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Dabi pov

I m so bord it's only 8 o'clock. I walked around the house. I found him in his room doing some thing in his bathroom did he just pirsed his toung? He looked at me "do you want pirsing in your toung to?"

"How long you know I was hear..." I asked. "When you entered my room" Hawks said and kleaned tols wich he jused "And Nezu said that I will be with you this week then I will pik up you from scool"

"Mhm" I lened against the door frame and wached what Hawks was doing "thouse burns how did you got them?" Hawks asks. Looking at my scared arms "It's my quirk it's burning me" I exsplained to him. "Mhm....pull of your closes I will put this crem it has to heal your damaged skin" I did what he asked but boksers stayed on "ehhh I will start whit your leg " He started to put the crem on my leg.

"Damit it hurts as hell" I pulled my leg avay from him " because your leg is infekted" It hurt's so bad like cuting my leg in peses. I felt some thing wet preses against my leg " Dabi sit down this will take a while" I tought my nervs vere burnt because I never felt anything but why now I feel.

"I could give you some paine killers but you don't like needles but I can give you this it will esey the pain but you still will feel the pain because your scars are messed up"

It hurt's less but still it hurts " I will not pull out the staplers not today, maby tomorrow will see" he bandaged up my leg. I puled my self up " god fucking damit what did you do bird brain"

I limped to my room and fell into my bed and passed out

Hawks pov

When Dabi limped to his room angry.
I heard my phone do the ting. I looked at what would write me this late it was Nezu.



How is it going?

I called him I was to lazy to type some thing now.

"Hey Nezu it's going well but Dabis burns are in bad shape they are infekted  I treted one of his legs" I said to him " that is bad, can he  go to school?" I sat in my bed "Yea he can go"

"And how is the cream is it good to juse it on the burns" that mysterious cream he gave me " it's realy good, were did you got it" on cream tub was noting writen on it " it's a secret, I will get you some more of it, good night Hawks"
"Night princibal Nezu" I said that and hung the call.

I walked to Dabis room to see what is he doing but when I walked in he was passed out on the bed. It's 9 o'clok and tomorow they have to get up erly to go to UA.

Maby now I can get his blood and some thing that will kill the pain.

I got what I need and with first I founed his vein and poked in ther the needel.
Then I put a plaster on the small hole. I put that all in my room when I wanted to inject the pain killers he started to mumble some thing in his sleep.

"Dad don.....it hurts" I put the needel avay " help m-mmmmeeee" I gently saked him to  woke him up "Dabi are you alright" he tried to sat up but groned. He turned on his back and looked at me and didn't say anything.

I sat on the edge of the bed "did your dad abused you when you were small and that's why you become a villan?" he looked at me socked " I-I don-" I interupted him "you don't remember"

"No, I see that person in evry dream/nightmare" I saw it when he was at hospital all confused "Hawks.........I don't....."he looked avay from me he tried to hide his emotions from me "don't hide your emotions Dabi let it out it will fell much beter" it was all it took, tears like waterfalls began to flow " w-why does i-it h-hu-rt so mu-much.....why does l-love h-hurts s-o much"

I put one hand on his back and other on his head and pulled him to my chest " I m so sorry Dabi I didn't know" we sat like that till he fell a sleep.

I gave him pain killers and went to bed too. Now it is 10 pm.


I told evry thing to Nezu what happend except his love life it is personal.

When I got back,  with Dabi was speaking...how was his name Midoriya.
"Good morning Hawks" "Morning"I said back. I had no chances to ask what they were speaking because the bell rang.

Dabi pov

Hawks went some were and I was alone when brocoly boy came to me "h-hey Dabi how are you liking UA this f-far?" he is all nervous is this some kind of risk "it's......okay I gess"this is so akward "Good morning Hawks" "Morning" he said back he wanted to say some thing but bell rang.

They are in training area but me I m at monitors I m alone again Hawks is talking with Aizava.
In side wallks little girl I havent seen here
"Mister could you tie my shoe?" " yea sure" I bend and tied her shoe and then Aizava and Hawks walked in "Thanks you"she said and ran to Aizava

"I see that you are not putting all your weight on your left leg" Tsukauchi said when did he shoud up?
"Dabi Tsukauchi has some questons. And I will change the bandages for you" my leg hurts now but why now my leg didn't hurt all day.

We came to Pr Nezus office. Pr Nezu was already waiting for us.

1006 words

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