Chapter 7- It's like being a tourist.

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Well, I'd rather not want to kill myself so lets just say that Vic and NSW will just be around. Doing there own thing. I'm just making things easier for you and myself.

"I mean, maybe we should just not go talk to them?"


"I don't really know, lets just go in the water."

"Alright then. I wont question it."

"So, we going to go in the water or what?"

"You can both go, I'll go in pretty soon."

"Ok, see you in a bit then."

"Yeah, when will you go in though?"



I wonder if those bloody crystals are a bit dangerous to my body, maybe I shouldn't be using those things to make anything that I could wear. Or I could try make something that wont slowly erode my brain, wait, that's just what Alzheimer's disease does, this might make things problematic, if the crystals do something similar to that, maybe I should throw the fucking crystals into the vacuum of space.

I should probably get in the water now. I'll just take my shirt off now. Then I'll go in the water and contemplate my life choices. Well maybe not that, I'll just enjoy the beach I guess. I'll just go in the water now.

"Hi guys."

"Hi Australia! I really like this place already!"

"Me too! I don't believe that this place is never talked about. It's too good."

"Thanks, it isn't always perfect weather though."

"I still like it when it rains though, it's nice."

"I used to think that."

An hour later or some shit like that man, I'm just trying to finish this so I can sleep man, can you please understand that?

Well, that was fun, I wonder where we'll go now. Probably the bridge or something.

"Can we go see the bridge now?"

Of course, everyone wants to see the bridge, even though it's just a bridge.

"Sure, we could probably go to the top, I mean I don't get why we couldn't."

"I was thinking we could go to that opera house that looks like orange peels."

"Well the designer based it off of orange peels, I don't get why."

"Really? That's so strange."

"Oh and the fireworks and everything for the new year are going to look amazing, I've already seen them but it's really exciting, so it's going to be in a month. If any of you want you could come over and check it out."

"That sounds fun but I don't think I could come."

"That's fine. I'll just send you a video I guess."

"I think I could go, I'm not entirely sure though."

"Well ok, I don't mind."

"Well we should probably dry off now."

"Don't worry, I got this. Now what was that guy called? Was it the abomination? Right. Maybe not. I don't want to traumatize any small children."  

"Oh thank god."

"What does that guy look like?"

"You don't want to know, I wish I didn't know what he looks like."

"Wow, it must be terrifying."

"Terrifying is just putting it gently, it's as if the ḑ̴̛̘͔̮̹͉̖̀̆͜e̴̡̜̻̤̱͚̺̯̮͋̔͌̈́͛̀͆̾̿̽͊̽̊̇m̷̧̢̛̮͚͔͇͔̗͎͇͚̺͙̗̆̅́̈́́̅͊͗̍̄͛̓̚͠i̵̢̢̬̭͛̀̿̓̆͆͑̈́͌̅̅̎g̷͖̬̙̟͙͍̙̫͇͕͉̦̘̣̦̋͊͛͐̂̉̊͊̓́̐̀̚͠ỡ̸̧̜̂̉̒́̓̆̄͆͐͘̕͝d̵̪̰̘̖̙͉̼͂̃͋́́͜͜ and t̷͎̪̻̭̤͕̙̙̹͈͔̺̀̉̽̌͌̒̏̽̈́͋͋̄͘͠ḧ̷̡̛̛̘̥̠̫̯̹̖͓̦͈̤́͋͒͂̓̔̔̇̇͘͘͘͜͠ͅe̸̡̩̦̋̄͐̋̒̽͐̋̑͌͋̆̄̊͘ͅ ̷̡͚̯̺̦̪͈̐́̀́͌́̆̎̾͝c̷̯̟̪͚̳͆̅̔̇͊́̕͝á̴̝͉̐̓͆̐̍́̾͂̀̀̆̎͝ȑ̷̤̼̠͝ḑ̶̛̭̭̲̱̘͎̭̖̰͋͛́̀̍̑̎̆͘̚b̵̛̼̭̬̏̈̒̈́̃̌̓̄̉̽͘͝o̸̺͌̋͂̂͒͗̈́͝ą̴̺̮̜̼̳͍͙͕̞̙͓̳͛͒͂̎̾̐͒̈̈̚͜ͅr̵̼̥̮̮̈́̀̇̊͗d̶̻͛̅͊͊̔̆͗͗̈́̔̂̚͠͝ ̴̠̤͚̘̠͕̰͙͈̍̒̉͑̽̇̔̽͌̕b̵͈͔́̍͗̓́̈̀̌͌̊́́̕͝ö̴̧̹̮̥̖̫̟̩͓̥̦͍̲́̋͊̐̿̉͂͛̋͌ͅx̸̡̛̫̺̫͈̝̯̣͚̻͎̄͝͝ had a fucking child."

