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George POV

TW: drinking (be safe kids)

"Mum, I'm going to work now" I say closing the door behind me. It was like 7 in the morning so it was pretty quiet in town other from classic honking of cars. I opened the cafè door "Hey, George" the dirty blonde hair boy said from behind the counter "Hi, Ranboo can I get a latte and..I think that's it" I say pulling out my credit card "Alright that would be..1.50" he says tapping on the screen, I give him the card "Okay, I'll go get that latte. Do you want a receipt?" He ask "uhh sure" he hands me the receipt and my card as he goes to the back. He comes back with the drink and I say bye and make my way to work.

"GOGY!" I hear Tommy say as I step into the vet "Yes Tommy" I ask "uhhh Fundy wants to talk to you about something important he said" he says going back to whatever work he was going before. I internally scream as I step into the lockers, it's not like I hate fundy he much for me. I put away my stuff I see Fundy coming from the corner of my eye "George" he says, I turn around and smile "Fundy, Tommy said he needed to talk?" I say "yeah, umm lets go to my office" he says looking around and then heading towards the office, I follow behind annoyed.

We get to the office as he sits down behind the desk and I take a sit in front of it, "So George been getting complaints about your behavior" he says looking at his computer "behavior" I scoff "what am I, 12" I say rolling my eyes "there, you just did it" he says giving his full attention to me "So you're pissed off, that's the problem" I say even more annoyed "I-" "you know what Fundy it's like 7 in the fucking morning I can't take your bullshit right now" I say cutting him off and walking out of the office to open the vet doors.

time skip to the middle of the day

"Hello, I'm George" I say walking into the room to see a girl holding a cat in her lap " Niki-uh-this is Wilbur" she says shuttering nervously "well hi Niki what is the problem today" I ask calmly "Wil-Wilbur my cat is sick..I think" she says petting the cat "Okay can you bring Wilbur to the table" I ask putting down my cart, she stands up bring the cat with her to the table "Alright what makes you think he's sick" I ask giving the cat some pets to calm it down "Uh he's been..vomiting" she says looks off to the side, I knew she was lying accept I don't know what about "Oh okay, I'm just going to check his heart and breathing really quick " I say with a smile, she just nods, I grab the cat carefully not trying to scare him, I take the stethoscope putting under him then...

I feel a sharp pain

"Did he just bite me" I quickly remove my hand to look at the bite "Oh my, Im so sorry I-" I look at her, I'm guessing my facial expression cut her off 'behavior, George' "uhh it's fine I'll be right back" I say walking out of the room "Tubbo!" I call making my way to the sink to wash my hands "Yes, George" I see him pop out from the corner "uhh can you go into room A3 please and calm down the cat in it" I ask him, I see him walk away.

I look down at my hand to see the scar "George there is no one in room A3" I hear tubbo say, I look over to him confused "of course there is I just came from ther-" I quickly make my way to the room to see it empty "But..but I wrote down the name and everything" I make my way to the cart to see it also empty "George are you okay? I think you need a break" tubbo said putting his hand on my shoulder, I shake off his hand 'God maybe I'm going insane'. I walk over to my locker and grabbing all the thing slamming the locker close, I was pissed off for some reason I don't really know why

"George what are you doing" I hear fundy say 'oh my God I can't take one second off' "I'm taking a break" I said sternly "your break does start until 30 minutes" "good I'm early" I say turning around only to be met with his face "Damn why you so close" I said annoyed "George you can't leave early no one can so you can't" he answers "Well, too bad" I say with a smile and start walking to the door "If you step through that door your fired" he says back, I stop, was I really going to give up my job when I think I'm going insane "Well I quit" yes, yes I was.

time skip

I was now walking home unemployed with a bottle of vodka in my hand, now I wasn't a drinker..okay well maybe a had a few drinks in a week. I felt off (and not from the vodka) maybe it was the feeling of disappointment or something. I look down at my hand when I see the scar disappear right infront my face 'okay maybe I am drunk' than I black out.

I woke up on the ground, everything is louder, I can feel everything around me, I know I'm colorblind but everything seem so discolored, and I can smell everything, it was overwhelming. I realized that I everything was 3x taller, I tried yelling but what came out was a...meow?


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