What a Dream?

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George POV

4 years later

"George, are you hungry" I heard him shout 'shit I don't wanna miss out on food' I race down the stairs turn the corner to see my food bowl getting filled up and him, my owner a tall blonde hair boy.

So after I found out I was a fucking cat I ended up getting sent to a shelter until someone adopted me, after someone did they moved to Florida and left me outside, I don't know about you but I'm not a outside cat, so I ran away to ended up at another shelter and then he found me and blah blah blah thats how I ended up being 4,336 miles away from my home.

He also was about to name me "Luca" but "Luca" didn't feel right and good thing he had a keyboard around so I ended up typing my name on that (which it was...difficult to say), he has another cat named Patches she doesn't really like me probably because I don't understand her.

"Yeah, Sap you can come over anytime" I heard him say, I walk over to him and jump onto the couch, he just looks at me than picks me up and lays me on his lap, one thing I love about being is a cat is that you get free affection without even asking. Sometimes it's annoying but right now it's fine "hm just tell me when your coming so I can get everything ready" "alright bye" he hangs up the phone a puts it down on the coffee table "George looks like we're going to have some guest over" he says rubbing my cheek while I start purring. He ended up falling to sleep on the couch so I moved to his room.

I never knew any of my owners name but I want to find out, I'm also trying to find out how the fuck did I turn into a cat but that one is at the bottom of the list. I jump onto his desk were he has his computer 'Come on there has to be a name some where' I accidentally step on a key and the computer turned on 'holy shit why the fuck is that so bright' I squint my eyes to see 5 big letters on the screen 'Dream his name is Dream? How did I never notice that' "Meow" I turn around to see Patches sitting on the desk and out of nowhere she tackles me to the ground, I fucking run for my life I might look like a cat but I'm not one at heart 'what the fuck Patches' I run down stairs to see Dream awake on this phone. I jump onto him and lay on his chest, I know if I was a human still this wouldn't be happening, but as a cat...we don't talk about it.

time skip to a week later●

Apparently some dude named Sapnap his coming over today and Dream has been freaking out. Currently I'm watching him pace around in circles in the kitchen, I rub up against his leg to calm him down or he would literally fucking die "Fuck, I forgot to feed you guys" he says 'not the reason but I'm not complaining' he walks over to the cabinet and fills up the food bowls and I waste no time to start eating. Now as a cat this shit is delicious but if I was a human I would throw up (and trust me I would know), when I turned into a cat a lot of thing changed including my taste in food, so that's how I eat cat food. I finished eating and I went to go find somewhere to sleep, when..


The doorbell rang, I saw Dream smile and walk to the door, while Patches just hides. I walk to the door to see who it was, Dream opens the door "Sap!" Dream says "Holy shit, you're hot!" the dude said back with a laugh 'hot?' "I knew I would regret letting you into my house" Dream laughs than let's Sapnap inside "Oh hello, you're not Patches" Sapnap says to me bending down to pet me 'he smells like grass' "Oh yeah, I got another cat" Dream says while I let sapnap pick me up "What's his name" Sapnap ask "George" Dream answers while moving Sapnap stuff inside "George? Why George" Sapnap says putting me back onto floor "Uhh he was laying down on my keyboard and it auto corrected to George so yeah. Do you want me to move this to your room" Dream ask motioning towards the bags "Aww I thought we would sleep together" Sapnap says pouting 'what?!'.

I found out this Sapnap dude makes very sexaul jokes.

●time skip (again) to night time●

It is like 1 am, Dream and Sapnap have been talking about American football for the pass 30 minutes now, when they started laughing. It's times like this were I wish I wasn't a cat, I miss my family, I miss my friends, hell I even miss Tommy and that should say something. I decided to leave them alone and go to Dream's bedroom, I lay on this bed 'I wonder if I was a human Dream and I would be friends' with that thought I went under the sheets and close my eyes.

"George!" I hear someone shout

"George wake up" I open my eyes to see a tall man shaking me awake, I scoot back "W-who are you" I say to the brunette "Oh god I thought you were dead" I watch the man look at his watch "Oh I'm Wilbur by the way and we need to talk real quick" the man says bending down to me "why does your name sound so familiar" I ask him "uhh I bit you at the vet" he answers scratching the back of his neck "No that was a cat-wait" I say confused "your a cat?" I ask "Well not anymore and this what I want to talk about you about so listen" he says checking is watch again "You have less than 20 minutes until you turn into a human-" "Wait isn't that a good thing" I say cutting him "No it isn't because your still going to be half cat still and you can still turn into one" he takes a deep breath "George if you never want to be full human you're going to need to pass on the curse with a bite to another person's hand" he adds "good luck" he says than disappearing "Wait-" I shout.

"Who the hell are you" I wake up to Dream holding a bat.


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