Back in London

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George POV

I sat on the couch with Dream flipping through TV channels while Dream was on his phone, I turn off the TV and look over to Dream who was still scrolling on his phone 'what happened to my phone oh wait'

"Dream" I say draging the m "hm" he says not even looking up from his phone "What are you doing?" I ask "I looking through Instagram" he says, until I got an idea "Dream, you never seen me you know like not half cat" I say, he finally looks at me "No, I haven't but I can get an idea of what you look like" he says with a smile "Well can I see your phone real quick" I ask "uhh sure, just don't go through anything" he says handing me his phone "What you have like- porn or something" I say rising an eyebrow, we both start laughing "shut up" he says "hey you didn't deny it" I say laughing.

I go to Instagram and type Georgenotfound into the search bar "Wow real original" I hear Dream say I just scoff and than I click enter, my profile picture of my old logo popped up "You can't see it's a surprise" I say bring the phone up so he can't see "Ok" he says rolling his eyes. I click on my profile and scroll to my first photo which is not that far since I didn't post much, it was a picture with my cat but still had my face in it. "Alright here" I hand him the phone and wait for a reaction "Damn you're hot" he says, I feel my face heat up "Dream!" I trying to grab the phone put he moves it which caused me to fall onto his lap "Dream give me back the phone" I say reaching for it again but he puts it more in the air and starts scrolling up "Looking good" he says at a picture of me chugging beer, I stop trying to get the phone back realizing it was useless.

He kept scrolling, as we laugh at a picture of tuboo putting me into a chokehold, we stopped laughing once a photo of me kissing my girlfriend on new years came up, Dream looks at me but I don't look at him I just stare at the photo "I- I hope she's okay" I say quietly. Dream clicks off the photo and scrolls all the way to the top and clicks on the resent picture, I laugh, it was a picture of Tommy, Jack, tubbo, and me "Who are they?" Dream ask "they were my co-workers, the blonde one is Tommy, the one in the green shirt is Tubbo, and the other one is Jack" I say pointing them out, Dream likes the picture.

"Wait there was this one comment Tommy said it was hilarious, it was about how we-" I cut myself off when I see the comments..

Jack manifold: Please come back George we miss you :(

Tommyinnit: Gogy where are you :/

Tubbo: George please come back

User197482910: George really living up to his name lmao

Tommyinnit: @User197482910 Fuck off he's literally missing you're not funny prick.

Dream grabs his phone from my phone "I think we're done" he says clearing his thoat "T-They think I'm missing?" I look over to Dream "Well you did just disappear out of nowhere" he says 'I want to go back and tell everyone I'm okay' "D-Dream." "Yeah?" He says

"I want to go back to London"

time skip to night●

I haven't talked to Dream since this morning. He's been working non-stop, and if wasn't working he was doing something in the attic, honestly I'm kinda scared he's like gonna kill me or something.

Right now he's in the attic, he has been up there for like an hour 'I tired of him ignoring me' "Dream what are you doing" I say looking up into the attic, no response "Dream?" I call for him again 'I'm gonna hate this' I climb up into the attic, it's dark but the cat part of me can see so it's fine "Dream?" I call for but still no response, I hear some noise by the boxes that were sitting on the floor, then I feel someone's hand on my shoulder I quickly turn around "George?" "God you scared me don't do that" I say a wave of relief came over me he just laughs "Sorry" he says smiling "Whatever, what are you doing up here" I ask "Well you said you wanted to go to London right?" He says holding up a old cat cage "I'm not going in that" I say "Well you have no choice because you did just enter the country illegal and are considered missing in your country so" he says, I grab the bag rolling my eyes and leave the attic.

○A few weeks after○

"George wake up we're going to miss the flight" I feel Dream shake me wake "What time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes "it's 5 am" he says "My mom is here to take care of Patches, so hurry up and put this on" he says throwing me a beanie and hoodie, I quickly put on the beanie and hoodie making sure my tail is under it, everything became quieter once I covered my ears with the beanie.

"You ready" he asks, I just nod putting on my shoes that Dream bought me the day before, and head downstairs with Dream "Alright mom where off we would probably be back in a couple weeks" Dream said to his mother, I was like half awake so I didn't say anything, we walked outside 'wow I haven't been outside in like forever' I walk to the car while Dream puts the luggage in the trunk, I sit the passenger seat when Dream starts the car "You know you're breaking on law right" I say to him "What do you mean" he ask backing out of the driveway

"Well first you're sneaking someone on a plane without a passport, and what makes that even worse is that your sneaking a consider missing victim on a plane, I mean might as well call you Mr. Kidnapper" I say leaning my head on the window "I- good point but I didn't take you against your will" he says "Well-" "Shut up" he says with a smile "Alright...Mr. Kidnapper" I say giggling.

By the time I woke up we were at the airport parking lot "Alright its cat time George" he says "Ugh if you drop me I will kill you" I say to him "I would never hurt you I promise" he says holding the cage open for me, I turn into a cat and walk into the cage "Aww you look so cute" he says looking at me through the bars, I just hissed at him which cause him to roll his eyes and get out of the car, all the sudden I get really scared for some reason "meow" I call out but Dream just looks confused "what's wrong" he ask while getting out the luggage, then he's stops "Do you not want to go anymore?" He asked "meow" I answer, I see his lips go into a line "Blink once for no I don't want to go blink twice for yes I do want to go" he ask, 'do I really want to go' I think about it but I blink twice, he locks his car and starts walking to the airport.

'Going back to London after four years'


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