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Toya/Dabi pov

It's been a week it's already been a week since I've been in Ujiko's laboratory.
Only ting I m wering all week maby longer is white dress with straps and v-neckline and nothing under it no bra no underwer.

"Dabi you can finally return to base" said Sigy. Portal was behind Sigy. He turned to walk in the portal I reached for his hand but he didn't allow me to hold his hand.
When I step out the portal I was greeted by Toga "Dabiiiiiii welcome back. How are you" She pulled me in bear hug "Toga I can't breath"
She let me go but didn't stop jumping up and down
"OMG DABI. Finally it can be girls night. It will be so much fun we can paint each other's nails, play dress up and and...."

I feel sorry for Toga has never had a girl's night, she doesn't even know what to do on a girl's night. She only knows how to kill. She doesn't even have anyone to talk to,  yes she has a Jin but he is a guy he will not understand many things.
Then I remembered that I had no underwear "Toga can we talk" I said that and walked to hers room and sat on hers bed "what do you wnat to talk. You can tell me evrything"
I played with my finger I m so emberest to ask her "I need a underwear"

"Why didn't you say so. I hawe so may you can try on" She ran to her's coled and pulled out many diffrent bras and panties.

Dabi had put on about twenty pairs " theas two only fit you so you can have then. They are too big for me anyway" Toga said  giving me two pairs one black and other white "Thanks for help" I said and walked to my room.


Tsukauchi pov

It's been a month since I m staying with Hawks. He is beter now if I could say that he is. Hawks is starting to show his true colors, the real him no faking.
Hawks returned to hero work. Comisson had tried to get back control over Hawks but we didn't  allow that to happen. One day Hawks had brought small puppy home,  when Hawks found the puppy he was skin and bouns but now he is in great shape. The puppy is a white mix.

"Tukauchi I have dum idea" Hawks said flewing in the house.

Non pov

Toga persuaded dabi to go out otherwise dabi just sat in her's room and crying. Toga didn't know what is happening to Dabi she hears them argue with each other. Kurigiri is not around to stop Sigaraki.

Dabi is not happy Sigaraki treats her like a tool not as a person nor a lover. Dabi had tried to stop Sigaraki. He drug's  her and then she does not remember and when she is wournoble he takes the advantage to rape her.

Hawks, Tsukauchi, Eraser, Ryuku and Sako. They had told that Toya is kidnaped by Lov. Surprisingly Bakugo didn't say anything. Todoroki wanted to help to find his brother and Sako too but Aizawa reasoned  'If we needed help we will ask for it , but for now let the professionals handle it'

"Hawks how you know it will work" Ryuku asks. "I do not know. An idea just popped into my head and then I thought why not try it" Hawks answered. They followed Fluff fir a while when they heard footsteps. Fluff started to run in that direcon and meoving.

"Dabi look a cat" Toga said. Fluff jumped in Dabi arms "DABI WHY ARE YOU HERE" Sigaraki yelld at her. Fluff ran to hide. Dabi didn't dear to move a musle. Sigaeaki walked to her "ansver me" "Sigy don't be mad at her it is my foult-"
"SHUT UP TOGA I didn't ask you" Sigaraki yelld. When Dabi didn't ansver Sigaraki was pisst about it. He stole one knifes from Toga and in one move ment he cut off top of Dabis ear. She scremed in pain and colapsed on grownd holding hers left ear.

The heros couldn't stand ther and lisen "SIGARAKI SURENDER NOW" Tsukauchi yelld. Eraser head resed Sigarakis quirk. Sigaraki tries to stab Dabi but Hawks was quicker than him and pinned him to a wall with his feathers.

Dabis instincts yells at her to run and hide. When she saw an a opportunity she ran and ran in diffrent direcons till she was to ehsosted to run. She hide behind boxes to catch her breath little bit. The storm started. She remembered a house and how to get ther.

Sigaraki freed him self "TOGA KILL THEM" Sigaraki yelld. Toga didn't budge, she didn't know what to do in this situation "Toga" She heard some one calling her name. She looked around and spotted Mr Compress who mosen with his hands for her to come to him.
Toga looked back were heros and Sigaraki are fiting and then at Compress. She took one step then another and another till she started to walk faster and then she ran to Compres in tears.

Heroes defeted Sigaraki then they turned to Toga, who is standing next to Compress " Toga you come with me" Tsukauchi said. Aizawa took Sigaraki and started to walk "Come on Toga" Sako said. They started all to walk when Toga spotted something on the ground it was Dabis diary. She ran to it "Toga were ar you-" "This is Dabis diary" Toga said. Tsukauchi called Hawks and Ryuku. He said that Toga found a clue to which side Dabi has run off.

Ryuku and Hawks looked for Dabi all day. It's dark out side and it's storming " maybe he ran to your house" "I hope so-" Hawks turned around "did you hear it" Hawjs asks. "Do you think it is Dabi?" "I hope so" Hawks anvered. They walked in direcon were they heard the scream. With their phone light they light the way in allyway.

1010 words

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