Chapter 6- What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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Maybe having a spider from hell isn't so bad, but I'm going to check what's going on with those god damn crystals. Maybe they're the best thing on earth and I should love Burney for it but I'll see I guess.

Now, I gotta just get her suitcase and tell the bloody spider to give it to her. There it is.

"Hey, spider, give this to Japan in Sydney. Alright?"

And there it goes, well, lets actually go see what these things can do. Huh, they're green now, that wasn't supposed to happen. But whatever. Huh, explosive, radioactive, I think that these are really bloody overpowered, oh, it has a suspiciously close number to the amount of penguins living in Antarctica for the power it gives spiders, snakes and crocodiles that are extremely large. 

That's very specific, I guess just for the plot or something. Maybe I shouldn't be touching it. But I wonder what I could make with these. Oh hey it says, that's convenient, saves a whole lot of trouble. Well, it's official, I don't know what the fuck I've gotten myself into.

Well, lets just go to the fucking, uh, beach.

"Hey spider cunt. Bring me to bloody Japan and Canada."

Oh my god apparently this cunt broke my fucking door? Shit. Oh, oh there he is, oh god.

"Hello chaps! I never want to say that ever again in my entire life."

"Oh hi. What were you doing at your place for it to take so long for you to get back."

"Yeah, we've been here for 10 minutes waiting for you."

"It's only been 2 minutes or something."

"No, it's been 10 minutes, when you went back to your place it was 3:27 and now it's 3:37."

"Well shit! The radiation's already kicking in."


"What the hell?"

"If you didn't know already but I am actually part Ukrainian because I was born in Chernobyl reactor 4."

"Yeah maybe that radiation is a bit too much for you."

"What radiation is it though?"

"Australia? Buddy?"


It's just a burning memory right? There isn't something wrong with me?


"What hell sirens?"

"Oh my god, they're gone now. Thank god. Oh sorry I was just listening to everywhere at the end of time which has made me cry multiple times and you shouldn't ever listen to it unless you want to commit, wait I can't say that, commit self die."

"Well, that's not very fun."

"Australia are you ok?"



"Can we just go to the beach I don't want to talk about it."

"Yeah, lets go to the beach."

10 minutes later because, actually you get it already.

"Wow, this place is packed!"

"Well it makes sense because the past like 3 or 4 days or something have been quite nice."

"Isn't it always like this?"

"No, I don't know why'd you think that."


"Anyways, get your shit together and I'll be waiting here."

"Alright! But wont you have to get ready as well?"


"Got it."

Fucking 5 minutes 23 seconds and 726 milliseconds later. Don't question the specific periods of time. I don't want to talk about it.

Wow, I wonder if I can try make that thing work, I'll probably get it eventually, but for now I gotta not die.

"Hey Australia! I'm ready!"

"Alright, lets go, Canada's already on the beach waiting for us."

"So, are you going to go in the water? You didn't get changed."

"Yeah I'm definitely going in the water, I just didn't need to change."

"So you're not afraid of getting wet? I like that?"

"What the actual fuck is that supposed to mean? I ain't writing anything nsfw. Not today."

"What are you talking about with writing?"

"I mean unless you guys want me to, but there's no way I'll write nsfw."

"Alright... I mean I wouldn't mind anything nsfw happening."



If any of you want me to write nsfw just tell me, I probably wont be posting a chapter a day though just for my mental health but tell me real quick. Alright, I just gotta do 300 more words, then I can finish this, god I hate procrastinating.

"You can go in the water, I just need to put some stuff down."

"Hi guys, took you a bit to get down here."

"Yeah, hi Canada."

"Bro, why didn't you get changed though?"

"I don't need to."

"He isn't afraid of getting wet."


"What does that mean?"

"You don't want to know."

"Can you tell him what it means?"

"I'd rather not. Listen. Can we just enjoy the beach?"


"Sounds good to me."

"Wait, is that Vic and NSW?"

"I'm not sure who they are."

"They're some of my states."

"Oh, right."

Ooooooh noooooooo how the fuck will I do this? I will end this shit of right now because I have severe depression and possible dementia, and possible dementia, and possible dementia, and possible dementia, and possible dementia, and possible dementia, and possible dementia. Wait, and possible dementia. Ok I'm sorry but seriously after the next chapter is done then I might not upload a fuckin new chapter for a bit because of school. But bye you fucking cunt. I need to figure out how I wont confuse you.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now