Weekend of Hugs

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Dream POV

It took a whole week to get George's legal stuff done, I almost got put behind bars, but George made up a shit excuse in my opinion about what happened.

"Dream, I think we should go see my friends, don't you think?" He says coming out of the bathroom after his shower. "Sure, now?" I ask "Sure" he says smiling and then grabbing his beaine, putting it on. I grabbed my keys as we exited through the back doors of the hotel.

"Are you excited" I ask as George was basically jumping in his seat, "Fuck you mean am I excited of course I'm excited, I can't wait" he says with the biggest smile, "Well, tell me where to go" I say.

Once we arrived outside of I'm guessing a vet, George seemed less excited and more nervous. "Hey, you okay?" I ask "Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit nervous" he says "Okay, let's go" he added, I take the keys out of the car and stepping out of car.

George stayed to the side me while we walked into the vet.

"Hello, welcome to London's best vet, do you have an appoint- GEORGE" the blond boy says then coming from behind the counter to hug George. "Hi, Tommy" George says hugging the teen back, "Oh my god, your alive" Tommy says "Yup" George says looking to me "W-what happened?" Tommy says backing up from George "Long story" George says, the boy, Tommy looks over to me then back at George "Who's he?" Tommy says "Uhh he's my friend? He brought me back." George says, Tommy looks back at me, then huge me "Thanks for bring him home" he says, I hesitantly hug him back "No problem" I say nervously. "George, you have to see everyone, we did have to get your spot replaced though, but everyone will be so excited" Tommy says letting go of me and turning back to George.

Tommy give us permission to go to the back and see everyone. "George?" A guy says then hugging him "Tubbo!" George says hugging him back "Oh my god, where have you been?" Tubbo says still hugging George "Long story" George says. When Tubbo let go of George, he lead us to the back where everyone was.

"Guys, George is home!" Tubbo yelled to the people, everyone came over and hugged George like a big family reunion, it brought a smile to my faces to see how happy George is. "George." A random dude said behind me, "Fundy." George says looking at him, Fundy sound very familiar. Fundy just smiled at him and walked away, "So Tommy said you guys replaced me, so I would like to meet this person" George says sassy, I noticed a guy standing at the lockers "Is that him?" I say pointing towards the lockers "Yeah, it is, George meet Wi-" "Wilbur?" George says cutting off Tubbo "Hi, George" Wilbur says "You know each other?" Tubbo says, George ran over to Wilbur giving him a hug.

George POV

"Holy shit, your real?" I whisper to him, "Yeah, surprise" Wilbur whispers back. I let go of him and looked at him making sure he was real, "Are you still?" He whispers "Yeah, it's hiding under the beaine" I whisper back, he nods and I turn around to see everyone staring in confusion. "Oh, guys, I knew Wilbur from uni" I say making up an excuse, they all nod their head sync.

●time skip cause yeahhhh and also Dreams POV again•

"Well, is that all the people you want to see?" I ask George turning on the car "Can we see my family?" He say "Sure" I says smiling.

I parked outside a old house, "Is this it?" I say "Mhm" he says sighing, I look over to him "Dream, what if they don't want me anyone cause I'm a cat?" He says looking to me "They will love you, cat or not" I say placing my hand on his to give him comfort. He smiles and gets out the car, me following. We stand at the front door as George rings the door bell.

"I swear to god if it's that dumbass- George?" A girl has answering the door, George face turned into confused "Alyssa?" He says "Where's mum?" He says confused, she looks at him then at me "Who's he?" She ask "He's my friend, can we come in?" George says while Alyssa nods letting us in.

"Where's mum?" George ask again "George, she died two years ago" Alyssa says "what?" George says tears in his eyes, I quickly pull George into a hug while he crys.

When George calmed down he hugged Alyssa "Oh, Dream this is my sister, Alyssa" he says pulling away from the hug, I smile at her while she smiles back, we heard a noise of a car door shut out outside and then the front door opens "Alyssa, why is the door unlocked? George" a girl says before dropping her stuff and running over to George "Hi, Catherine" he says hugging her back while looking at me, her faced looked very familiar. "God, I'm so glad you're okay" She says before kissing him.

Girlfriend, George's girlfriend.


Um so this story was supposed be published months ago but I kinda forgot so I'm continuing it now 🤪

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