Drink your problems away

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George POV

TW: drinking (be safe kids) 

It's been a month an half since this whole thing happened. Sapnap sadly had to go home, it hasn't been the same since he left. Most of the time I'm sleeping or Dream is working on the computer so we don't really talk that much anymore.

Right now I'm reading a book while Dream is in the shower. I've been thinking about what Wilbur said,

'Love could be right in front of you and you won't notice until it's gone'

'God what is that supposed to mean? Is Wilbur saying I'm not capable of loving or something. I'm so confused' "Hey what's on your mind" I look up to see Dream walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrap around his waist, I quickly look back at the book "Uh nothin, What took you so long" I ask "Aw was poor George wanting for me so he can go to sleep" he says, I roll my eyes "No, I just can't sleep with the sounds" I say back as I close the book and set it down by Dreams lamp "uh-huh whatever you say, when was the last time you shower hm?" he ask as I feel him looking over to me "I have my ways a showering" I say then clearing my thoat "Ew George" he says jokly and then gets in the bed.

I turn off the light and go under the cover, and stare at the ceiling "Dream" "hm" he replied "do dreams have meanings?" I ask turning to face him, I didn't realized how close we slept until now "I don't know, some of them do others are just apart of your imagination" he whispers "Why?" He ask, I turn my whole body towards him now "um I been having dreams about stuff, I guess" I whisper back, I could tell that Dream was caught off guard "Stuff? What stuff are you dreaming about?" He ask, I look at him in the eye 'Should I tell him about what Wilbur said. I mean there's no reason not to' " uh- just forget I said anything" I told him 'god he's gonna think something different now' "Oh okay" he says.

We just stare into each other's eyes, 'I never realized how pretty his eyes are'. Somehow we were closer are nose almost touching, I could feel his breath on my lips 'what's happening' I see Dream look at lips then back at me, he starts leaning closer.

"Dream, stop" I whisper

I can tell he realized what he was going, then he sits up "Fuck, I'm sorry I don't even know what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking" he says with his face in is hands, I sit up on my elbows and just stay silent not knowing what to say "I think I'm going to sleep on the couch" he says lifting up his head "Dream-" "I just need to clear my head" he says grabbing a pillow then leaving.

"Fuck" I lay back down "what I'm I supposed to do now" I say to myself. That night I didn't get any sleep.

○Next morning○

I woke to Dream not being home 'he just went to the store..right, fuck' I sit down on the couch next knowing what to do "meow" I turn to my right to see Patches, she moves to sit on my lap "What do I do Patches? What if he never talks to me again" I say while petting her 'Damn am I really talking to a cat right now ugh I'm going insane' "If you were a human you would probably slap me in the face" I tell her 'what did I do last time I thought I was going insane' 'drink' I move Patches off my lap and go to the kitchen.

"Does this man even drink?" I say, I looked through almost every cabinet. I groan closing the last cabinet 'if I was a 22 year old guy that has cats and sometimes has his sister over where would I hide alcohol' I think for a bit then I remember, I jump on to the counter and carefully standing up "meow?" I look to ground to see Patches watching me "Oh shush" I say then look back there it was, a bottle of whiskey.

You would think someone that hasn't drank in four years would you know take it slow but not me, right now I'm lay on the couch drunk as fuck with a more than a half empty bottle watching fucking cartoons. I don't even know what time it is but it's dark outside and Dream still isn't home. I take on other sip when I hear the door open.

Dream POV

"George I'm ho- What are you doing?" I look over to the couch to see George with a bottle of whiskey in his hands, than he smiles "Hi" he says laughing "Are you drunk?" I asked coming closer to him "Uhhhhhh probably" he say as he trys taking another sip but I take the bottle away "Never knew you were a drinker" I say laughing "So I never told you how I turned into a cat I'm guessing" he says sluring his words a little "No, no you haven't actually" I say sitting next to him the bottle still in my hands.

"Well, I quit my job because my boss Fundy, Fundy was a bitch he always had a problem with me anyways, I decided to quit and I went to get a bottle of vodka and than I turned into a fucking cat" he say sitting up and laying his head on my lap closing his eye I smile "Let's get you to bed" I place place the bottle down on the coffee table and pick him up bridal style.

I open the bedroom room and carefully place him on the bed "So you're not mad at me?" He asked, I was confused until I realized what he was talking about "What? No I'm not mad at you" I say smiling, he smiles "You know I could say things because you probably won't remember this in the morning" I say laying down next to him

"I never actually thought you were into guys. I don't even know that I am" I say

I get no response and look over to George to see him sound asleep, I smile than turn off the lights.


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