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Non pov

Tsukauchi has arived. Now witing at door for some one to let him in. Soon Hawks opened the door and bouth walked to Dabis room "Dabi you have white hair" in some places grey " it's my orginal color no it was red then my hair turned white"

They set up ultrasound " Dabi lay down and pul up your t-shirt" Dabi did what was told. "Do you see some thing" Dabi asks."noting you are not pregnant" Dabi didn't know he was holding his breath,but Hawks moved up his belly cheking if Dabi is okay.

Dabi started to wiggle and vining in pain.
Hawks put avay divise. Hawks tryed to clam him down "Dabi tell me what hurts" Dabi with shaking hand points at his leg.

Dabi opened his eyes and saw in Hawks hand a needel. Dabi tryed to get avay from him but Hawks held him Tsukauchi came to help to held him down. " noooo plese don't please" Hawks ineced. " shhh pain will go away soon" Hawks said clamly.

"He doesn't like needels" Hawks explained. Dabi is looking at closet angry. Hawks tried to wipe Dabis belly but he smashed his hand away.

Hawks siged " Hawks can we talk" Tsukauchi thought that this would be good moment to talk with him. They walked out the room leaving Dabi alone in the room. "Hawks I wanted to talk about you" Hawks raised his eyebrow " Me? Why me? what do you wana know?"

"I know that you are lying. I wana know evry thing from the start" Hawks started to get nervous, he can't lie. 'Dabi fucking do some thing' Hawks took a deep breath and started " I m-" Dabi walked in the hallway " how loong will I wait for you" "I will talk with you another day. I will go now"

Tsukauchi packed evry thing up and drived off. "tomorrow you will be alone with Fluff at home till....01:13 pm" puling out staplers out his waist and puting steches in " Oh and try eating yogurt and drink a lot"

Hawks looked at Dabi. He sat there staring in floor some tears have sliped down his cheeks. "Do you love him still?" Dabi closed his eyes "I don't know"

They are both watching horror movie "Midnight man" and Fluff in Dabis lap sleaping. "The movie isn't that scar- aaaahhhh" Dabi screamed scaring Fluff. Hawks lauhed at Dabis reaction " Fuck you Anna fuck you" Dabi cursed. Hawks laughed even harder.

"Hahahahaha and you sad it wasn't scary hhaahaha" Dabi threw a pillow in his face "sorry, sorry I will stop". They finished watching the movie and went to sleep.


Dabi pov

I woke up by a sound. Fluff sat in my bed and meow "I m up, I m up" I looked at clook it showed 10:11 Am. I sat up,groning in pain evrything hurts. I went to bathroom did evrything what I needed to do and then to kitchen.

I watched how Fluff eats " Fluff you've gotten fatter" Fluff meoved and contuned to eat. I ate one spoonful of yogurt and put it back. Fluff looked at me " don't look at me like that, I'll eat more in lunch, but it's enough for me for now".

I had noting to do that's why I started to clean the house I did living room then kitchen and little bit hallway. It was time for lunch I ate another spoonful with yogurt. "well, one wouldn't hurt"

I stoped eating when I understood that I have eaten all yogurt. "Shit I eated it all" I layed down on the leather couch feeing little bit sick. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up by door closing "were you asleep?"Hawks asks "mhm.......Hawks I eat all yogurt" I said sleepy " did you puk" I shook my head "no but little bit sick thats all" I looked at bag in his hand "what is in the bag?" I pointed a plastick bag " yogurt for you,cat food and some bandages".

He put all the stuf avay "did you clean the house?" he turned to me "yes I just was bord but I didn't clean my room or yours room" I said. He smiled but with a real smile " thanks you Dabi" I smiled back.
When he said that I felt butterflies in my stomach. 'Is this how people fell when they do some thing good?'

Hawks pov

"Thanks you Dabi" I smiled he smiled back. "So cute" did I sad that out loud "what was that?" "you need to smile more it suits you" I said quikly and walked to my room.

I closed my doors " Keigo stop being a gay for once" I looked down "It's only November, it's nowhere not  a spring" I took pack of tissues and and layed in bed.

When I got over with my little problem, I went to see what Dabi is doing.
I found Dabi in livingroom looking out the window. "What are you doing" Dabi looks at his feet " I was just thinking about some stuff"

"Don't worry about it, the heroes will take care of everything with your help, we now know where to find them" we bouth stood there watching how snow is falling. "Hawks remember how you asked me if I want a tongue piercing?"

"Yes. You want one? Whait you don't like needels" I smirked "yes and shut up" he replied " go to my rooms bathroom".

I got evrything what I needed and started " take a deep beath" I pierced his tongue with a needle and put a barbell in it.

I started to get closer to him ' Keigo stop that' " finished, how  do you like it" " yes, thanks you".

Non pov

Suddenly the electricity went out in the whole house. "I'm going to turn on the generator" Hawks walked avay. Dabi was left alone siting in Hawks bed when Hawks phone started to vibrate.

Dabi picked up the phone and it said that Tsukauchi is calling, Dabi ansvers the phone "yes" Dabi says "Dabi listen cerfuly, you need to get out of ther how fast you can-"Dabi drops the the phone " Dabi, DABI YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THER YOU HEAR ME DABI-"


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