Chapter 3- Wow, today was eventful.

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Ok, so, last night was crazy, and I need to check on that crystal thing, I think it's done. The scanner is done doing its thing. Actually, on second though, I should just leave it there because what the fuck will I do with some crystals just chilling in the attic? I'll see what they do after they leave, so it probably will stay there for awhile.

Alright, I should probably message Canada and ask when he's coming.

Hey bro, when will you be coming to Australia?

I'm coming tomorrow! I'm excited to see how it is there.

Well you might not be able to see everything that I would like to show you because of the floods and it raining all the time. But lets just pray for good weather for however long you'll be here.

I'm fine with that mate!

Why'd you say mate?

Well, don't you say it a lot?

Yeah, but you're Canada, there's no point saying it.


No, don't apologise, it's fine.


Well I'm excited! You should probably bring maple syrup because I have none of that. Well you can also buy it but no one buys it in Australia.

Do you also want me to bring you some beers?

Nah mate, I stopped drinking, been sober for 5 months or something.

That's amazing! I'm proud of you!

Yeah, I'm surprised I've lasted this long honestly.

Well just keep it up bro!

Bye Canada! I'll see you tomorrow!


Ok, well that may be a bit hard to explain when he gets here and sees Japan here already. Why am I like this? And how is it nearly 3 in the afternoon already? How much sleep did I get last night? When did I go to sleep last night? Whatever, just at least I'm not picking anyone up today. I think that I might have to go down to Sydney though, I think that's where she's landing, I'm not sure entirely. Actually I might have to stay there for some more time waiting for Canada because apparently neither of them can land in Brisbane! God damnit, well, can't wait to drive to Sydney in bloody 3 in the morning while trying to stay awake from Maccas coffee!

Oh god, well at least I won't have to endure a fucking 14 hour flight like Canada's doing. What are we even going to do, I mean maybe we could check out Uluru or the reef. Or maybe we could just stay in Sydney for a bit and check out everything there. Maybe try not get flooded, that wouldn't be very fun. Alright, I should probably try get to bed in 2 hours or something.

It is only 3:30 though, maybe I'll try think of some more things to do. Because I don't want their trip to not be worth all the time. I could show them the local wildlife, and try not see a bee because I hate bees.

Oh, huh, I got a message from Japan.

Hey Australia! Just so you know I'll be landing in Brisbane instead of Sydney! Still hope we go to Sydney though. 

That's great! And yeah we'll still be going to Sydney because we'll have to pick Canada up.

Alright. I should be there by 4, so 30 more minutes.

Wait, you're coming today?

Yeah! I'm really excited!

Alright. I'll go drive to the airport now, what gate?

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