Chapter 14- Substantial

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The dim computer in front of me started to slowly light up, making the room brighter as well. I could hear crickets, and a radio playing a melancholic ballroom tune. It sent a shiver down my spine as I saw those x's, the things eyes, it's smile widened as it saw me looking at it. Not even  cycles could put an end to it. Cycles was a god, a powerful one at that. It was the one that gave everyone on this earth real life, not some shitty excuse for a life, like what he tried to give us.

The screen began to flicker, the ballroom music stopped. All the sound that was there was the buzzing coming from the inside of this computer. The search bar auto filled with what seemed to be a story, or a documentary. About something called Legion. The tab took a while to load, I began to get impatient. Then I heard a voice.

"Fuck... my head... the hell was that for earlier man? Holy shit. Are we in the backrooms?" Fleetway groaned.

"Oh shut up. We're not in the backrooms, anyways I punched you because you were doing the no-no german salute." I said, cringing at what I just said.

"No-no german? Who is that? Oh you mean h-

"I will seriously consider chucking you into the burning pits of hell you son of a bitch." I said.

"Fine, I'll stop. Anyways do you know where some jews are?" He asked.

"Shut the fuck up, it isn't funny. It's bloody offensive and stupid of you to say that. Just like TRxUSSR. Just fucking retarded." I said, just trying to vent.

"YOU CUNT! I SHIP THAT!" He yelled.

"Just like 100 thousand other teenage girls." I sighed.

"I AM NOT A GIRL! NOW YOU TAKE THAT BACK DADDY!" He cried, trying his best to sound like a girl.

"You're trying to be trans, aren't you?" I said.

"Can we stop now, the fucking tab has loaded already." He said, defeated.

"Yeah good, I don't want to continue speaking about that. I feel like any girl reading this just clicked off." 

"Good, I don't like them."

"Are you trying to be edgy again? Because it's a pretty shitty try at that."

"I don't need dad lol."

"Shut the fuck up, this chapter is supposed to be serious."

"Yeah, right, anyways so what are we doing?"

"Reading this crap."

"Oh, ok, well what are we reading?"

"Shut up, you're annoying me now."


Finally, well, lets see what this thing is about, I thought as I scrolled down. Huh, 'Legion,' I wonder what that thing is. So...

A demon that usually takes the form of its last victim but with features that are off from what its victim really looked like. These are called distortions. Such as the face being blacked out, the most common distortion. Or the rarest one, not having any limbs and just floating. But these distortions do not interfere with its movement speed, or its 'covet.' The covet usually is what it's called when Legion's trying to get the distortions into more 'escalated' imperfections. The one it usually uses is the victims arm to become much longer and more like a mouth with extremely spiky teeth. The arm splits in half and it wont look like an arm anymore, just an extra tool for murdering. If you see it just pretend that it isn't there, it wont attack you if don't scream or make a reaction. Just continue with what you're doing and get your loved ones far away, it'll continue with your loved ones if it kills you within 100 metres of them. So please, use this information to let your family live. If you aren't seeing it but one of your loved ones is looking and feeling strange. Don't act like they aren't normal, just treat them like they're still them. Fear fuels him. He doesn't give mercy. He's a demon. Fallen angel even. So don't fall, rise, don't let him rise, let him fall. Stab his heart. He has one. I know it. Somewhere. Don't try to do anything else to harm him. He'll do the same thing to you if he's still alive. This worlds tides are changing. He can control the most important figures. We need him to be destroyed, he's the reason the world wars had started. He'll do it again. We can't let him. The person reading  this right now, you're going to kill him. KILL HIM. DO NOT LISTEN TO HIS LIES, HE'S NO GOD. HE'S NO GOD. HE'S NO GOD. HE'S NO GOD. HE'S NO GOD. HE'S NO GOD. HE'S NO G

Huh, it just ended off there, holy shit. I don't know what to think. What the fuck. But how? How do I kill him?

Thoughts of what I could do raced through my head. But they suddenly stopped as I felt a shadow tower over me. I turned around and stared in horror at what was  in front of me. Gritted teeth. Smiling. It looked like he barely even fit in here. It had its limb stretched around everywhere.

It then began to frown, then it opened its mouth. Showing layers upon layers of jagged teeth. 







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