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(I didn't reread, sorry grammar mistakes)


"You aren't ready yet?" Said 'mom' entering my room.

"As I Said. I'm not entering their house" I said for the million time today.

"Go and get rea-" before she could finish I throw my phone away.

"I'm not fucking coming to the dinner! Why can't you fucking get it in the thick skull of yours?!" I yelled losing it.

"I'm your fucking mother! Go and get ready, you e already been a big disappointment!" She yelled making me chuckle.

"A disappointed you say? Well what about that! YES I AM A DISAPPOINTED!" I yelled in her tone before I continued.

"After all I learned from the best!" I yelled lastly before she looked down and left the room making me go and lock the door.

I slid down the wall my eyes closed. Moments after I heard the front door slam close I stood up and headdd towards the window to see her walking towards Jones's house.

She knocked on the door as it opened and she threw herself on him making me roll my eyes. I turned my back as I went and throw myself on the bed.

She's just too much.

A disappointment. That's what I am.


I felt the cold air brush against my face which made me open my eyes and see the moon shining throw my window.

I looked over and it was in the middle of the night. I felt someones stare at me and I felt another soul in the room.

I looked beside the window in the corner and saw Ryder standing there leaning against the wall. His head was leaning against the wall as well as he had a little beer in his hand.

"F-for how long have you been here? It's creepy you know" I said leaning against the bed farm as I kept looking at him.

"They're making out that's why I'm here" he said taking the beer towards his lips. He took a sip as he started to walk towards the bed.

"That doesn't explain why you're here, though I was a whore" I spat not caring how he'll react. The word he said to me today was the only thing I was thinking about.

"You are." He said looking down at me his gas mixing with the moon light.

"A very annoying one. A one I truly hate." He said again making me lick my lips.

"Get out." I said pointing towards the door. He didn't move as he kept looking at me which made me stand up and grab his arm before I started to drag him to the door.

"out." I said again wanting him out of my fucking mind as I opened the door he grabbed me by the same arm I was holding his arm and closed the door as he pushed me against it.

"You didn't fucking get it yet did you?" He asked as he slammed his fits beside me on the door which made me flinch.

"You're on my mind 24/7!" He yelled again looking deeply into my eyes as anger was shown.

"You are messing with my fucking head! I hate you!" He yelled again slamming his fits again making my eyes slam shut.

I opened them again and talked.

"It's not my fault get out" I whispered my voice in the edge of cracking which made him chuckle as he raised his hand and made my eyes close.

He kept slamming the door and it only got more aggressively each punch. I was trembling as he kept going while yelling everything shit out.

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