.

I felt like puking I coverd my mouth with my hand and tried to get Hawks atenson " are you sick" he helped me to batroom.

I puked all what I eat "I didn't put the fish in" I heard him say. "It happens always when I eat some thing" I choked out " why didn't you tell me I would given you some medicine or some thing other you to eat"

"I was sceard that you will poke me with needles like doctor Ujiko" I said. Hawks carried me to bed and layed me on my side and my head in his lap. "Who is doctor Ujiko?" "Daruma Ujiko is league docktor and he makes nomus"

I saw Hawks small feathers bring him his phone....." I hope I didn't disturb you, but Dabi have some info on nomus" Hawks put his phone on speaker " tell him what you told me" "Daruma Ujiko is league docktor and he makes nomus".

" is ther some thing else-" I interut him " evry thime when Sigaraki send me to him he experiments with me...... I once I heard them speaking about nomu breading and that they need human and nomu to breed some thing like that. To make more poverful nomu" I explaned then I understood the harsh truth "how I didn't understood that before"

"But why did he left me why????" I muttered the same thing over and over again."what did you understood? Who left you?" " they want me to breed with nomu" I m shaking violently "Tsukauchi you heard that" Hawks is still on phon " yes......"

"Shigaraki tried all this time get me pregrant with nomu h-he he he l-lied to me" it hurts so much, I loved him but he lied to me he didn't care about me and now.....I tried to sit up but Hawks didn't alow me to I looked him in eyes "Is it possible that I m pregnant now"

Tears streaming down my cheeks " I don't kn-" he saw my white roots and his hand was moldi "Hawks give me your adress and I will get an ultrasound and then we will see".

"Dabi clam down. Come with me. Then  we will wash that shit out of your hair"Hawks said.

1099 words

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