Chapter 19- Everything'll be alright,

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I just can't any more, I can't just leave  without saying goodbye, this book is officially discontinued, but for now, enjoy what I could manage to write before the inevitable end, I'm sorry and goodbye.


Reboot successful.

Launching new abyssal core.

H.P.I servers aren't launching properly.


Most of the data in the core is corrupted, and may cause [ANOTHER FATAL ERROR]


Yes No

<<< REALITY >>>

Once sent away to never return.

I've never been stopped enough in my lifetime.

Once I was liberated from her control.

I cannot be stopped, you're screams will not deter me.

never intended to be a scarer.

and yet






I opened the door to someone. Someone that looks as old as me. He looked nothing like me, except for one thing, a blue, white and red watermark seemed to be plastered all over his face. I stared at him, confused.

"Hi." He said.

I stared at him, now even more confused, I decided to speak up, not even sure if he'd understand me.

"Who are you?" I said in my language.

Now the person at the door looks as confused as me. But maybe he did seem to understand me in some way.

"My name's Chris." He said.

I didn't understand anything he said, except for Chris. What does Chris mean? Oh, is that a name? I think it is.

"My name's Australia." I said to the person at my front door.

"Australia?" Chris said, seeming to also only understand my name.

I nodded and invited Chris inside my house, he seemed reluctant at first but he entered and I had closed the door after him. [NEW SUBJECT DESIGNATED FOR TERMINATION] I lead him to my room, I still didn't know why he was here. [WARNING: SUBJECT NAME legion HAS ESCAPED AT main gate A]

We then communicated non-verbally and he teached me some words of his language. He had then told me he had nowhere to go, so I told him he could stay for the time being.


Chris's pov because I need to change things around

I woke up in Australia's guest room, I've spent a year here, I wonder if anyone will come for me. Everyday, in the morning, I cannot get that question out of my head. I get out of bed, trying to get those thoughts out of my mind, but it lingers.

I walk into the kitchen to see my older siste- I mean Torres crying, and Abby, his face was distraught, and he was trying to comfort Torres.

"Excuse me," I say trying to not be rude. "what happened?"

Abby just looked at me, and Torres was trying to get words out.

"aust, australia, he, is gone." Torres said while sobbing.

My stomach dropped, I felt a singular tear roll down my cheek, and another, and another.

I was distraught, confused, I just had so many questions. Where did he go? Did he get kidnapped? Will I ever see him again? Those questions flooded my brain, I don't know why... him?

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now