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Dream POV

TW: mentions of abuses, blood (be safe kids)

"Clay!" I ran down the hallway looking behind me to make sure he wasn't following "Clayton!" Another shout I run faster looking behind me again, until I slipped making a loud thud, silence falling behind..

'No time to waste'

"Oh Clay" I hear him say behind me and closer, I get up sprinting to the window,

'Jump it's the only way out'

I close my eyes as I hear glass break, feeling a sharp pain all over me, I open my eyes looking down to see the water then...

I gasp, sitting up "Dream?!" I hear George say behind me, I don't reposnd as I try to control my breathing "Are you okay?" George asked confused "ye-yeah Im fine" I say looking him, we just look at each other "I-" I clear my thoat "I'm gonna get some water. Go back to sleep" I tell him with a soft smile, he mumbles an 'okay' as I get out of the bed. Walking down stairs, opening the fridge, grabbing an water bottle and chugging it down, I close my eyes

"Come here boy!" I run as soon as I hear his voice, this time he grabs me by my shirt and throws me to the ground "Aw don't try to run that's no fun" his grin spreading across his face than he raises his fist-

I open my eyes as I feel someone touch me "Oh sorry" I look behind me to see Sapnap worried "Uh no it's fine" I say "You Alright, it's like 4 am" he ask "Uh ye-" I cut myself off when my voice cracked, I feel tears in my eyes "Hey, its okay, thats why I'm here" he says pulling me into a hug.

time skip to later on that day●

"Come on Dreammm" Sapnap whines "No" I say again, "Don't be a pussy, you're just scared you're going to lose" he says with a smirk "Oh really?" I asked raising an eyebrow "Yeah" he says back, we just stare at each other "come on Dream! George is sleeping so pleaseeee" he says making a pouting face "Fine" I say smiling "only if it would shut you up" I see his face light up "Okay, move to table I go get the gloves" he jumps off the couch running down the hallway as I roll my eyes.

I move the table to the side, also moving the couch back to give us more space and move anything that could break into the kitchen, I see Sapnap come back with the same childish smile "here" he says throwing me my gloves "If you get bruised it's not my fault" I said smiling putting on the gloves "uh-huh tough guy" he says back putting on his gloves.

(Btw I don't know anything about boxing sooo don't judge me)

I smile as we both get in position and start circling each other "Come on make the first move pussy" Sapnap says with a grin "I would actually want to give you a chance so" I say back, he just scoffs and hits me in my jaw, I stumble back a little, I go for his face but he blocks so I hit his stomach.

We go back and forth for a while none of us are actually hurt, Sapnap hits my side than my jaw this time I stand my ground "Did I miss something?" I look to my side to see George standing there confused, until I feel a sharp pain in my nose causing me to fall down to the ground, I lift my arm up to my nose than see blood "Oh my go- Im so sorry" Sapnap says "No its fine" I say laughing and get up taking off the gloves, I look over to George to see him shocked, I laugh at him 'god, he's so cute' I make my way pass George and into the bathroom to make sure my nose isn't broken.

I was cleaning up the blood as I see George appear from behind me as he just stares, I chuckled a bit "Your staring George" I say, I see him look look at the ground "sorry" he says "it's fine" I finished cleaning and I look over to him, his bandage still on his ear "How's your ear?" I ask "uhm it doesn't hurt anymore" he says "come here" I say turning around to face him directly "I'm going to take it off the bandage okay" I say he just nods, I carefully unwrap the bandage and through it away, I see a bit on dried blood around the missing triangle shaped in his ear "I'm gonna clean it up a little with some wipes" I tell him opening the drawer grabbing the wipes. "Done, your not going to need the bandage anymore" I say moving out the way so he can see himself "Thanks, Dream" he says with a small smile "yeah no problem" I give him a little pat on his head "I'm gonna cook, want anything in particular?" I ask him "Dream, I literally ate cat food for four years what makes you think I have good taste in food" he says, I laugh a little "Good point" I say back, I step out of the bathroom "Oh I know Sapnap wants chicken" I hear him shout 'chicken it is then'


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