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George POV

Dream's flight is leaving today and I have been staying at Tubbo's apartment as Dream already returned the hotel key early as he stayed in his car. "George?" Tubbo says entering the room "hm?" I say dead inside "Are you okay?" Tubbo asked.

I wanted to tell tubbo that I basically have realized I do indeed love Dream and that I can't because I'm a fucking freak and even if he didn't care about me being part cat that we could never go outside or never go to fancy restaurants, but I didn't instead I pulled off my beanie "Halloweens over George" he says, I laugh "There real, tubbo oh and" I untucked my tail "Tada" I say sarcasticly "What the fuck are you doing George?" Tubbo ask "I'm stuck like this you moron" I say "sorry, I didn't mean to call you a moron" I quickly apologize "I don't understand George" he says.

"Four years ago, Wilbur, yeah the person you replaced my work with he was the cat in A3, he bit me and gave me a curse which boom turned me into a cat, then I got sent across the world in Florida were I met Dream and I accidentally fell in love with him meaning I turned half cat and the only thing that can break is kissing a person I love-" I gasp "the only thing that can break it is kissing someone I love" I say realizing, everything made since now, why Wilbur was telling me about his boyfriend and how he kept trying to realize, that the only thing I needed was to kiss Dream.

"Tubbo when does the next flight to Florida leave" I ask him as he gets flight notifications on flights for some reason "I don't know, like in an hour" he says "How far is the London airport from here?" I say "like an hour" he says, I quickly grab my beanie, tubbos car keys, and walked out his house "You can't drive Geroge you don't have your license" Tubbo says running after me "I don't care, I know a good enough amount of driving" I say getting in his car, starting it "George that's illegal" he says "You know what's also illegal, lying to the police" i say before quickly backing up from the driveway leaving tubbo.

I don't know how I made it to the London Airport before an hour and not getting pulled over. I run into the airport and go the front desk, skipping the line. "Where's the Florida flight gate?" I ask "Sir, you're going to need to-" "I swear God if you don't answer me" I say my nails making marks on the counter "Gate B flight 5" she says quickly, I push pass people as quickly as I can "Flight 5 London to Florida now boarding" The entercom says "Shit, shit shit" I push more pass people and made it to the gate but no one was there, I sigh in defeat, I'm never going to see him again.



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