Low hum

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George POV

I woke up to light shining on to my face 'what the fuck' "Rise and shine bitches" I hear Sapnap say 'I should of killed him' I groan turning around to be met with Dreams back "Sapnap fuck off" Dream says throwing a pillow at him "Come on Dream, it's like 9 am" Sapnap says back, nobody reposnds to him so I start falling back to sleep "Also I thought it would take you at least a week to start fucking him but I guess I was wrong" Sapnap says with a chuckled, my eyes shot open "What the fuck" I say "wait-" I look down and noticed I wasn't a cat anymore but I was naked, I groan this cat and not cat thing was getting annoying "what are you taking abou-" Dream says sitting up but cut himself off when he noticed, I put my lips into a line as his eyes go wide and face is red.

I walked down stairs to see sapnap and Dream eating cereal in silence, I went to the fridge and grab an apple and washing it than I sit down next to Sapnap. "So was he good?" Sapnap said, Dream chokes on his cereal while my face goes red "What it was a genuine question" Sapnap says again "Sapnap we didn't-" Dream cuts himself off with a wheeze as I smile 'I never heard someone laugh like that' "Oh come on Dream" Sapnap says with a smirk "Why else would you have a naked man in your bed" Sapnap starts laughing and Dream starts laughing harder

'God I wish I still a cat'

Then blacked out. I woke up to sapnap staring at me, there was no more laughing, "Meow" I say 'fuck not again' I hear Spanap and Dream start laughing again this time Dream laughing so hard he starts coughing, I grab the clothes from the chair into my mouth as I walk away hearing fate laughers I smile to my self.

I was just sitting on Dreams bed, still a cat 'why am I not changing back' I jump off the bed as I walk down stairs to met with Sapnap and Dream on their phones "Meow" I say try to get their attention Dream looks up confused "Why are you still a cat" Dream ask, Sapnap looks up from his phone "Oh don't tell me your suck like that now" he says rolling his eyes, Dream picks me up and sets me down on his lap rubbing my cheek as i start purring "Dream you know thats a human being right?" Sapnap says "Yeah I know, but if you dont make it weird its not weird" Dream says continuing petting me, Sapnap just stares than goes back to his phone.

●time skip to night time●

I guessing I fell asleep cause I awoke on the couch with a blanket on me, I rub my eyes with my hand 'wait hands' I look down to see my legs and still naked but coved with a blanket "uhh Dream he's awake and naked" I look in front of me to see Sapnap eating ice cream and staring at me. Dream brought down some clothes and they left to give me some privacy, when I was done changing I walk up to Dreams room still tired "what's up George" he ask putting his phone down, I don't reposnd but climb onto the bed and lay on his chest, I hear him laugh a little but I just start rubbing my cheek on him, now as a cat this wouldn't look weird but as a half human half cat this looks hella weird "George your not a cat anymore" he says laughing "I don't care" I muttered continuing, i tried getting a better position but ended up just on top of him still rubbing my cheek against him until I stopped, I just listen to his heart beat. I feel his hand rubbing my other cheek, I feel a low hum coming as I close my eyes let's the hum take over, I feel Dreams hand rip away I sit up and look him "what?" I ask as his eyes were widen "You started..purring" he says with a small smile, I just look at him with doe eyes while he brings his hand up again and starts rubbing my cheek, I close my eyes as I feel the low hum come back, I rub my cheek against his hand until I hear foot steps, my eyes shot open "what's wrong?" He ask, I get off of him as I hear the foot steps get closer I stare at the door until...

"I'm bored" Sapnap says opening the door a sigh of relief come out of my mouth "Did I interrupt something?" Sapnap ask stepping inside the room, I just give him a blank look and I'm guess Dream did too "What?" Sapnap asked.


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