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Toya/Dabi Pov

I started to run in direction were I thing is that house.
It started to get darker. I m cold, tired and I can't see were I m going.
I tript and fell to the ground and felt sharp pieces of glass pierce my skin. I cried out in pain. I layed ther for who know how long. I saw a light and people in my direction I tried to crawl away "Toya"

How does he know's my name. I need to run now "DON'T TUCH ME YOU JERK" my body hurts but I need to get avay from them now. He picked me up I didn't see who he is it was too dark. I came to the realization that I can't youse my quirk "L-let me go" I felt so tired is it because I lost so much blood? "I m cold" was last thing what I said when I passed out.


I woke up in a familiar room. The room was all white and my arms are cuffed to the hospital bed.
I didn't move much because my body hurts to much. The door opened and in the room walked "Compress we need to get out of hear" I wispered. He walked slowly to me and then hero walked in the room " Compress do some thing COMPRESS" "Evrything okay don't worry Toya. I'll not hurt you"
I m to weak to do some thing I only can cry like the failur I m.

He put a hand on my forhead "the fever has passed.........hey don't cry evrythings okay now" He wiped my ters of.
"Toya. I know you don't remember but what Sigaraki told you are all lays. You can trust us.....Toga is with us too. She is in program caled UA Rehabilitate for Villans and me and you are in it too" Mr Compress explained.

"I will go and ask premison to un cuff you okay" said Hawks. Sako left with him. Soon they returned with......"probably you don't rembember me I m Detectiv Nomasa Tukauchi" he said. I didn't know what to say " I'll unlock the handcuffs. Don't do anything that you will regret later" Tukauchi said. I didn't move or say my body hurts to much.

He unlocked the handcuffs "can you lie on your side?" Hawks asks. He understood that I couldn't because I was in too much pain. Hawks cerfuly lied me on my side. I cied out in pain "it hurtsit hurtsithurts" "shhhh wait a little longer" Hawks said. Soon I felt some pain in my hip. I slowly turned to see in Hawks hand a needle. I fell out the bed and groned in pain. They stod ther and looked at me. Hawks picked me up and put me back in the bed.

"Toya.....why you....don't....have hair" When Hawks said that I put my hand on my bald head 'my wig it fell of' I started to look around "here" Hawks give me my wig. I put it on my head and looked at the flor "will they...will my hair grow back?" "they will".

" Toya may I ask why is your hair cut of?" Tsukauci asks. "Sigaraki said that my hair always gets in the way and I look ugly with them"
No one knew how to ansver.
Hawks broke the silence " Now we are heading to my house were you will be staying"


"We are hear" Hawks said. He parked the car and he opened car door for me.
"I remember this house" I mumbled to my self "Did you say some thing?"  "n-no".
We walked in and it felt like home I felt safe hear. I slowly walked around the house tuching evry corner, tabel, wall, stair railings. I stopped at one certain door I took a deap breath and opened the rooms door. A certain one eyed black cat sat on the bed from allyway.

"They say that wich could turn in to cat eight times,  but when the wich turned ninth time, she couldn't regain her human form" I said. I m not sure why I said that.
I walked around the familiar room. I sat in the bed to thing about what has happened thes 24 hours.

Hawks pov

"Do you think they'll come for Toya?"
Tsukauchi asks. I leaned against the door waching what Toya is doing " I hop not" I ansvered. Toya sat on the bed looking at the floor " we need to start to look for prof what HPSC has done" "actully I have plenty of papers and documents what they have done and other things" I said. Walking to my room. I gev him evry thing I got "thats allot. Thanks! I will leve now call if you need some thing" I helped him to get all of the papers to his car and said my goodbays.

I prepered diner for us. I knoked on the door and then walked in I sviched the light on.Toya was still siting in the same spos and staring at grown " Toya diners redy" She got up and walked with me to the kitchen I didn't want to scare her but I couldn't stand it and put my arm around her waist,  luckily for me she didn't say any thing.

We ate dinner in silence and then we went to bed.

Non pov

Hawks woke up some one talking " I would love to carry your kid  " someone said. Hawks opened his eyes and saw turquoise blue eyes staring in golden ones  "good morning........did I interupt some thing?" Sako said. Hawks sat up in the bed " nonono it's not what you think" Hawks said paniking. With big smirk Sako closes the door "what are you doing in my bed?" Hawks snapped at Toya "What your girlfriend can't cuddle with hers boyfriend" Toya said with a smirk "you-" "yes I remember Kei"
"Give me a kiss  love" they kissed soon the kiss was slopy, Toya moned in the kiss "Hey love birds out of the bed. Toya you still have a shool and Keigo you have a job still" Ruyuku said. "How is tallking now hmm" Hawks smirked at her "OUT OF THE BED NOW"

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