Origin story

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George POV

TW: banging head with hands? Repeating words? (Idk if that's one but I want to be safe so)

I opened my eyes but I see nothing but darkness "hello?" I call out but no one answers, until I see a door, a red door with the number 89 on it and a little light hangs above it, I hesitately open the door.

There was..me, 13 year old me smiling so wide 'My 13th birthday, one of the most happiest days of my life' I look around more and smile at the nice memory. This day was my birthday party all of my friends came over, my mum and sister was there, and even my dad. Out of the corner of my eye I see another red door, I look back, sad to leave so soon but I opened the door.

I was in the streets of London 'why I'm I here' I ask myself confused I look around until I see me again, this time 21 year old me, I was drinking a bottle of vodka 'this was right before the whole cat thing' I give myself a sad smile as I see another door appear, this time I walk through it with no hesitation.

I was on the side walk of pizza hut? 'Oh this is when I met up with Tommy, Jack, and tubbo' it was the most sunniest days of the week and we all had the day off 'where is Tommy though' I look around but instead of tommy there is a black door with no number and no light, I walk through it, hesitate again.

I was in my old college dorm. I look over by the beds to find my ex-girlfriend shouting at 19 old me, while I looked unbothered and on my phone 'damn I was a shit boyfriend' I see another black door I step through it wanting to leave this time.

I'm in Dreams living room. I see sapnap pissed off and me shouting at him 'this was right before- the 'accident'' I don't like this memory. I look away to just be met with another door, this time it's a dark blue rusty door, I step through it just to be in a white room the same room I talked to Wilbur in.

"The cusre. Half cat. Pass it on. Bite to the hand. Freak." I hear whispers right in my ears, it repeats over and over, the whispers getting louder and closer "Shut up" I say but it just continues "Shut up" I say again bring my hands to cover my ears but it's still there. "Shut up, shut up, shut up" I say this time banging against my head with my hands and closing my eyes, I felt like I was spinning in circles "I SAID SHUT UP" I scream.

Everything went quiet, I carefully remove my hands from my ears and open my eyes. I was on the beach the sun going down making a beautiful array of colors, I notice someone sitting down on the sand "Wilbur?" I called out "George" he smiles, I walk over to him "How do you always end up in my dreams?" I ask him, he just shrugs "I guess we have something in common. Come sit" he says patting down next to him.

I sit down and look into the sunset "George I know how to break the curse" Wilbur says "Yeah, I know a bite to the han-" "No, that's how you pass it on not break it" he says cutting me off, I look over to him confused "Well how do you break it" I ask him, he doesn't reposnd instead just smiles "George have you ever loved someone before-like romantically" he ask catching me off guard "Well I had a couple of girlfriends back in college and high school-" I say not knowing were he's going with this "Did you love them" he ask looking over to me "I-" I cut myself off really thinking about it, I look down in embarrassment while Wilbur just smiles.

"I had the curse since I was nine years old" he says, I stay quiet "I turned half human when I was 16" he adds "Damn 8 years" I say "Yeah." he says looking back into the sunset "I loved someone before" he says, I look back at him "tell me about her" I say interested "Oh he-he was amazing" he says catching me off guard again "it was a guy?" I asked surprised, he turns to me

"Oh come on George. Love is love, it doesn't change everything right?" He says

"Yeah, I guess" I say it turning silent
"he was amazing, he was the guy nobody wanted to mess with or he'll fuck you up" Wilbur continues "And I fell in love with him" he adds, I stay quiet urging him to continue "I found out he liked me back and we dated for five years...almost" he says looking down now "W-What happened" I ask "he died in a car crash" Wilbur whispers "I'm so sorry" I say "George I'm going to be the first one to tell you" he says looking at me

"love could be right in front of you and you won't know it until it's gone" he says "Don't wait. Sometimes you don't have all the time in the world" he says with a sad smile.

"George~" I hear Dream call me, I look to the right but he's not there I look back at Wilbur "reality is calling you" he says standing up "Wait Wilbur" I say standing up too "don't forget what I said".

"George~" I open my eyes to see Dream smiling at me "what?" I ask closing my eyes again "C'mon George its dinner time" he says "I'm not hungry" I say turning over to face away from him "Alright you leave me on choice" he says than I feel him pick me up and swing me over his shoulder "Dream!" I called out now fully awake "Put me down now" I say but he doesn't listen instead starts laughing, he walks out of the room and goes into the living room and place me onto the couch "Fuck you" I say pissed off "Alright when?" he says with a smirk, I just roll my eyes and sit up to see sapnap on his phone eating chips and listening to music in the kitchen, I groan laying back down to see Dream smiling at me.

'Love could be right in front of you and you would know it until it's gone'.


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