Chapter 13- おはよございます

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I woke up randomly in the middle of the night, sweating. I had a nightmare about, that. As I got out of bed I thought I heard something from outside. I turned my head to see nothing, strange. Well I'm sure it's nothing. God... I need to get something to eat, I'm starving.

As I made my way to the kitchen I couldn't help but think about yesterday. Yesterday, was, sad for me to say the least. I honestly thought we couldn't die, except when we try to, die ourselves I guess? Or when we just fall apart. But no! Those, things can kill us. Well, that's what had happened to my parents.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I thought as I looked through the fridge. Maple syrup, no, more maple syrup, no, more maple syrup? The hell? Oh, there's some actual food, besides what Canada probably drinks. 

Alright... there isn't anything in here but maple syrup and... um... big macs... well, I gu- wait who the hell puts big macs in a fridge? I swear no wonder I'm not actually related to my "brothers" well, I guess I'll have to make do with this stuff for now. Actually I'd rather not touch Canadas maple syrup.

I'll just have a big mac then. How did he even get that many big macs? Well he probably has his workarounds for everything. Dunno why, he probably doesn't need to.

I ate the big mac as I thought about my life. Yeah, kinda cringe, all the chapters before 12 were kinda cringe and bad, he should probably rewrite them. And change a crap ton of things up. That's what he should do.

1 and a half hours later :)

I decided that maybe I'll go check on Japan, see if she's up. As I opened the door I saw her start to open her eyes.

"おはようございます!" (Good morning!) I said.

"待って、何?" (Wait what the?) She asked confused, seemed like she was still waking up.

"何?" (What?) I asked.

"いつから日本語が話せるようになりましたか。" (Since when could you speak Japanese?) She questioned.

"そうそう、私はあなたに言ったことはありません。" (Oh right I never told you) I said.

"つまり、これは素晴らしいです!私はあなたと個人的に話すことができます。" (I mean this is great! Now I can talk to you privately.) She said.

"Yeah well, I guess so but I feel a bit weird now. I'm sorry I never told you." I apologised.

"No need to apologise, it's fine, what are you doing up so early right now? It's only 5:30 in the morning." Japan asked.

"Um, well I had a nightmare about, you know what. So I just got out of bed and decided to, I don't actually know what I did, it was more like laying around like a cat than doing anything." I said.

"I do that a lot, just usually when I'm thinking of something." She said.

"Alright, got it, I was thinking of things as well, but I was talking to Fleet a lot." 

"Who's fleet?" Japan asked.

"Oh right, his name's Fleetway, (because sonic.exe is cool :) he's basically just me. But a bit more, edgy, and violent." 

"Could I meet him?" 

"Yeah sure. Alright Fleetway, you can come out now." 

I began to lose control as he took over. God I hate that feeling.

"Hello there honey! How are you today?" He asked.

"Good, I'm feeling good, you?" Japan replied.

"I'm as great as ever! So how has my friend been treating you lately?"

"He's great! Really! But can I ask you something?"

"Yes! Of course you can!"

"Why do you look like super sonic?"

"Just give the writer some slack, this chapter's a day overdue and he just wants to write down things that to likes."

"Oh, ok, I guess that is true."

"Honestly, Majin is a persistent little bugger, he was trying to fight back when I was taking over. Oh that's what we all call 'regular' Australia."

"Majin? That seems a bit, well, strange to call your friend a demon."

"Oh it's fine, he doesn't care. Plus it's a cool name. Oh and I'm not edgy. That little bitch always calls me edgy."

"It was nice to meet you. Don't you think you should go back go wherever you were now?"

"You're just saying that because you miss Majin already, aren't you?"


"So when are you two gonna fuck? I've only been sticking around for that."

"The FUCK FLEETWAY?" I yelled, likely waking the others up.

"Oh right, I forgot you could hear what I'm saying. But you guys should check out rul-


Btw please don't do what Fleetway over here says, he's just a bit perverted, that's all ;)

"Fine, anyways so have you ever heard of porkhub?" He joked.

"I will murder you if you replace one of those letters with a different letter, I'm looking at you writer!" I said.

"Well you're the one who's inside me." He said.

"Is that gay? Incest? Or masturbating? I don't know." I asked, genuinely confused.

"I, don't, know..." Japan said.

"Can we please end this chapter off here? I need sleep." I said.

"Nein, we cannot." Fleetway said with a smirk.

"Stop it." I said as I split apart from him.


I threw my fist at his face, making him fall over onto the ground.

Yeah I need to get this chapter out and I need to get some sleep, so yeah, I was tired as fuck and now that I still cannot get an actual upload schedule. So yeah, this one was kinda weird.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now