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Dabi pov

Nexst morning when me and Hawks were eating brekfast. Titmouse flew in through the open window. Red flashed past my eyes and Hawks caught the little bird "Got you little fella"

The flames hit the bird and it falls to the ground squealing in pain and the man
piked up the bird and twisted it's head " NOOOOO DON'T KILL THE BIRD" I fell from the chair.

Non pov

Dabi started to panick. Hawks quickly lets bird out side and rushed to Dabis side "Dabi breath in and out" Dabi didn't listen he remembered that terrible day.

Through the open window flew in a bird he and little boy they tried to get bird out, but the man came in "what are you doing"?????? said. Looking at two boys in front of him " we are trying to get the bird out"said little boy. The man shot a fire ball at the bird.
The bird fell down and chirped in pain it's wing was burned down compleatly and blood soked the floor " clen this up ????" the man said and walked out the room draging the little one with him. The boy cerfuly piked up the bird "I m so sorry little bird I-I didn't want that to hapen" tears fell down his face he houlded the bird till it whent limp. The boy buried the bird and put flowers on the small grave and prayed.

Hawks started to panick Dabi didn't respond and Dabis eyes started to close up. Hawks filled a bowl of water and poured it over Dabi.

Dabi snaped out of his memories. Breathed hard loking around remembering what happend "Dabi" he heard some one saying his name. Dabi turned his head were the sound come from "K-Keigo?" he said and passed out.

Hawks pov

Dabi looked at me and said "K-Keigo?" he passed out "how he knows my name?"I said to my self. I picked him up and carried him to bathroom. I undresed him boksers stayed on I m not some kind of pedo. If he is passed out I can put creem on his leag and pull out staples on his hand.

I finished with his leag and started to pull out staplers and put in some stices.
I was almost done when I heard pined gron Dabi is up. I only finished lover part of his hand.

"Dabs you ok" "what happend,were am I ?" Dabi looks around "you passed out and now you are in bathroom. I bandaged and put crem on your other leag and little bit started on your hand" I explaned to him.

"I remebered some thing" Dabi try to stand up but his leags give up. I helped him to bed And gave him some wather " what did you remember? Some thing bad?" I sat beside Dabi on his bed.

"Throught the window flew in a bird like today and little boy I think he is my brother. We tryed to get the bird out but the man came in the room and asked what we are doing and the little boy expained. Then the man b-burned o-of the birds wing of a-and 'sob' and he took t-the little b-boy w-with him and he s-said to m-me t-to kleen up 'sob' a-and t-that b-bird d-died in m-my hands. I b-b-buried the bird"

Dabi sobed I pulled him in hug and rubed his back but what I didn't expect that he will returns the hug.

When he clamed down "do you know that man? You think that little boy is your brother maby that man is your father?" I asked him "maby I don't know" "and who is Keigo you said that name when you passed out" 'I need to know how he knows my name' "I....I don't know I don't remember saying that "

When I wanted to leave I saw in one of nighstand drawere packet cigarets I pulled it out "Dabi what's this?" Dabi looked at floor and played with his fingers "Dabi ansver me" he didn't answer I sighed "I m taking thes y- 'sight' now will be rols 1. You can't smoke it's bad, 2. You are eating healty 3. And lastly take care of yourself"

I walked out the room "I was to harsh on him" I said to myself quietly.

Dabi pov

12 Am I can't sleep 'I need a smoke atlest I have more' I walked to closet and tuk one cigaret and lighter.


It's been two weeks passed. Hawks saw that I like drawing and come up with plan, I draw people who I remember.

I have tree people one is me but with blank faces I can't remember how they or I look.

My right leag is healed it looks like brend new and my left leg doesn't heal it's damaged to much, staplers are taken out from my bouth arms and my chest, staplers are left on my waist and face.

Hawks said that he will not do anything for now till my left leag heals. My left leg is with deep burns and werey much infected.

I have to clean my leag two times in day in the morning and in the evening but I some thimes I forgot or it hurts too much It will not hurt anyone right.

I m siting in class reding a book "Warrior cats"
some people starts to show up I try to ignor them and contune to read the book but of course I m interupted.

"Hey Dabi what are you reading?" I look up and saw Deku I think it was "Warrior cats"I answered simply "It looks werey intresting" "yeah it is" he wanted to ask more questons, but the bell rang and I was gratful about that.

Aizawa walked in and said that we need a clases prezident and we need to diside about that till his nap end's.

Klass was haos evryone yelling about who would be president and like that. Finally it was over clases president is Ida.

Aizawa woke up from his nap and explained about training their special moves and I would sit and watch or some thing else.

1049 words

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