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Dabi/Toya pov

" Toya I don't care if you don't remember me. I m glad that you are alive" Do I know him?. I remember now abuse,screams,pain,disappoitment, uselss,weak and broken heart. I can't breathe "sho I can't....b-breathe" Hawks said some thing,but I can't hear "Haw.....I can..hear y...".

Breathe. Remember what Hawks had said to you breathe. I slowly adjusted my breathing. "I remember now what happend in that house......" I saw Shoto still siting in the bed I sit up and hugged him in result falling out the bed and on the floor.

Shoto and Momo went back to training me, Hawks and Sako walked to dorms.
"I will be in my room." Sako said and walked to his room. We sat in my bed and Hawks was strange. He didn't say a single word and he looks like he is trying not to cry.

"Hawks are you okay......do you know me in some way because I don't remember some stuff still." Hawks nods
" Yea...... I m glad that you are alive, okay and safe."


Hawks called Tsukauchi and we explained what happend and what I remember. Me, Shoto we write evry thing we know and we hope that Endevour will be put in jail. And now I m in front of my home with Shoto.

"Are you redy" I nod and we walk in the house. In living room Natsu and Fuyumi
on couch " guys Toya is home" I stud next to Sho. They look at me with open mouts "Toya is that you?" Natsu comes closer to me tears in eyes " hey Nat" he hugs me I hug him back and soon Fuyumi joins and Sho to.

When we all clamed down we sat down on the couch. "Me and Sho alredy did it but Tsukauchi said that he  need your submissions and moms to put him in prison for a long time"  I know Natsu will agre but Fuyumi "I we will do it" Forget what I said " now we need to go to mom"

"I can drive you to hospital then me and Natsu can go to the police station" we all agreed to idea.
Next thing I know I m standing out side my mom's room. Shoto is in side talking to mom.
Shoto walked out the room. He pused me in side the room. There she was standing in front of me " H-hey m-mom" I was redy for insults, but it never came "Toya I alvays knew you are still alive" she hugged me. With my trembling arms I hugged her back. "I m sorry mom".

We talked abouth random stuffs "Toya how are you with Keigo?" I looked at her confused and Shoto to. " I don't remember still" my mom smiled. We talked little bit more. It was late, we said our good bay's and left the hospital and we bouth walked back to UA talking abouth some stuffs.

Back at UA evry one was in living room. Sako walked over to us " how did it go..." "Toya call me  from now on Toya". I saw some students looking at me "Todoroki what happend. Are you okay." class 1 A crowded around my little brother and questioned him. Sako puls Shoto out the crowd "give him some space" He said. All class looks at him some angry some confused. " Dabi in real name is Toya Todoroki he is my oldes brother"

I could hear explosions "ICY-HOT HE IS YOUR FUCKING BROTHER" Bakugo yells "Bakugo  watch your language"  Ida said. Bakugo ran at me and took my wrist. I didn't react fast enough next thing I know the quirk cancalling bracelet is of and my arm is bleeding.

"Now we can fight" is he crazy " I m not fighting with you" Sako pushed me gently  towards the elevator. I held my injured hand and walked calmly to the elevator Sako followed me and Shoto ran to teacher dorm. " YOU ARE RUNNING AWAY NOW. YOU PATHETIC PIECE  OF SHIT"

Tears felt down my cheaks. "Toya sit down I will go and get medkit"
When Sako left I said to my self "why me".
Soon I heard foot steps. I didn't boder to look up who entered the room " I m useless, I m pathetic, I m ugly, I m a monster, I deserve pain" I wispered to myself. I felt two hands on my cheks and lifted my head.
"Toya stop talking like that you are not useles you are kind , you are not pathetic you are helpful, you are not ugly you are beautiul, you are not a monster you are human, you don't deserve pain you deserve love"

"How can you say some thing like that you don't know me. You are lying" it hurts me to say these words why "Toya I know who you are. And how can I lie to you. When I love you so much" I cried in Hawks chest. I cries my eyes out till I fell asleep.

Sako pov

When I finaly found medkit in batroom I ran to Toyas room. When I got ther Hawks was ther,  huging  Toya "I got the medkit" I said quater it looks like Toya is asleep. Hawks layed him on the bed. I geve him the medkit. " What happend ther. What I heard from todoroki is that Bakugou injured Toya"

Hawks started to clean the injury. I took a deep breath and started to explain what happened. I finished teling what happened. Hawks was finished wrapping Toya's arm. "I will go and see what is happening down stairs. Can you stay with Toya"
"Of course"

Hawks left and I sat beside Toya. Soon he woku up " how are your arm Da- I mean Toya" he didn't anver. He sat beside me. We sat like that for who know's how long. Todoroki and Hawks came in the room. " Toya are you okay" Toya just noded. Hawks is crouching in front of Toya. Hawks hands slide to Toyas waist and squeezes his waist little bit and sig. "Have you seen him eat?"

I think about it "only in morning"
"No" Todoroki simple  answers."we will tallk abou it later" Hawks said.
'Knok knok knok'
"Come in"I said. Mr Aizawa walked in "is evry thing okay"
"Yes, everything is okay"Toya said. Mr Aizawa noded" Hawks I need to talk with you" Hawks noded and foloved Mr Aizawa out the room.

1085 words

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