Chapter 11- Just chillin

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I read something that made me cry so I decided just to make this because there isn't enough happiness on this website. :)

We arrived at the beach again because Japan felt like it and Ame just wanted to, hope nothing bad happens in this chapter. I want to just be happy for the next week or something for when they're still here.

"So, Aussie, when are you going to tell everyone about your relationship?" Said America.

"I will god damn tackle you if you're not careful." I said back to him.

"Ooooh I'm so scared." He said mockingly.

"ALRIGHT THAT'S IT!" I said as I tackled him to the ground.

"Can you two stop?" Canada said trying not to trip over Ame.

Japan started chuckling even though her face was completely red.

"See someone thinks it's funny, and no this isn't a fuckin AusxAme book like some of you fuckin weirdos fantasize." I said, looking into the distance while everyone was looking at me. "We're literally brothers!"

"I remember there was one of those things on p- 

"Don't say it! There's wubbly jubbly fetuses reading this!" I said while cutting Japan off.

"That's a bit of a rude thing to say to your girlfriend." Said Ame as he was getting up.

"Ok, America, I'm going to bloody punch you in the face if you mention something about my god damn relationship again!" I warned my brother. "You got that?"

"Alright... can we please get in the water now? I'm not wanting to die today!" Ame said jokingly.

"You three are a bit strange." Said Japan with a concerned look on her face.

"Well you'll get used to it." I said.

"Yeah after you two, um, lets just say, m a t e." Ame said.

"Alright what the fuck is wrong with you ya bloody cunt?" I yelled at Ame.

"I don't get it..." Said Canada.

"I mean I certainly do and hopefully I'll be able to get used to your antics tonight." Japan said directly at me.

"Yeah, me and Canada will get another room so we don't hear any clapping." Ame said.

"Guys please stop do you guys remember what I said earlier? There are wubbly jubbly fetuses reading this! You can't be saying this crap!" I said concerned for if this book will have to get a mature rating.

"Fine, but can we do it when they leave?" Japan said excitedly.

"Japan I don't know what you've been reading lately but you need to stop." I said trying to not make the writer of this book write smut. (Wubbly Jubbly Fetuses don't search up what that means)

"I mean-

"America I swear to god I will literally murder you in cold blood and skin you and fly you skin like a flag. Ok that's a bit brutal but you get the jist of it right?" I said to Ame.


I don't think I should've said that, wait, is the fuckin sinky winky me messing with me again? I swear that guy always feels like he should punish others just because of the pain he had to go through because of the punishments. Sorry that bit got a bit dark.

"Ok... Australia... I was joking... please forgive me." Ame said after an awkward silence.

"Fuckin sinky winky me is messing with me again." I said.

"Who the hell is sinky winky? It sounds like a ripoff of huggy wuggy or something." Canada said, confused.

"That guy." I said as I pointed to the left of me.

"Oh boy! What have we got here? Wo- 

"JESUS CHRIST!" Japan screamed.

"Wha- OH MY GOD! AUSTRALIA!" Ame cried.

"Yeah?" I said.

Everyone looked towards me and their faces looked like they had just seen a dead body of a loved one or a sibling.

"How are- what the hell was that?" Japan asked.

"Yeah don't mind him, he's just tired." I said.


"Alright sinky winky, go back to your time now." I ordered as a long red hand came out of the sky and picked the body up.

"Well I think I need therapy now." Ame said.

"I need- 

"No Japan, I already know what you're going to say" I said.

"I wasn't saying anything weird, I just need a hug." She said.

"Come on now Australia, do it, I know you want to." Teased Ame.

"When we get back to the hotel." I said. "Wait where's Canada?"

"He went into the water." Ame said.

"Well do you think we should follow?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, but only if you give me a hug first." Japan replied.

"Oh fine." I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"How cute, I'm taking a photo of this." Said Ame.

"I swear to god if you do-

"Alright, alright, fine." Said Ame as he cut me off.

"Well can we go in the water now?" I asked.

"Yeah! Of course!" Japan replied.

Alright this was just a chapter that nothing really happened in just to take my mind off of things, I need it after what's going on lately. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, if any of you are confused please leave a comment to tell me, I'll be replying to every comment on this chapter. Well goodbye! I really enjoyed writing this chapter! It was fun! Right, bye actually.

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