Chapter 8- When will this day end?

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Hi, sorry for not posting a new chapter for a while, it's just that I didn't really have enough time, anyways, sorry. But I hope you enjoy.

I wonder what we'll do now, just look at a bridge for a bit and then hopefully go to sleep, I am so tired right now. I want to die. Ah, maybe I could try entertain myself while trying not to jump off the bridge. Well, I'll only have to endure a couple more hours. Fuck.

"Well, where is the bridge?"

"Um, I have no clue."

"I thought you lived here."

"Oh right. It's 3 kilometres, 297 metres and 74 centimetres from here."

"Wow, how do you know that just off the top of your head?"

"I don't know man, just stop asking me questions, it's just that I, in fact, wait, what the hell was I saying?"

Wait, hold on, wasn't I supposed to be drowning or something? Oh wait, wrong book. Shit. Um, wait, I'm confused, I forgot what I was saying.


"Bro, are you ok?"

"What? I'm fine."

"You just randomly stopped moving and stared at the sky."

"No I didn't."

"Can you tell us what actually happened?"

"Nothing happened. Oh wait, right. Wrong book again. Bloody writer is retarded or something."

"What writer?"

"HEY YOU CUNT! STOP TALKING SHIT BOUT ME! Wait, I'm writing this. I'm just going to go back."

"The hell?"

"Bro, your friend is kinda strange."

"No, he's just a teenager wanting to jump off a bridge because he's getting next to nothing sleep for some random people on the internet. It's quite strange, actually. But without him we wouldn't exist."


"Just, forget everything I just said, besides, he probably would have to change up a lot of things if we knew about our reality, wait, what was I saying?"

"I don't know, something about reality I think though.

"Woah, look at how large the bridge is though!"

"Holy crap, wait, is the sun setting already?"

"Yeah, can we go to sleep now? I'm tired."

"Soon, I think it'll be better with the sun down though."

"Yeah! It looks really nice, especially with the sunset."

"Alright. Fine."

May I interrupt with an announcement? Yes? I don't care if you said no I'm doing it anyways. But, I need some sleep! Please help me I am going to go insane if I don't sleep soon if I ever see you then I will drop you faster that my parents dropped me as a child. Anyways, (H)ave you (E)ver (L)ived long enough for (P)arental guidance?

Ok, well, what am I doing with this book you may ask? You'll find out, possibly. But for now, this book will be normal, no fuckin smut or whatever, because I'd rather not write that unless you guys want me to. please don't tell me to I'm begging you. 

Huh, that's strange, why did I think that? Well, I guess I just think random shit sometimes. Seems familiar.

"Hey, so are we going to walk on the bottom bit or get high, and by that I mean walk on the fuckin, that thing up there, look, the shit where the flag is and crap, that. I forgot what it was called because I got severe short term memory loss because of, 1932. And it's coming back again for some reason."

"What happened in 1932?"

"It's concerning that you're not answering the question."

"I think it was the great emu war."

"Oh, right."

God I need some sleep, listen I will just do a time skip because what the hell am I supposed to write? I know exactly what I can write but I don't want to because I need sleep. So yeah, just, go to the part where it's at the hotel or some shit.

"Are you two finally done for the day?"

"I still want to do some more things like, right now."

"We can do whatever those things are tomorrow." 

"Yeah, what he said."

"Well, goodnight."

"I'm going to sleep as well."

Well, I wonder if bloody Japan would want to sleep IN THE SAME BED AS ME again, remember. Not. In. A. Sexual. Way.

"Hey, Australia. Can I sleep with you?"

"Sure, wait, have you been watching some of your 'anime'?"

"No! Not in that way! I mean, it could."

"No. Stop it. I want to still have some of my mental health left."

"Well, can I?"

"Yeah ok, I don't mind."

Now bye. I wanna throw myself of a bridge 28 different times now, I need sleep, I never get it for some reason.

Maybe it's time for a change. (RECONTINUED MAYBE?)Where stories live. Discover now