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George POV

TW: Repeating words?, Hair pulling, a bit of self harm, blood, cuts? (be safe kids)

A week has pass since this whole half human half cat thing Dream is at the store and Spanap is sitting next to me, talking about Sapnap, he wont stop making jokes about Dream and I having se- "IM BORED" Sapnap yells "do something" I tell him annoyed cause he yelled right into my ear (which is very sensitive) "Well I can't because you are a-" he cuts himself off realizing what he was going to say, I paused the TV and look at him "I'm a what?" I ask him looking at him, he just stares at me with a death stare "I'm what Sapnap!" I shout at him "Your a fucking freak" he says shouts back, 'ouch' "Well its not like I asked to be a FREAK" I yell at him and get up to leave him in living room.

'Freak', 'Freak', 'Freak', 'Freak'

I walk into the bathroom locking the door behind me, I stare at myself in the mirror.

'Freak', 'Freak', 'Freak', 'Freak'

Big cat ears that match my hair color, it looks weird 'I didn't ask to be like this' I bite the inside of my cheek.

'Freak', 'Freak', 'Freak', 'Freak'

There scissors sitting in the corner of the counter 'George what the hell are you thinking that won't help' There sitting there shining in the light, I feel my eyes watering, I bring my hands up to my hair pulling it as hard as I can.

'Freak', 'Freak', 'Freak'


Tears rush down my face, biting down onto my lip to not any noises out, I look into the mirror a peice of my right ear missing, I drop the scissors from my hand and step back hitting the wall, I bring my hands up to cover my mouth as I don't want any screams being heard, I slide down the wall crying to myself.

'What have you done'

"GOGY MY MAN" Tommy says smiling with his arms wide open "Tommy!" I say mocking him with my arms open he runs and hugs me, I hug back as we laugh "jeez its been a while" Tommy says backing away "Yeah" i answer smiling "Come on Tubbo and Jack are waiting" he says running away I run after him.

"GEORGE!" I hear tubbo scream I smile running to him "AHHH" I hear him scream again as I get closer to him, he runs down to the beach and starts running to the water "Oh tubbo I'm gonna get ya" I say running closer to him and tackle into the water, it's silent for a bit until water hits us and we brust out laughing "George did- did it have to be in the water" Tubbo says between laughs, I sit up looking at tubbo while we laugh he smiles at me "GEORGE!" I hear...Dream yell "Dream?" I ask looking around, I look back at tubbo him still smiling "Wake up" he whispers.

I gasp, I'm back on the bathroom floor "George open the door!" I hear Dream yell I look over to the door, the door nob shaking "George open the door or I'll kick it down" he yells again, I stand up feeling lightheaded, I look into the mirror blood dripping down my face "Dream!" I shout and there silence "George are you okay, open the door" He says calmer "I'm fine Dream" I say turning on the sink as I try to wash the blood off "George just let me in please" he says, I turn off the sink and look down into the mirror, blood still falling, I start crying again this time I don't try to hide it "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I say more tears running down my face "George its fine just let me in" "please" he adds, I turn around and unlock the door Dream opening it the moment he hears the click, I start crying harder as I cover my face "Oh my god-" he says closing the door behind him and pulling me into a hug "George, why? Why?" He ask his voice shakey "I'm sorry".

"Ah There" he says with smile, I turn back into the mirror, my right ear covered with white bandages "Thanks" I says my voice almost gone from crying, Dream just stares at me through the mirror his smile disappearing "why?" He ask whispering I look at him "I-" I cut myself off when my voice cracked "it's fine if you don't have to tell me" Dream says with a smile, I bite my lip and turn around to open the door and I walk down stairs to see sapnap sitting on the couch staring at the coffee table, I sat next to him "I'm sorry" he whispers than tears fallings down his face "Sap-" "No its my fault that you locked your yourself up" he turns to me, I see his red eyes with more tear falling down "Oh my god- I'm so sorry" he says noticing the bandages and crying even more I give him a hug as he sobs. I don't blame Sapnap, I don't blame anyone but the fucking witch that put this fucking curse on me.

time skip to night (again)●

I lay down a blanket on Sapnap and make my way upstairs to Dreams room "Dream" I call as I step into the room, he sat on the bed staring at the floor "Dream" I say again sitting next to him still no answer "Dream" I says louder and putting my hand his shoulder, he flinched I quickly remove my hand "sorry" I say "uh no it's fine" he says with a smile "time for bed already" he asked "Well Sapnap fell asleep on the couch so.." I say "Yeah" he responds, an awkward silence taking over "Are you okay?" I ask him "huh yea I'm fine" he answers scratching the back of his neck.

I lay down next to Dream in the dark, Dreams back faced me "it's hot in here" I hear him say how sitting up, he takes off his shirt 'wow he has a lot me cuts on him', he lays back down staring at the ceiling, awkward silence again "I didn't mean too" I say breaking the silence, Dream stays quiet "It just happened" I feel tears in my eyes again "I-I regretted it right after" I start crying again Dream turns to face me and hugs me "it's okay" he says rubbing my back

'I wish I was a cat and only a cat'

I hear my sobs turn into soft whines, "George come back" I hear Dream say I open my eyes "Meow?" I say 'wait- that's it. I have to wish?' I stand up and crawl under the sheets "George what are you doing?" Dream says confused

'I wish to be a human?'

I close my eyes, a few seconds pass I open my eyes again and I see my hand 'holy shit I did it!' I poke my head out of the sheets to see Dream eyes wide and confused "I know how to control it" I say with a smile, he laughs a little "C'mon get some underwear on...unless" he says rasing is eyebrow, I feel my face go red "Dream!" I say "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, unless" he laughs again turning around to give me privacy, I grab my underwear and put them on but thats about it, Dream was right it was very hot in here.


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