Chapter 18- How stupid.

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Alright, lets do this :)

After I told them the whole story of what the fuck happened to me I fucking need a shower.

"Alright, I'm gonna have a shower. I fuckin need it right now." I said.

"Okay, just, please wash off all that blood. I was going to pass out when I saw you. Thank god it isn't all yours." Japan said.

I felt kind of bad that I said the x was just its blood, but I didn't want her to get worried. But anyways. 

Time skip for the 954th time in this book

I sat on the bed and opened up my phone. Looking for a good restaurant for us. But suddenly I got a message from Abby. It read: Hey, bro I heard you have some friends over, who are they?

America, Canada and Japan.

Japan ey? She your girlfriend?

Yeah? Why?

Nothing, that's cool though. But honestly I thought you liked men more.

What? Where'd you get that from?


Right. Forgot 'bout that, he's still a good friend honestly.

You're just saying that to act like you don't hate him.

Well, nevermind actually.

By the way, do you wanna bring your friends over, I can show them some of Australian history and that rock that tourists are obsessed about.

Sure, anyways bye. I need to do something real quick.

Bye bro.

Then immediately after I found the perfect place. Now, just gotta ask if she wants to go out with me. God why is this nerve-wracking? She wouldn't say no. Right? How stupid. I'm still worried even though she's already my girlfriend. Why am I like this sometimes?

I stood up and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked into the kitchen to see America and Canada talking to each other. 

"Hey." I said to both of them.

"Hey." They both said at the same time.

I then saw Japan on the balcony. I closed the door to the balcony so they can't hear what I'm saying.

"Hey Japan." I said.

"Hi Australia." She replied while looking at the opera house.

"Watcha doing?" I asked.

"Just taking a look at the city." She replied.

"Hey, so, I know that this kinda out of nowhere," I said, as she turned to look at me I started to shake a bit. "Um, would you like to go out?"

"Of course! When and where will we go?" She asked.

"Well, it's gonna be a surprise to where we'll go, but in a couple of hours." I answered.

"I'm excited! Where will you take me?" She said.

"You already asked. It's a surprise." I clarified. "But I'm also excited."

"Right. You gonna tell your brothers?" She asked.

"Nope." I said smiling.

"Good, and maybe after, we can, y'know?" She said trying to be seductive.

"Nope.*wink wink*" I said still smiling.

"Hmm, are you thinking of something?" She asked.

"Yes, I am. To be specific it's something about Russia and America." I said knowing she wouldn't understand.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now