break up

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George POV

I been thinking about what Wilbur said a couple days ago and Dream has been getting all packed up to head back to Florida. "George are you okay?" Dream ask sitting next to me "No, I'm not" I answer still naked as I didn't bother to get changed "What's up?" He says

"I'm tired of being a fucking cat, my friends want to go to the beach but I can't go cause of this cat thing, I don't like my girlfriend and I don't know how to tell her, you're leaving me and I having second thoughts about my- nevermind" I say sighing.

I look to Dream "what do I do" I say to him, Dream just hugs me "Maybe you should get changed and we can head to your girlfriends place" He says as that's really the only thing he can help me with.

time skip●

"Um, maybe you should stay here, I don't want her to get any ideas" I say to Dream, he nods as I get out the car and knock on the door, "George, honey" Catherine says smiling "We need to talk" I say her smile drops "Come in" she says, I look back at the car before stepping inside "What's wrong" she says "Can we break up?" I say to her "What? What did I do wrong?" She says "nothing you did nothing wrong, it's me throughs something wrong with me and I don't think you should suffer because of me" I spill, you know I would expect some tears or something but no, she just smiled and nodded "Okay" "Okay?" I say confused "George come on, you went missing for 4 years I didn't think you would still have feeling for me, and you're also an alcoholic" she says "Yeah, I am" I say nodding "I'll always love you Geroge but I'm not the one for you" She says hugging me, I hug her back "I'm sorry" I say as I pull away from the hug. I walked to the car in shock "Everything went well?" Dream ask "Yeah, surprising well" I say put on my seat belt.


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