A Cat from London

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George POV

2 years later

"George, are you hungry" I heard him shout 'shit I don't wanna miss out on food' I race down the stairs turn the corner to see my plate on the table and him, my boyfriend.

After what happened at the airport, I got back home and lost my tubbo car permission, but I also was human, Im pretty sure tubbo still didnt belive i was a cat once but I was. Wilbur quit my job and I got my job back, fundy wasn't such a pain in the ass anymore, and I never went back into room A3 and I didnt take cats that are vomiting, you know, just in case. I never saw Wilbur after he quit it makes me worried were he went, I went back to streaming after my fans wonder I went, Dream also streamed with me and the whole fandom was shipping us but little did they know. I thought it was time to see Dream, so after the long, terrible, fucking experience of getting a visa, I finally got one. Dream and I be came a official couple and the cat was forgotten, well for the most part.

"Sup, kitty" Dream says while I dig into my food "Dream, I told you to stop calling me that" I say obviously not wanting him to stop "But your such a cute kitty" he says teasing, I roll my eyes and continue eating "Yall are disgusting" Sapanp says staring from the stair cast, Dream laughs while I turn red. I finish my food and go to the couch where Patches was curled up, she opened her eyes and looked at me "Don't fucking look at me like that" I say looking at her she gets up and leaves, won that one.

One thing that did happened to my after turning back was there was a peice of my actual ear missing, my hair still had blonde strands in it, and I had a lot more freckles then before. Oh, and I am very flexible.

"George come to bed" I hear Dream say, I turn off the TV and walk up to the bedroom, laying on the bed next to Dream as he turns off the light. I kiss him on the cheek and smile "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say back "hm? What makes you so special that I love you" he says "I don't know" I say sarcasticly "You're just a cat from London" he says smiling.

"A Cat From London"



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