Cat thing

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Dream POV

It was awkward on the car ride to the hotel as George's girlfriend, Catherine, was really nice and that I also tried to kiss him a few weeks ago and we never talked about it. Hell, I didn't even know George had a girlfriend, I tried kissing him because I have feeling for him, but now I can't do anything.

We got out the car and I unlocked to hotel in silence. George took off his beanie and untucked his tail, sitting down on the bed.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend" I say "yeah." He says dead inside "I have a girlfriend" he added "She seems nice" I say sitting next to him, a good distance between us. "Yeah." He says again in the same tone, I try looking for emotion in his face but there was nothing "Dream" "hm?" I say looking to him, he looks at me "I have a girlfriend" he says sadly, I tlit my head in confusion "Shouldn't you be happy" I say "I don't like her anymore" he says "George?" I say, he just looks at me, he's eyes goes from my eyes to my lips, when my phone rings. "Uh" I clear my throat "I should probably- yeah" I pick up my phone "Hello?" I say to the unknown callers ID "Is George there, Its Wilbur" Wilbur says "How'd you get my number?" I say confused "I have my ways, but can I talk to George" Wilbur says, I hand the phone to George.

George POV

"Hello?" I say "George! It's Wilbur" I hear Wilbur say while Dream gets up and walks to the bathroom, "What's up" I say "I just wanted to call so we can hang out" Wilbur says "Yeah, we can hang out, maybe tomorrow at my place or Dream's and I's place" I say "Yeah, totally I just want to talk about things not through a dream" he says laughing, I smile "I'm so glad your real" I say "I'm the reason why you're a cat, remember?" He says "Oh yeah, sorry it was four years ago" I say joking "Okay, good night, oh and George" "Yeah" "Dream's nice, don't lose him, and remember what I said" he says before hanging up. 'Don't lose him'.

°Next morning°

I woke up to Dream not being home. 'Why is it eveytime we almost kiss he leaves' 'holy shit we almost kissed and I have a girlfriend' I groan laying down, "I'm so stupid" I say to myself, I get up and walk over to the hotels mini fridge, I grab the bottle of wine and pour myself a cup, turning on the TV. "Famous YouTuber Georgenotfound was found after missing for four years, we'll tell you all about it after this bre-" I turn off the TV, can't run away from my problems after all.

I hear the door open and Dream enter with a bag, "Where have you been" I say taking a sip of my 10th glass of wine "The store, here" he says placing down the bag, I look through it and there was a phone "Dream, you brought me a phone? Are you crazy?" I say looking to him "Well, I thought we might need it since, well I'm going back to Florida soon" he says laying down "Oh yeah, I forgot" I say kind of sad that he's leaving so soon. I clear my throat "Uh Wilbur is coming over, can I text him the address?" I say "Oh, he's already on his way, he texted me when I was driving" he says "Dream don't text and drive" I say jokingly, I get up from the chair I was sitting in and to the bed. I turn into a cat real quick and curl up by Dream's side.

"Did poor Georgie miss me" he teased, I look to him giving him a glare "Don't look at me like that" he says I get up and crawl top of Dream's chest, he grabs a blanket and puts on top on us, I took me bring coverd to turn back into a human. "George?" Dream says but I was to comfortable to open my eyes or answer, "Good night, kitty" he says 'he thinks I'm sleeping' I start purring from the warmth and next thing I know I passed out.

●Time skip mothertuckers●

"George, wake up Wilbur is here" I hear Dream say, I sit up letting the blanket fall, when I remember, thank God it stopped at my waist "Here" Dream says throwing me some clothes then looking away. Liked if it was timed someone knocked on the door when I finished changing, "George, ears and tail?" Dream says "He knows" I say tiredly "what?" He says confused. I just open the door, "Hey" Wilbur says his eyes moving from my eyes to my ears "Come in" I say opening the door and then closing it behind him. "You know?" Dream says confused "He knows?" Dream says to me, "I think I would know as I was the one who gave him it" Wilbur says laughing "Yeah, Dream Wilbur was a cat I met at the vet before boom feline" I say sitting next to the window, Dream stood there confused "I'm gonna take a shower, I have cat hair all over me" Dream says grabbing a towel and walking into the bathroom, soon hearing the shower turn on.

"So, you and Dream?" Wilbur says rising an eyebrow "Are friends, me and Dream are friends Wilbur" I say "Oh come on, have you seen the way he looks at you, shit he even brought you a phone" he says pointing to the newly phone sat still in its box "Yeah, cause he's leaving soon" I say "And I also have a girlfriend" I say annoyed "Girlfriend?" Wilbur says "Yeah, bring straight is a thing" I say sounding like an insult, I sigh "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I'm just tired this cat thing is tiring" I say calming down "it's fine" he says we heard the shower turn off.

"George, I need you to tell you something" Wilbur says "What is it?" I say "You need to break the curse before it's to late" Wilbur says "I don't know what you mean?" I say honestly annoyed at this whole curse thing "You need to kiss someone you love, romantically" Wilbur spills standing up "what?" I say "Thats how you break the curse" he says "I was going to tell my boyfriend when he died in that car crash, it was to late" he says walking to the door "Don't make the same mistake I did" he says before walking out of the room "Wait, Wilbur" I open the door but he wasn't in the halls, he just disappeared.


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