Half human

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George POV

"George if you never want to be full human you're going to need to pass on the curse with a bite to another person's hand" he adds "good luck" he says than disappearing "Wait-" I shout.

"Who the hell are you" I wake up to Dream holding a bat.

"How- What the fuck are you" Dream shouts "What?!" I say but this time I actually say it and not just a meow "wait I can talk" I say smiling at myself "uhh Sapnap!" Dream yells, I look around 'Wilbur said this would happened' I look down to see that I'm naked but still covered by the sheets 'well this is awkward' "Dream what the fu-WHAT THE FUCK" Sapnap yells a little to loud "Damn why are you always yelling" I say back annoyed "What are you?" Sapnap says again "What?!" I ask again "Not to be rude but look at yourself" Sapnap says as I scoff 'talk about being rude', Sapnap carefully walks to Dreams bathroom that is connected to the room "Sapnap don't-" Dream whisper still rasing the bat, once Sapnap comes back with a mirror and throws it at me I catch and look into it.

Cat ears place on top of my head that matches my hair color , my hair was mix with different shades, there was a couple shades of light brown or dark brown or even some blonde and black, my hair as longer since I last seen it, my eyes are two different color instead of one color, the left one blue and the right one brown, I noticed that my nose is a little pink and I had more freckles were wiskers would of been, and the most noticeable thing a long black tail swinging behind me.

"Holy shit its just like he said, half cat" I say to myself "What? Half cat?" Dream says the bat now lowered as he noticed that I'm not going to kill him or whatever he thought "Thats not possible, humans can't be cats unless your a lab experiment" Sapnap says "Well sorry to get your hopes up but I'm not a lab experiment" I say putting down the mirror "Well than what are you?" Dream says confused "I don't know, I was a human until-" I cut myself off as I realized that I'm literally naked and these two man are just staring at me "uhh can I have some clothes first" I ask as I feel my face heat up "Wait you're naked" Sapnap says and than starts laughing while Dream walk over to his dresser.

Once I got dressed I walk down stairs to see Dream and Sapnap talking on the couch until they went quiet "So are you going to tell us who the fuck you are catboy" Sapnap ask rasing an eyebrow, I just roll my eyes at him the sit on the floor next to the coffee table "I'm Geroge" I say, I see Dream's eyes widen "No, George is my cat-" Dream cuts himself off "Yeah about that" I say with an awkward laugh, Dream gets up and walks away while me and sapnap sit in silence.

"Wait so your telling me that your Dream's cat and all the sudden you turn into a human" Sapnap says breaking the silence "Well- I'm not a cat, I was a human before the whole cat thing, but I'm Dream's cat..I guess" I says, he doesn't say anything back he just stares at me "I'm calling the police" he says getting up and running to the house phone 'fuck, fuck, fuck think fast George' I hurry get up and grab a glass and smash it on his head causing him to fall down "Holy shit" I say in shock about what I did "What happened- what the fuck did you do" I hear Dream say behind me I turn around to look at him and he just stands there "he was going to call the police" I say still shocked "Oh my- come on help me pick him up" he says walking over to sapnap.

Once Sapnap was on his bed with an ice pack on his head me and Dream walk into his room while he closes the door behind us "Next time don't almost kill him" I hear Dream as I sit on the bed "I said I was sorry" I answer him "So you're my cat?" He ask sitting next to me  "Uhh well yes" I answer "H-How is that possible" he ask, I just look at him and shrug "I don't know Wilbur said it was a curse" I say back "Who is Wilbur" he ask tilting his head like a dog "Wilbur was a cat that was at the vet but he bit me giving me the curse" I answer him as I move fully on the bed sitting criss-cross "Wait so you're a vet? Like you work with animals" He ask with a smile, I nod back.

"Wait so how old are you?" He ask "uhh I don't know what year is it" I ask as my track of time was lost "Uhh it's 2021" he answers, my eyes widened "So your saying I been a cat for four years" I say laughing from shock "Damn four years of my life gone" I whisper to myself, it was kinda sad that I sent four years without my friends or family "I'm 25 by the way" I say back "Wait your 25 damn I thought you were like 16 or something" he says "What are you like 27 or-" I ask "27! Hell no I'm 22" he says laughing "22 damn I thought you were older than me since you're- well you're pretty tall" I laugh at myself, he just smiles "god, what time is it" he ask, I turn to the alarm clock "it's 3:45 am" I answer him "Damn I should probably head to sleep..uhh" he says, until silence takes over, we both realized that I slept in Dream's bed this whole time, now this wouldn't be awkward if I was a cat but now I'm a human it's..weird "You know what I'm just going to sleep on the couch" Dream says getting up "Wait, I know you hate the couch Dream" I say "You can sleep in your bed I'll take the couch" I added, Dream turns around confused "C'mon it's not that I haven't slept on the couch before" I say smiling and getting up leaving his room with him still standing there, confused.

I set on blanket on the couch as I lay down 'welp' I was confused that after four years, right now was the time to turn a back into human, I was confused why I was a cat in the first place, how the fuck did this curse even get made by like some fucking witch or something like that.

'I wish to be a cat again'.

Then I blacked out. I open my eyes again and look around, everything was weird again like if I was a cat again 'wait no' I try to talk but all that came out was a meow again 'what the fuck!' I step out of the pile of clothes that I was once wearing and make my way to Dreams room. I bumped the door to open it, the door making a creepy sound "George is that you" I hear Dream say, I jump onto the bed while Dream turns on his desk lamp "meow" I respond "how the fuck did you turn back into a cat" he ask, I just sit down and tilt my head, he let's out a sigh as he turns off the lamp and opens the blanket, I just stare at him confused "Cmon unless you want to sleep on the ground" he says, I smile to myself and curl up against his chest, and soon we were both knocked out.


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