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Dabi/Toya pov

I woke up hearing voices "what if some thing goes wrong" said raspy voice. My eyes snaped open "Sigy is that you?" I tried to move. In my view came Sigy " S-Sigy why can't I move? What happend?"

"You don't remember what heros did to you?"
"Last ting I remember is that heroes were chasing us" My voice sound diffrent. I tried to move again but I felt sharp pain in my hand. I hissed " shhh don't move. I will be right back" Sigaraki said. I stared in darkness till I heard multiple footsteps.
"How are you feling?" "m-my arm" I fainaly could move, I sat up feeling little sore.

The doctor examined my arm "I don't know what happened to your wrist but it is damaged a lot" Doctor said. I fell weird my chest is hevier and my voice is diffrent too. I looked at my chest out of curiosity. I have breast, I looked at sigy then at Doctor. They bouth looked suprised? Why?......... Then it hit me " Sigy are thouse real?" 'please don't be real, please don't be real, please don't be real'

"We assume that you got hit with a quirk" " will it were off soon?" I said.
" well....you are sleeping in coma for 3 month" Doctor said. My eyes grew wide
'I m not only a femel but in the same time I have sleapt for 3 month' my brain could not proces the infermation. Are me and Sigy good, what happened when I sleapt, will I be stuck as femal for ever. I have so many questions.

" I would love to make a check up on you. Can you walk?" Doctor said. I stood up little wobbly but soon I could walk just fine.

Non pov
(3 months ago)

"I'll talk to him" Aizawa said. Aizawa wallked around seaching for Hawks. He spotted Hawks leaning aginst a tree smoking "you can't smoke here" Hawks bloved out smoke " I'm sorry. I'm stressed about things.....what will they do to me-" Hawks cut him self off covering his mouth with his hand. He remembered that he is not alone.

In one eye blink Hawks was gone. He flew to skyscraper were he can be alone.

Aizawa stood ther.....tired as fuck. Aizawa walked to meating room. Evryone in room stared at him "he said that he is sorry. He is stressed lately and something I assume that I'd need to hear"
"What will they do to me....then he flew avay" Aizawa said.
Evryone sat ther looking at each other for ansver. No one knew Hawks personally, they only knew his hero name, how old he is , were he lives and that he is No 2 hero.

" I know one thing. He lies about how old he is. He is not 22" Tsukauchi said.
"But why is he lying about his age?" Midnaight said.
"Maby because....I have heard some pros saying that he is to young to be a pro hero, that he is useless. That is what I have heard from some heros" Ruyuku said.

(3 months later)

Hawk was badly injured a month ago in a fight with villains. Aizawa tried to hide the truoth but Sako and Todoroki soon found out the trouth. Now they are  helping to find Toya.
It's been 3 months and no one know were is LOV or Toya.
Ryuku is starting to worry about Hawks is back but what is worrieng her most is that he is not fully recovered. His back is not heald.
Hawks is living on painkilers, he has no time to eat or sleap. Madam president is mad that Hawks lost Dabi. Now Hawks is working all day all night he got only 1 hour of sleap and he does nos not remember when was last time he eat.
Dabi/Toya had woke up from coma

At the meating in UA they discussing what to do next. Aizawa and Ryuku exchanged a look saying that 'we need to get him to Recovery Girl.
When meating ended Ryuku and Aizawa dragged Hawks to Recovery Girl's office.

"I'm fine" Hawks protested. "Don't protest here. Jacket off and shirt too. Lie down on your stomach"
"But-" "No but's"
Hawks sighed. He slowly took off his jacket off and shirt too and lied on the bed.
"Hawks-"  "I know I know" Hawks interuped Recovery Girl "if you know why you arn't you at home in bed?"
Ryuku asks. Hawks didn't say anything "I don't know what is happening to you but I m taking you home and I will stay till you are beter" Tsukauchi said. Hawks gripped the sheets tightly.

Ryuku, Aizawa and Tsukauchi greeed that Tsukauchi  will be with him all the time.

Tsukauchi pov

I got all my stufs what I need I put them in room were I m staying.  I saw Hawks walking to his room. Ryuku and Aizawa trailing behind him.
Hawks layed in bed hiding his face in the pillow like a child who didn't got what he wanted.
Ryuku sat beside him.

"Hawks you can tell us we are your friends" Ryuku said. Hawks brovk down, he huged the pillow and crying in it "stop lying" Hawks said. My heart brok seen Hawks like this " why do you thing we are lying?" I asked. "They said that I don't need them and that no one wan't to be friends with a creep"

I froze in place 'who would say some thing like that' I thought to my self. Ryuku huged him from behind. I kneled in front of him " Hawks look at me"I said. He turned his head to face me. Hes eyes red, he has not stoped crying " Hawks who said that to you is wrong,  evryone need a friend they don't make you week,  they make you even stronger,  you are not creep why would someone say something like that" I said in clam voice.

"Commission would say that" Hawks whispered. "Hawks get some rest" Ryuku said. She mosened for us to go out the room. We sat in the kichen " that mens commission is behind of this" Aizawa said. "But why didn't he say some thing?" Ryuku said.
"Do you think some one would believ him when he would say that commission is torcering him?" Aizawa said. We sat ther for a while till they needed to go.

I walked to Hawks room. Hawks is asleap,  "who know's how much sleep you got" I said to my self.

1092 words

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