"What is the demigod and the cardboard box?"

"You do not want to know."

"Huh, what's with that weird text?"

"What text?"

"I'm not sure."

"Fucking radiation I swear I will rip your heart out."

"Are you ok?"

"Lets just go now."


Fucking hell man, is it 20 minutes passing now? It's like my life, fucking procrastinating me decided 'Hey lets torture future me and leave it to fucking 12 in the morning to finish this!'  This is a nightmare. 

Well, we're here now, fuck, it's getting dark, maybe I could ask NSW if we could stay at his place for a bit. While I sort something out. God I need some sleep.

I'm ending it off here right now, I need to go to sleep I cannot stand this anymore I'm going now this is a n̴͇͑̆̀̅̄̈̀͊͘ȋ̴̡̧̧͈̠̦g̴̡̺̠͙̰̏̎͑́̑͆̿̈́̾ͅh̴͖͙͈̤̭̒̊̌͆̂̈́̈̌̈̎̾͒͋͜͝ṭ̷̨̫̯̫̤̹̩̹̪̝̫̹̓̇͊̽̏̄͛͠͠͝͠͠m̵͇͍͕̬̳̭̬̫͚̲̪̝͉̉̅͜a̶͚͓͙̽͐͂̅͌ṙ̵̢̢̛̭̮̗͓̠̻̦̝̣̱͓̲̖ę̴̠͇̦̝̤̼͙̹͍̥͓̼̬̇̓́̒͊̈́̌̕͘ n̴͇͑̆̀̅̄̈̀͊͘ȋ̴̡̧̧͈̠̦g̴̡̺̠͙̰̏̎͑́̑͆̿̈́̾ͅh̴͖͙͈̤̭̒̊̌͆̂̈́̈̌̈̎̾͒͋͜͝ṭ̷̨̫̯̫̤̹̩̹̪̝̫̹̓̇͊̽̏̄͛͠͠͝͠͠m̵͇͍͕̬̳̭̬̫͚̲̪̝͉̉̅͜a̶͚͓͙̽͐͂̅͌ṙ̵̢̢̛̭̮̗͓̠̻̦̝̣̱͓̲̖ę̴̠͇̦̝̤̼͙̹͍̥͓̼̬̇̓́̒͊̈́̌̕͘ n̴͇͑̆̀̅̄̈̀͊͘ȋ̴̡̧̧͈̠̦g̴̡̺̠͙̰̏̎͑́̑͆̿̈́̾ͅh̴͖͙͈̤̭̒̊̌͆̂̈́̈̌̈̎̾͒͋͜͝ṭ̷̨̫̯̫̤̹̩̹̪̝̫̹̓̇͊̽̏̄͛͠͠͝͠͠m̵͇͍͕̬̳̭̬̫͚̲̪̝͉̉̅͜a̶͚͓͙̽͐͂̅͌ṙ̵̢̢̛̭̮̗͓̠̻̦̝̣̱͓̲̖ę̴̠͇̦̝̤̼͙̹͍̥͓̼̬̇̓́̒͊̈́̌̕͘ n̴͇͑̆̀̅̄̈̀͊͘ȋ̴̡̧̧͈̠̦g̴̡̺̠͙̰̏̎͑́̑͆̿̈́̾ͅh̴͖͙͈̤̭̒̊̌͆̂̈́̈̌̈̎̾͒͋͜͝ṭ̷̨̫̯̫̤̹̩̹̪̝̫̹̓̇͊̽̏̄͛͠͠͝͠͠m̵͇͍͕̬̳̭̬̫͚̲̪̝͉̉̅͜a̶͚͓͙̽͐͂̅͌ṙ̵̢̢̛̭̮̗͓̠̻̦̝̣̱͓̲̖ę̴̠͇̦̝̤̼͙̹͍̥͓̼̬̇̓́̒͊̈́̌̕͘ n̴͇͑̆̀̅̄̈̀͊͘ȋ̴̡̧̧͈̠̦g̴̡̺̠͙̰̏̎͑́̑͆̿̈́̾ͅh̴͖͙͈̤̭̒̊̌͆̂̈́̈̌̈̎̾͒͋͜͝ṭ̷̨̫̯̫̤̹̩̹̪̝̫̹̓̇͊̽̏̄͛͠͠͝͠͠m̵͇͍͕̬̳̭̬̫͚̲̪̝͉̉̅͜a̶͚͓͙̽͐͂̅͌ṙ̵̢̢̛̭̮̗͓̠̻̦̝̣̱͓̲̖ę̴̠͇̦̝̤̼͙̹͍̥͓̼̬̇̓́̒͊̈́̌̕͘.

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