Chapter 9- Coffee

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Is it finally the next day? I want to get some coffee right now. I'm bloody tired as hell. I don't know why though. I went to sleep at a reasonable time. If going to sleep at 11 in the arvo is considered reasonable.

Well, how can I get out of bed without waking Japan up. That might be a problem. Oh wait, I got a message. If only I could read it right now. Maybe I should just go back to sleep. It's still a bit dark out.

I got another message... who is that? Seriously? Oh, another message. Another message? What the hell? Hold on. I might be able to get my phone. If I just... got it. Right. Lets see who the hell this person is.

America? Why is he messaging me right now? He's always busy doing 'stuff' with Russia. That's strange. Well whatever.

Bro! Canada just sent me a photo of you and Japan in bed together! Hah! What the hell? Why didn't you tell me about this?

Oh shit.

Nah but seriously bro! You could've told me!

Oh god.

Bro! I'm definitely showing New Zealand this! 

Wait, he doesn't know that I know about his thing with Russia. 

Hold on, bro, I just want to know why you never told me this.

Oh hi America, I want to know why you never told anyone about you and Russia? Huh?

What are you talking about man? Did your floods give you memory loss or something?

Mate, you're not fooling me. How about I tell Canada about you and Russia's thing?  

Bro, ok, I admit it. But please don't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone if you don't.

Alright man. But, I'm serious, if you tell anyone. I will tell everyone.

Ok, ok, I won't tell anyone. I promise.


Wait, why are you awake right now?

I don't know.

Oh wait, were you recreating Japans favorite anime? 

The fuck is wrong with you? Of course not you cunt!

Yeah sure, I'll leave you to do whatever you and Japan were doing.

God I hate you sometimes.

That's a bit rude you know?

Don't care, now shut up. I'm trying to go back to bed.


Well shit, lets hope he doesn't be a cunt and tell everyone on this earth. Well, I think that the rest of the time that they're here may be a bit awkward. Well between me and Canada, I'd rather not let Japan know about this.

I just have to go to sleep now and continue whatever we were doing yesterday or something, I don't know.

Hi there, it's me, mr inconsistent upload schedule here. I need to talk to you about something. And that is, if you're confused because I have no clue how you've done it if you're not confused because I'm confused. I don't know why. Anyways. Time skip I guess. You get what I'm going to say already.

God, I couldn't sleep much at all. What the hell? Now I feel like if I don't get coffee right now then I'll just, I don't know, what I'm saying is that I'm tired and I need coffee. 

"You're finally up, took you long enough."

"Yeah bro, when did you go to sleep last night?

"I don't know."

"Ok, well, what are we going to do today?"

"Hold on, hey Sammy, please make me a coffee I don't think I can right now."

"Who the hell is Sammy?"

"Sammy the spider, he's adorable."

"Oh right, that thing."

"Oh hey look, his hand is behind you Canada."

"His hand?"

"Listen I don't know either."

Huh, I wonder how I'm still standing right now. Oh right, I don't know. Anyways I still need some coffee, I don't get why recently I just need coffee for whenever I wake up, probably just because I haven't been going to sleep at a reasonable time lately.

Oh hey, Sammy's already done. That was quick.

"Thanks Sammy." 

Sammy's the best spider ever. I love him, he's so kind and cute, just, amazing.



"Yeah I can see that but what's it doing there?"

"Doing spider stuff."

"You aren't very helpful."

"I know."

"Can you at least tell me where it's from?"

"Honestly I'd rather not know."

"Why are you pointing down?"

"You're getting coffee all over the floor!"

"I am?"

"Yes you are!"

"Well ok, SHIT."

How did I slip on coffee?

"Are you ok?"

"No... I think a shard of ceramic is in my back."

"Oh god, there's blood."

"Well I'll be fine... what are we going to do today?"

"I don't think you'll be fine! There's blood all over your back!"

"That's fine mate."

"That isn't fine! Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm ok, I just feel a bit strange. Wait, is it just me or is it getting darker?"

It's definitely getting darker, and I feel like how I felt during 1788, that was a dark year for me. Ok I don't feel good at all. I need to sit down, I feel like I'm going to throw up. That reminds me of something,

Well shit. Does the chapter really have to end off like that? Wait sorry.

Hey you fucking cunts today I learned something that I do a lot without realising called, procrastination. Seriously it took me like 4 days to finish this chapter like what the hell man. Anyways, bye, there isn't anything wrong with me don't ask questions.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now