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George POV

TW: homophobia and use of the f slur (dw guys I'm a queer, be safe)

I layed on the bed while Dream was in the shower as he come back from the gym. I'm working on my second problem, I'm questioning my sexuality. I don't know what I like anymore, and I have a weird feeling that it's not girls. That thought alone disgusted me. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for all gay people and all but me being gay is just. Everyone I knew said being gay was weird and I belive that, I still think being gay is werid, I don't speak on it as there's people I know that are gay. I don't think I could be with anyone the same gender as me, but sadly I don't think I could be with anyone the opposite gender as me.

I sigh "You good?" Dream says, I didn't even noticed he came out of the bathroom, and he's naked "God, put some clothes on" I say annoyed "I'm wearing a towel, dumbass, I'm covered" Dream says giving me the same tone as I gave him "Well, sorry I'm not gay" I say impulsly, Dream looked at me weird "Do you have a problem George?" Dream says like a bullied if you looked in their way to long, I don't reposnd instead I walk out of the hotel, I couldn't be near anyone at the moment.

I walked to the back of the hotel were the trash are. A couple minutes later I hear footsteps familiar footsteps "George, whats your problem?" Dream says obviously angry "You're my problem" I say angry as well, "I didn't do anything to you" Dream says "Dream, why do you keep doing this shit, Why didn't you just call the police when you first saw me?" I say "Because they would've killed you George" he says "But that's not why your angry is it?" Dream says "Why did you try and kiss me, Dream?" I say, he doesn't reposnd "Answer me!" I yelled "Because I like you George, there is that what you wanted!" he yelled back "Dream I'm not a fucking fag!" I yell back, "What" Dream says even more angry, I regretted all that I said "George, I get that you don't like me back, but using that word is insulting and you have no right to say it" Dream says before walking off. I sigh regretting everything.

●time skip●

I waited until the sun was almost down to go back to the room. I open the door to hide Dream sitting at the desk reading a book. "Foods on the table" he says not looking up from the book "Thanks" I say taking off my beanie and untucking my tail. I ate in silence while Dream continue reading, I sigh this time Dream doesn't ask what's wrong or even look me way "I'm sorry" I say looking to him "Mm" is all he says "Dream-" "I forgive you" he says "You forgive me?" I say "Yup" he says turning the page "Dream I just called you the f slur and you forgive me?" I say confused "It's not like I haven't been called fag before, George" He says finally looking to me

(guys dreams gay if you didn't catch on)

"I'm sorry" I say again "it's fine, the problem is why did you just lash out on me like that" he says "I think I might be gay" I finally say out loud it doesn't sound so bad "Hey, there's no problem with that" Dream says "I know, I just- ugh it's so hard to explain" I say "but theres no excuse to call you that" I added "and I'm very sorry, even if you forgive me I don't forgive myself" I say, Dream smiles "You sound like a child apologizing" Dream says "What the fuck man, I'm trying to say sorry" I say laughing making Dream laugh too, I knew Dream really did forgive me in that moment "George, one question" Dream says "hm?" I say "In the mist of this agreement I did just confessed my feels for you, I want your non homophobic response" he says. I thought about it, Dream liked me and I always felt something with Dream and I'm not denying it now "Sorry, man you can only have the homophobic one" I say joking "but no, like actually, Dream i don't know" I say to him "You're going to Florida soon and I'm going to say here, even if I did say I like you back there's no way this would work, plus we kinda have a cat problem" I say, he looks down "Sorry" I say "No, it's fine, I knew it wouldn't work between us even if I don't care about your 'cat problem'" He says giving me a fake smile, he got up and went to the bathroom. I sat there.

'I just losted Dream'


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