Chapter 12- ZENITH

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This chapter might be a long one, so, I won't give you any context because I don't know what I'm doing but, you'll know what's going on in a bit. And yes I've played my fair share of terraria. Warning a bit of angst. Well, kinda.

ZENITH: The time at which something is most powerful or successful.






ENTER PASSWORD: **********





"Fuck... it won't work." I said, annoyed. "I got the password right and everything. But this computer is shit."

"Well then, what even is this place?" Japan asked.

"It seems like a facility. Or a prison." America responded.

"Well whatever it is, it must've been abandoned a while ago. And it seems like abandoned in a rush as well." I added.

I felt something stare through my soul as I said that, looking around I thought I saw a pair of eyes. Must've been my imagination though. How did we even get into this place though? 

"Oh wait, the computer is doing something." I said as the computer started to glitch out.

"What is going on there?" Asked Canada.

"I'm not quite sure." I said a bit puzzled.

When I finished talking the computer started playing a video. A camera was in a house that looked very familiar to me. And there was someone standing in the middle of the room. Its face looked, disappointed? 

The flag on it was very hard to see but it looked like it had the colours red, yellow and black on it. I felt my heart sink as I saw a broken window and bullet holes all over the walls. I remembered what it was from. 

And then a very familiar voice was heard. It sounded like him. Why him? 

"Where is he?" The voice said.

"Who is that guy and what is he talking about?" Questioned Japan.

Another person walked into the room, their flag easier to see with the brighter colours on it. Is that, Torres? 

"I'm not sure, who were those people? What did they want? Why did they take our brother? He's only 14!" Torres said, on the verge of tears.

"Holland! Where are you?" The voice yelled outside.

"Stop! You'll bring them back if you keep doing that!" Torres ordered.

"How are we going to find Holland though?" The voice asked.

As he got closer to where the camera was, I was sure that he was my brother, Aboriginal or Abby for short. By this point I was about to cry. But I was trying my best to not.

"Abby, we need to find him but it'll be too dangerous right now, it's night time. We don't know where those people could be." Torres said, crying at this point.

"Wow, what happened to them?" Ame jokingly said. Not realising who they even were.

"Australia do you know? Also who's Holland? Is that spidermans actor?" Canada joked with Ame.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now