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Hawks pov

Me and Dabi are witing for Aizawa to call us. I m in my usual clothes black T-shirt black and red long jacket and blue jeans and Dabi is in UA uniform.

 I m in my usual clothes black T-shirt black and red long jacket and blue jeans and Dabi is in UA uniform

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(I coldn't find what I wanted but here is an example)

I heard Aizawa caling us in. I opened door for Dabi and then I walked in all of the students are staring at us.
"WHY THE FUCK IS DABI HERE" Yell's blond kid. That kid has some anger isus " Bakugo clam down. How I told you Dabi will be joining us for now and Hawks will be with him all the time" Aizawa said.

Me and Dabi walked to the back of the class. And Aizawa started to teach.

When the lunch came i left Dabi alone in class I needed to go to see Nezu with the results of the analyses.

When I got to Nezus office I knok on the door
and walked in " Hello Hawks I received the results of the tests, but where are the blood  test. And what I see  that means Dabi is trans?" Nezu asks "Dabi had a panick attak when he saw a needel and I tink he has anesia becuse when I asked if he is trans he said that he does not know" I explained to him. He took some kind of paper and handed to me " You'll be with Dabi 24/7 you'll be free from your patrols but if someone needs you in a mison you can go"

I said my thanks. When I wanted to leve Nezu said "Oh and Hawks is it okay that Dabi stays with you?" I turned around " yea it's okay I don't mind" I rubed my neack with my hand.

First schools day ended and it was quiet I thought there will be more yelling and questions but maby be it's because I m hear with him. "Dabi you will stay with me from now on" He didn't say anyting.

We got in my car and I drow us to my home. I parked my car and we walked to my front door I unloked the door and let both of us in the house "come with me" I said to him and we walked up stairs and into a hallway in the end of the hallway is window and a balcony "this is will be your room and my room is hear" I pointed to my room.
My room is on right side and Dabi's room is across of mine.

I see that Dabi is not okay I took his hand and pulled him in his room and both of us sat on his bed " Dabi.....What's your real name?"

Dabi pov

"Dabi.....What's your real name?"Hawks ask I don't know I don't remember why. I don't  remember my name or my past "Do you remember your name?" I looked at my hands befor the League I don't remember anyting "sigh if you need some thing you know were to find me" Hawks walked out of the room and I was left with my toughts.

I put on the same clothes that Hawks gave me in  hospital, so I don't have anything else.


"Come in" I said and Hawks walked in with clothes in his hand " this is for now I will get you some more clothes later" Do I ask him maby he knows why I don't remember. He didn't say anything els and walked out of the room.

"I can escap esely, but were will I go Sigy hate's me now. Why did I do it? I was drunk when that man kissed me. Why I m so stupid.....he was only person who loved me" I layed in bed and started to cry in the pillow till I fell aslleep.

"Dabi" I hear someone calling me I turned my head in direction where I heard the voice " Diner is redy come eat you havent eaten all day" I forsed my self to sit up "Dabi did you cry?" Hawks asks " what no you dum bird" I hear him sigh.

We sat at table. I m playing with my food I realy don't wanna eat " don't worry I didn't poison your food" I look at him and put my fork down and pushed my plate avay from me "I m not hungry" he put his fork down and standed up and walked to me " stand up" I hesitated in the beginning but I got up and he started to tuch my stomack. I steped avay from him"what are you doing"

"You have anorexia Dabi. From start I thought that you don't have eaten because you are a villain and you are hard to find the food" he grabed my shoulders and sat me back at the tabel and pused back my plate " eat or I will force you to"

I ate litle bit "I can't eat anything anymore" Hawks sigh and took my plate "at least you got something in your stomach" I'm about to go to my room when " wait" Hawks called for me and gave me some kind of pill and water " Did you know I had a anorexia to.....these will improve your appetite" I took the pill " Why do you care about me that much bird brain?" I svaloved the pill and then drank water " Because you are my patient and about the blood test"

I showed my middle finger and walked away. He was in shock when I did that I laughed about it.

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