Chapter 5- That was excessively dangerous

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"It's slowing down now."

"Thank god. That was so dangerous."

"I know."

"We may need to do that again but it may take a minute if we want to go to Uluru because normally it'd take 35 hours to drive there from Brisbane."

"Oh god."

"Well, that was excessively dangerous."

"I know man."

"Well, we need to get the fuck in there and get to his gate."

"Alright, but stop swearing."

"Sorry. But we need to hurry the hell up and get to the gate!"

"Yeah, lets go."

7 minutes 32 seconds and 674 milliseconds later because I can

"Well, we're here at his gate in time somehow."

"We got here in time?"

"Yep, I wonder when he'll get here. I bet the plane's just taxiing right now."

And yes that is the correct spelling for some reason.

"Yeah nice."

"I wonder how I'll figure out how you guys wont get confused when there's 3 people talking."

"What? What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know."

Guys, I may have figured out a way to not want you guys to kill yourself! So, when Japans speaking it'll still be on the left but Australia will be in the middle and Canada will be on the right! Kill me! It'll happen when Canada will actually be speaking and not when Canada isn't there because I still hate myself.

"Well ok then."

"Huh, I wonder when his plane's going to be here."

"It should definitely be soon."

"It looks like it just arrived actually."

"Really? Oh hey it did."

"Bloody hell, things may get complicated."

"Hey bro! It's really good to see you! Why is Japan here as well though?"

"Um, well, she wanted to come over as well and see the country and shit I mean stuff."

"Ah, that's okay, I like the new look."

"Thanks bro, anyways we should get going and do some shit! I mean stuff."

"You never learn it seems."

"Listen I'm trying my best and that's all that matters at least I'm not a fucking cunt like those feathered bin FUCKING cunts called ibises."

"Holy crap calm down."

"Yeah bro, they're just birds."

"You don't get it! I want to commit 273 war crimes in the shit hole that those fucking dumbass cunts that look like an inbred child murderer eating a fucking fat ass cow bitch that one of those dumb fucks called 'americans' would call a fucking SHRIMP! What the hell is a shrimp? They're called fucking prawns you god damn cunt!"

"Please calm down you're bringing attention to us."

"Yeah bro, I want to enjoy this trip!"

"I want to shoot a small child, in self defense of course."

"Um, bro, calm down, this isn't a technoblade memorial book or some shit."


"Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Can we please leave?"

"Alright, did you guys pack some fucking, uh, umm. Swimmers, right swimmers."

"Um, I think I did pack whatever those are."

"Fair dinkum mate."

"Your slang is so strange I swear to god."

God I hate this. I need to go do something, I might go to to bondi beach or something and just sit at the bottom of the ocean, I've gotten quite used to not drowning when I'm underwater.

"Can we go to the beach? I need to do something that doesn't include bloody death and destruction."

"What beach though?"

"Bondi, what other beaches would we go to?"

"Oh, I get what you meant now."

"Yeah nice."

"I really want to go there! I heard that it's amazing!"

"Yeah, I really like my beaches and my landscape and my buildings and my abominations that are called animals here."

"Those things are made by you?"

"Hold on, I forgot where they're from... space... demigods... demons... well, that isn't very pleasant. Oh wait and one more thing... hen... nevermind actually, I might not say that, some children may be reading this."

"What was the last one?"

"Yeah, what was it?"

"You don't want to know."

"Surely we'll be fine."

"I doubt that."

"Come on, can you please say it?"

"fuck me... I'll tell you it at a place that isn't in public, that might be bad if I do."

"Alright, but can we go to the beach now?"

"Yep, lets go now."

"Wait, I think I left my stuff at your place."

"I'll go get it real quick."

"Isn't your place like, 10 hours from here?"

"I know. But I may just speak German for a bit and then end this shit off because it's nearly 1 am when I'm finishing this crap. Anyways, Aber warum hast du es nochmal übersetzt."

And there we go, the 5th chapter, I hate myself, I genuinely want to kill myself.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now