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(I didn't reread, sorry grammar mistakes)


I had no idea what I was expecting to be honest. I mean I was literally asking a fuck boy to not fuck anyone else.

What was I thinking?

I throw my keys on the couch as I sat down on the floor and throw my head back.

The house was so empty. Really empty.

The only thing inside were my demons and past. I could hear myself scream in every corner in this house.

Screaming because I was being raped by my own father.

A tear slid down my eyes making me removed it as I stood up and went upstairs. I placed my phone into the charger as I throw my pants off and took my bra off as well.

I walked back downstairs as I turned the tv on and placed some music. I turned the volume to the max as I started to yell and dance the lyric.

I opened the fridge as I took a beer out and took it into my mouth.

I spent hours just screaming the lyric and dancing before I collapsed on my bed. I was breathing heavily as my eyes were closed as I got a notification.

I grabbed my phone and saw that it's almost evening.

I saw a text from my mom which made my brows knit. She never texts me.

"Hi. Please come to dinner at Jones house today, Ryder will be here as well and I want you guys to spend time together."

Spend time with Ryder? If only she knew he is the only one screwing me.

I throw my phone back down as I closed my eyes and exhaled.

Just Go Ilaria. See what will happen.

I stood up as I grabbed a pair of jeans. I throw them on before I placed some shoes on as well and walked towards their house.

Ryder's car was not out. I have no idea where he is and I really- really hope he isn't fucking someone else cause I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I knocked on the door before the knob turned and Ryder's dad came to the view.

He had a smile on his face before I tried to walk past him. He stepped in front of me making my body flinch as I took a few steps back to have a really good distance.

"Glad you came." He said smiling wildly as his eyes were scanning me.

"Honey who is it?!" I heard my moms voice which made me tense my jaw. She came beside him as he throw his hand over her shoulder making me cross my arms.

She came and hugged me which made my eyes widened as she stepped back and told me to get in. We walked in as I saw the table filled with food.

Food I've never seen my mom cook for her 'family'.

"Take a Seat, Ryder is on the way." Said Jones making me walk towards a seat as I pulled the chair out and sat down.

They both came and sat down as well before she grabbed my plate and placed salad and chicken. She grabbed a table spoon of peanuts as she throw it on the salad.

"I'm allergic to peanuts." I said making her look into my eyes.

"Oh...s-Sorry." She whispered barley getting the words out.

"No. It's fine it's not like your my mom anyways." I said before she opened her mouth and was about to talk.

The bell went on which made her excuse herself before I looked down my hands and pushed the tears away.

The door opened as Ryder came to the view. His eyes looked into mine as he came and sat to his dads right without saying any word.

"Great! Now is the whole family gathered." Said Jones making me lick my lips as Ryder's knuckles clinched around the white bandage around his hand.

They all started to eat as I was playing with the food. There was silent as only my mom and Jones spoke.

I didn't look at Ryder, as the only thing I could hear was knifes hitting the plates.

After they all finished my mom went back to the kitchen as she took something out the fridge.

"Where have you been?" Asked Jones leaning in his chair which made my attention turn to him. I looked at Ryder and his eyes were fixed at his dad before he looked down his plate as he cut through the steak.

"A friends house." He said looking back up at his dad that was eating him with his eyes.

"How's your chest?" He asked making Ryder's jaw tense as his grip around the knife tightened making me look at his dad and see a smirk on his face.

"Good." Said Ryder forcing a smile before my mom came back with a 'cake' in her hands, as she had candles in.

I placed my fork down as I leaned in my chair and watched her show.

She came in front of me as she looked into my eyes and spoke.

"Happy birthday." She said leaving me feel numb. I stood up as I spoke.

"I don't know if you know this but I'm sure you don't because how could you when it was you that gave birth to me- but I was born 4. April". I said looking deeply into her eyes before I grabbed my phone forcefully from the table and walked past her.

I slammed the door close as a tear slid down my eyes making me remove it before I heard the door open.

"Ilaria- get back!" I heard Ryder which made me get into my car as I placed the keys on and locked the doors.

I removed another tear as I heard the window being tapped and the door trying to open. I pressed on the gaz before I drove off.

The word is just-

It's just so cold.

It would have hurt less if she only forget. It's like she's not the woman that gave birth to me.

My tears were already flooding down my eyes as my cheeks were burning. I stopped the car in the middle of the way as I looked around me and guess what I found-

That I'm completely alone.

Funny isn't it?

I slammed my hands on the wheel as I started to cry harder and kept slamming my hands on the car.


It was in the middle of the night when I pulled the car in front of the house. I got out as I took my hair behind my ear and opened the door.

I walked in as I headed straight upstairs. I opened the door as I walked towards the bed and throw myself on it.

I placed my palms against my cheeks as I pulled my knees up to my stomach and looked out the darkness. I'm sure that if I placed lotion on my face right now it'll feel like burning in hell because of all the tears.

I heard the window open as he got in and laid beside me. He placed his hand around my waist as I spoke.

"Why do you keep doing this?" I whisper asked still looking out the dark room.

"It's not like you'll stay." I said again making making me feel his warm breath on my ear.

"I never said I'll leave." He whispered back in my ear.

"They all say that." I said again as I felt his fingers getting on my stomach.

"That's because they all are liars." He said again making me chuckle as I spoke again.

"And you're not?" I whispered back my throat burning.

"I'm a lot of things but not a liar. I'm not leaving you Ilaria." He said making my eyes slam shut knowing what he's saying isn't true.

He laid beside me which made his perfume flood into my nose trails and remove the limp in my throat.

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