Chapter 10- America

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Shit... my back hurts, what the hell was that for? I'm still tired as well, whos idea was this? I hate them, well, I'm sure that's the only time something like that'll happen. Ha, ha, ha... well shit.

Oh right, I'm in a hospital, god I hope I'll be fine.

"Hi Australia! Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. My back hurts that's all."

"Alright, well your brother America is here by the way."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, well I'll just leave now and he'll come in soon."




"Heyy, buddy! What happened?" (This is America you dirty little stinky rat)

"Um, hi bro. I don't really remember what happened all too well."

"Oh, alright."

"Well why are you here?"

"I heard about what happened yesterday and since Canada was here I thought I may as well come visit."

"That was yesterday!?"

"Yeah, it was yesterday."

Fuck it I'm changing how I write talking, so yeah :)

Huh, well that's confusing. "Hey Ame," I said.


Hold on, I forgot what I was saying, oh right. "How long are you going to stay here for?"

"Probably when Canada leaves, but I'm not sure." He said.

Ok... well, now this'll be strange. I may need to talk with Ame in private just to explain some stuff. "Alright then, well when can we leave?" I said.

"I think, actually I'm not sure when you can leave. I mean I doubt it'll be very long from now."

"Right, well ok."

"Well then, can you tell me how you know about, y'know, my-

"Relationship?" I said.

"Yeah... I'm still confused about that."

"Listen, I'm confused as well."

"Confused about what?"

"Well first, why you're here, second... nevermind."

"Got it, well then, I'm going to go talk to Canada for a bit, I'll come back soon" America said as he left the room.

I hate whoever thought that this story would be a good idea to write. Well, whatever, I guess I can't really do anything. And I'm sure that the punishments will get much worse the more we go on. Don't know what I did to deserve them, but, it's just whatever I guess.

Suddenly somebody knocked on the door. And a person in a white coat walked in the room.

"Hello sir." He said.

"Hi, can I go now? I'm awake." I said.

"Yeah you're fine to go back home." 

"Alright, well thanks." 

Finally, I can leave, well I wonder what we're going to do today. I'm scared for the next punishment though, I don't know why but recently I've been getting hurt a lot, so I wonder what the next one will be. 

Maybe one day they'll stop, but I don't know, my guess to what the next one'll be is- 

"Hi Australia, so, the doc let you go home?" Japan said out of nowhere.

"Yeah, where's my brothers?" I said.

"Right behind you." America said, guess what, from behind me.

"Alright, so what are we going to do today?" Japan said.

"First off, get out of the hospital." I said.

"And?" She replied.

"Um, any ideas?" 

"Don't you live here? You should know all the best places." America said, confused.

"I live in Brisbane, not Sydney and I don't know why." (You should know who this is)

"Right, well I'll just search up things to do in Sydney." America said as he pulled out his phone.

Yeah I'm just going to end the chapter off here, I know it's kinda short (that's what she said) but I literally leaved this til a god damn school night, so yeah, bye, hope you enjoyed.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now