Different London

28 2 1

George POV

I hate flying

I couldn't sleep cause the fear of turning into a human was most likely will come true, so that was mark off the list.

There was also one crying baby next to they, Dream looked like he wanted to cry or kill the child, let's just say he looked like a mixer of both maybe more than the other but anyways we finally landed and got all of our luggages and everything. Honestly thought since it has been four years that things would be more different but it wasn't as different, at least I don't think it was.

Right now Dream called an Uber to pick ud up so we were just sitting outside on the floor which was kinda weird since there was a bench a little to the right of us. "George?" Dream calls him, his voice a little raspy since he did just woke up 'at least he got some sleep' "Meow" I replie to him, Dream turns to face me, I see a little fate smile on his face "What do you want to do first" he ask like if I could reposnd to him.

I didn't really know what I wanted to do first to be honest. I should probably first make up a story on why I  literally disappeared for four years and make sure Dream didn't get in trouble, so we should probably make are way to the police office first. Other then the legal stuff, I should go say hi to my mum then sister and maybe my girlfriend since I really didn't break up with her.

I mean I was going to since I was literally a alcoholic so if she wasn't going to break up with me, I was, but I didn't get to since the while feline thing happen so to her, we were still dating. I remember back before I lived with Dream my goal was to escape and go find her but then I came up with a new goal since I was all the way across the earth. I snap back to reality when I hear Dream yawn, well maybe we should get some sleep before everything George thought. "Uber is here" he says to me which cause people to look are way.

After the long ride we found a 'pet' friendly hotel and got drop off "Hello, do you have a free room?" Dream says to the person behind the counter "Yes we do, how long do you plan on staying" She ask "uh- um" Dream starts to studder "Like about 3 weeks" he says with an awkward smile "mkay that would be 6,034 dollars this includes your cat, the food is for free which food timestamps will be in the room" She says while clicking thing on her computer, I see Dream get out some money and hand it to her  'I'm going to need to pay him back' . "Thank you and I will get you for key" she says then walks away.

Dream looks down at me with a smile "Hey at least I didn't have to pay for another human to stay with me" He whispers quietly but I could still hear him "Alright here's your key sir, if you take the elevator up and go to your right your room would be right there" She says with a smile while Dream takes the key "Okay thank you" he says then walks forwards the elevator.

We got to the room while a dog was eyeing me like it wanted my head or something, "Finally somewhere to sleep comfortably" Dream says closing the door behind him and locking it "meow" I say loudly asking for him to take me out "Okay, okay" he says annoyed and placing me on the floor while he sits down on the floor too, he opens the cage and I walk out then stretch from being in a box for forever, when I feel Dream pick me up and sets me on his lap.

He starts to pet me which honestly wanted me to fall asleep even more "meow" I say wanting him to let me go which he does, I look around and jump on the bed, I realized there was only one bed which wasn't really weird considering that we shared a bed back in Dreams house but it was weird to me now, not like really weird were I would be uncomfortable though so I just ignore it, "here" I hear Dream say then a pile of clothes were in front of me, I take them into my mouth and walk over to the bathroom to get change.

Once I got changed I didn't realized how tired I was when I was a cat but now I feel like I could just pass out any minute. I walk out the bathroom to see Dream on the bed texting someone "Dream" I kinda whine out "hm?" He says looking at me, I climb onto the bed and lay my head down on his lap, I hear him chuckle and starts rubbing behind my ear, I start purring and move my head up a little more.

I still surprising not have fallen to sleep yet but I'm pretty sure I got more delusional. Dream moved his hand to my cheek rubbing it softly, I rub my face on his lap trying to get my scent on him "ah- George- here" I hear Dream say then he lifts my head up a little and puts a pillow on his lap putting my head back down, I don't like the feeling of the pillow on my face, the texture is uncomfortable and its also loud when I make the slightest movements.

I groan moving off the pillow and on to his chest, listening to his heart beat. "Do you just want to sleep?" He ask, I nod "Okay, good night, kitty" that's the last thing I heard before going to sleep.


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