Chapter 2- That fuckin crystal

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I... hate... waking up... holy shit... why do I have to go downstairs for some fuckin coffee, why can't it be upstairs? I got barely any sleep last night... that fuckin crystal is annoying as an American saying shrimp on the barbie, they're fuckin prawns ya cunt! Prawns! No one in Australia even says prawn on the barbie. 

Well, time to make some coffee. Lets wait... wait... still waiting... Will this shit hurry the fuck up?

"hey ya fucking cunt, hurry up before I throw you out the window."

Of course it still doesn't hurry up. Ah I will just try wait, try not make the window shatter. Oh, there we go. It's done, finally. HOLY SHIT THAT IS SO GOOD. I FUCKING SNAPPED ON THE FIRST SIP HOLY SHIT. I SHOULD CALM THE FUCK DOWN BUT OH MY GOD. Ok, I think I'm ok, holy shit, but first thing I need to do is get that crystal off my front lawn. 

It isn't raining today, surprise, surprise. No but this is probably going to be the only time it doesn't rain this year. I don't really need coffee that much, but days like these when I get absolutely no sleep, I need it. I'm somehow already done the coffee and I feel like I could commit 38 consecutive war crimes in Albania without anyone knowing it was me.

The god damn crystal's so loud out here, how did I actually end up sleeping with that noise? Ok, I may need to see what this crystal is made out of, because nothing just makes a noise that loud for no reason. Imma just take one piece of that damn crystal and put it in the basement. Hell, why not just put all the pieces?

I don't know why but I have a massive fucking scanner in my basement that'll take like a day to finish scanning. Well, all the pieces are in there, time to turn it on. (not in a sexual way) Thank fuckin god that the door blocks out all the noise when it's closed so I can finally sleep!

Now what? I could message Japan or something, just get to know her. That's really all I can think about. Ok, just gotta not panic, wait, are we still even in the same time zone? I have no idea, well I'll just pull up my trusty friend google. And it seems Queensland to Tokyo is 1 hour off. Whatever, it's 1pm she should be awake. 

Hi! I'm Australia! I got your number from a friend.

Hi Australia, do you need anything?

Ok, she responded, what do I do?

How's the weather there?

It's very nice, it's sunny today! You?

It isn't raining today, somehow.

I like it when it rains, you're lucky that it rains often!

No, not really, haven't you heard? The floods?

Oh my, it's flooding there?

You didn't know?

No, not really I only heard about the fires.

Uh, this is strange but, I have a massive crocodile as a pet.

What the... How? How big is the crocodile?

Um... it's about the length of the UK?

Holy crap, really?

Like half actually.

That's still massive.

Yeah, but he's a tame fella 

So... what was the point of you texting me?

Uh, just wanted to talk, get to know you a bit.

Oh, that's nice, well we can talk later, I liked getting to know you a bit. Bye!


Ok, I think I did good. I think she might like me, that's good. I hope I can see here in person eventually. I've just been trying to get her number for awhile and finally I did and it definitely went well. I think. Still not completely sure.

Alright, now what? I don't ever know what to do. Maybe just listen to some music, maybe I could ask her what kind of music she likes. Well I'll just listen to some music to pass the time.

An hour later or some shit idk man

Well, I might go make some vegemite toast, for lunch? Well what else would I have? A lamington? That would be quite nice actually, I might have one in the fridge. I'll go check, I have no idea, well there isn't any beers in here, that's a good think, I would've drank it but I'm trying to stop drinking alcohol. So far it's been 5 months, it feels better.

Anyways, there is one, good. I didn't want to go to the shops for a lamington because I'll probably end up buying some drinks and then some more food and before I know it, I spent over $100 bucks.

I'll be back listening to my music while eating a lamington. That's just life, wish I could play cricket with my bros. Maybe I'll get a text from Japan, or Canada, I don't know. 

Oh hey, someone's ringing me. It's probably Canada or something. OH GOD IT'S JAPAN. WHAT? OH CRAP.

"Hi Australia! I'm back!"

Oh god.

"Hi Japan, I wasn't expecting a call from you."

"Heh, alright bud. What are you doing?"

"I was just listening to some music."

"Oh, I was just out with a friend earlier."

"Alright, what'd you do?"

"We went to the park and just hung out, also got some snacks. What kind of music are you listening to?"

"I'm listening to AJR, I'm not sure if you know about them.

"I love AJR! What song?"

"Multiple, it's kinda just neotheater and OKO."

"Alright, I would love to visit Australia sometime! And also meet you!"

"Ok, I'm pretty sure my brother Canada will be coming soon as well!"

"Oh, well would I be able to be there when he is also there?"

"That would be fine, I don't think he'll care at all."

"Yay! I think I'll be free in a couple days and I can come over!"

"Ok, I'll tell my brother that you'll be coming over as well."

"Awesome! Well I might go now, I'll see you in 2 days!"



Well, that's it for the 2nd chapter, I hope you enjoyed! Also please listen to AJR their music is the only reason I can get through this.

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