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Dabi pov

I sat on flor in monitor room were Recovery girl was to. Door opened and inside ran black, one eyed cat and Aizava.

The cat immediately ran to me and started to rub against my legs and purring. I piked up the cat and looked at him he mev at me "I know you some were"

Aizava pov

From my bag jumped out one of my cats. I ran after her she stoped at monitor room scratching and meoving at door. I opened the door and fluff imeadetly ran to Dabi.

Fluff sounded so happy to see him "I know you some were" I heard Dabi say.
I walked to him and crouched in front of him " Do you know her" " I found them in backyard I hide them somewere my dad won't find them and she was first one who opened heres eyes.......but I don't remember what happend to them.....were did you find here"

I sig "Hers name is fluff and I found her in plastick bag at the river and there was two more kittens but they were drowned fluff and princess, hers mother" Dabi looked at me sad like completely other person, person with kind heart who had followed the wrong path.

"Dabi" I called his name I gently pliked on his face "Dabi you with me?" Recovery girl had come to see if Dabi is okay. One tear escaped but Dabi qukly wiped it of.

"Evrything is okay" Dabi said but I know thats a lie. Hawks came in the room "Dabi- what happend " Hawks started to rub Dabis back " I m okay I just- just 'sig'".

"Hawks what happend to you you are bleeding" Recovery girl said and we all looked at him " I got attacked by nomu and this is a scrach nothing serious" Hawks pointed at his nose were is the scrach. "You bird brain come hear" Recovery girl kissed Hawks nose and the scrach is gone.

"Why are you here" I asked "oh yea Tsukauci wants to talk with Dabi, are you okay with that Dabs because I don't know what happened I can-" Dabi interupted Hawks "no no no I m okay we can gooo were is your wings?" when Dabi pointed it out he has little wing on his back "oh they got all burnt.....me and Endeavour we were fighting together" That explains everything.

Non pov

Aizava had explaned to Hawks what happend and Hawks is glad that Dabi had no panick atack.

Hawks and Dabi arrived at police station.
Dabi sat in questioning room and Tsukauchi to, but Hawks and Endeavour other side of the mirror.

"Dabi can you tell were is lov base?" Dabi sat there not saying noting when Tsukauci wanted to move on Dabi ansvered " abandoned bar at ************** " Tsukaichi writen that down " Do you know were nomus are made and who is making them?"

Again Dabi sat there for a wille and playing with his fingers "I don't remember the address but it's some sort of abandoned factory" Tsukauchi writens that down and stands up "come with me to my office I wanna talk with you privately"

Dabi hesitated from the beginning but went with him.
"How are you doing? And oh and if you don't mind when is your birday?"
Dabi looked at floor hand behind his back like a kid who did some thing bad.
"January.....18. I think"
"You will turn 18 next year"

Tsukauchi saw some thing was off "Dabi whats wrong" Dabi looked in Tsukauchis eyes " I don't like when he is around me" All this time Dabi had told only trut "who exactly?" "Endravor" Tsukauchi was not suprised at all. Dabi is not first person who tells him that.

"I don't like him to he is rude".

When Aizawa and Fluff got home and Eri to. Fluff started to act strange not eating, mewing, trying to get out of the house, Fluff scrached Mei arm when she wanted to pik Fluff up.
( Mei is my oc. She is Aizawas wife and they have two kids Eri and Scarlett. Mei querk is Neko she has black long  hair, cat tail and ears are black with white and blue eyes and Scarlett is like mom,  but  with white hair ends and Eri is adopted)

"Au" Mei vined in pain Aizawa looked from chouch "what happend" Mei showed him hers hand two scratch marks with little bit blood "Fluff scratched me, but she never does that"

Aizawa explaned what happened "Now I understod Fluff wants to get back to him ,to heres owner" " I will take Fluff with me tomorow to UA".


Next day Aizawa brought fluff to UA.
Dabi is tanding at the one of the big windows and witing for some one to open the clases door.

Dabi pov

Hawks had to take me to UA early he had a meating in 07:10 .When I got hear it was
06:55Am and now it's 07:16 am. I m looking out the window and trying to remember what happend to kittens who did that. " you are early today" I felt some weight on my hand and Mr Aizawa speking to me.

I looked at my arm and ther was one eyed black cat Fluff I pulled hear  in my arms and she started to purr." Hawks had a meating. I m hear like 21 min"

"Thats fine we can talk" I started to panick what did I do "Don't wory you didn't do noting wrong". Mr Aizawa unlooked the door and we walked in.

Mr Aizawa pulled out of his bag some cat food " She has not eaten from yester day she has refused to eat some thing. Maby you can try" He gev me the cat food and I put in the bowl and Fluff eat.

" She yesterday  behaved differently and me and my wife tallked about it and I see that Fluff wants to be with you. Thats why I brougt her stufs with me."
I could not believ what I was hearing " but Hawks if he does't allow or he has-"

Mr Aizawa interupted me " if he refuses I will talk to him okay" Mr Aizawa said.

I sat at my table and and started to read the book. After some time the first students entered the classroom. Fluff sat on Mr Aizawas desk. " sooo cute Mr Aizawa had brougt a cat today" I looked up and my suprise it was Uraraka this early.

Evryone adored Fluff even bom bom boy didn't yell at me or Deku or some one else and Mr Aizawa was little bit happier.

Scool ended and I wited for Hawks to pick me up I sat at UA front on stairs with bag and Fluff. I saw Hawks. I walked to car and it starte to snow it's oktober last day 31. haloween and it's snowing.

"Is this some kind of prank or what and if not then No" I felt tears well in my eyes " please Hawks I-" Fluff mewed to helping me to get Hawks to agree " Dabi n- " I nterupted him " I know what you will say just....give me a chance please" I shivered and ters roled down my cheeks
why the fuck I m crying.

"I give  you a week if some thing goes wrong or you are breaking one of the rols then you can say bay. Now get in the car I don't want you to catch a cold" I put bags in and sat in front seet. Today Hawks is not in mood.

1266 words

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