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Ryder Greyson

After the asshole left the table I stood up and headed outside to take a smoke. The dick think he can play me, he looks like one of those who will pull up a fight.

And it wouldn't be polite if I said no would it?

I leaned to the wall as I took my cigarette out and turned it on. I smoked in as I looked up the clear sky. The weather was damn warm and those chicks are almost naked.

"Can I?" A guy came making me give him the lighter before he talked again.

"You most be the new one" he started leaning at the wall across me.

"Looks you all already started gossiping" I muttered making him chuckle.

"Let's just say Anthony have you in his head like all the other people" he said making me smirk.

"And why's that?" I asked turning another cigarette.

"He just wants you to know who's the boss here, you've already stollen all his bitches" he said which made me chuckle.

"And he is afraid that you might have a taste from his girl before he does" he said again before I talked.

"And who is this girl?" I asked not caring less about him and his bitch.

"Ilaria Logan, a fucking cunt with a fucked up attitude" he said making me look at him.

"The one with blonde hair and a round ass?" I asked making him chuckle as he nodded.

"Let me guess he haven't fucked her yet?" I asked making him talk.

"No one have in fact, she hates when people get too close to her, she almost killed a guy last year because he slapped her ass in the hallway" he said making me smirk. A feisty one.

"So she have a virgin ass?" I asked smoking in.

"I don't know man...the first one fucking her is the one finding out" he said chuckling which made me talk.

"What's your name?" I asked placing my hands in my pockets.

"Tim" he said making me nod before I grabbed my lighter.

"Well thank you for the information Tim" I said as I walked back inside.

"Heyyyy Ryder!" I turned around and saw the girl from earlier. She was a curvy brunette, her face was okay, but she wasn't someone I'll fuck.

But no pain in playing a little right?

"Are you coming tonight?" She asked as her friends were looking at her from distance.

"Of course I am" I said forcing a smile as I grabbed her by her ass and pulled her towards me. I started to walk us into the hallway and pass her friends that were smirking and gossiping.

As I was about to turn us into an empty class room I heard my name being called.

"Ryder Greyson!" I turned around and saw a old woman in her late 40s.

"Please follow me" she said making me tense my jaw as I followed her. We turned to the left as she opened a door and she mentioned for me to walk in and sit.

She walked across the desk as she sat down and placed her elbows down on the desk and talked.

"It looks like you've already started making friends?" She said forcing a smile.

"Yeah" I muttered not wanting to talk.

"I'm just gonna be straight with you Greyson, we are really strict about the sexual rules to our school. That means that there is no ass grabbing in the hallway, sitting on the lap or making out-" she started making me want to roll my eyes.

"Okay? Can I leave now?" I asked not wanting to hear any of her bullshit which made her take a deep breath in.

"If you understood the rules then yes" she said making me stand up before I turned my back and walked out.

I slammed with her door as I felt the need to take the day off. I headed to the head-door I walked out as I went to my truck and drove off.

Ilaria Logan

"Here wear that it makes your ass fatter" said Lyla giving me a dress from her closet.

"I already have a dress Lyla" I muttered looking at the dress.

"I didn't say you could have it just wear it damn it" she said rolling her eyes which made me want to slap her across her face.

"What do you think about Ryder? He's fucking hot" she started taking her clothes off as she pulled the dress on her body.

"I don't know...not my type" I said as she came in front of me and mentioned for me to zip her dress.

"Oh shut up, it's not like I said you should date him and plus he doesn't look like one of those who date anyone-" she started walking to the mirror.

"Just a quick fuck like always" she muttered enough for me to hear which made me roll my eyes.

"I bet I'm gonna get laid by Tristen again, we fucked today in the toilet and a teacher almost caught us" she said as I was going through her makeup.

"You know that both of you will be suspended if the principal finds out that you've went against her 80s rules" I started opening one of her pink blushes.

"she got divorced and married 4 times and have more than 5 children and is still making sexual rules" I said again which made her chuckle, as she was busy taking her hair up.

"Yeah right, a true whore" said Lyla before someone knocked on her door and her dad came to the view.

"Hey girls, Tristen is downstairs I didn't let him come up" said her dad giving me the weird glares like always.

Lyla rolled her eyes as she walked out the room before her dad looked at me and started to give me a creepy smile.

"How are you darling?" He asked walking closer to me.

"I-I'm good" I muttered before he stopped in front of me and placed a hand on my bare shoulder, and was slowing taking my top off. I grabbed his arm as I stood up and talked.

"Keep your hands for yourself you pedophile" I said trying to keep my voice low which made him smirk as he grabbed my waist which made me push my knee up his dick.

"You fucking bit-" he groaned letting go of me, I quickly grabbed my phone and keys as I walked out the room and ran down the stairs to see Lyla and Tristen making out against the wall.

"I need to leave" I said slamming the door shut not giving her a chance to answer. I went inside my Jeep as I placed the keys inside and speeded off.

He's so fucking disgusting.

I want to throw up, how can he be like this I'm the same age his fucking daughter. Life is so fucked up, you don't feel save anywhere.

I hate this world. I hate the people in it. I hate the house I live in.

I fucking hate getting flashbacks from things I don't want to remember. Things I try to forget and not to think much about.

The nightmares won't leave me alone, I have to lock my door to feel a little save, being afraid of each men and guy in this world because the first male that was supposed to treat me like a princess fucked the shit out of me.

I don't feel comfortable being in a room with a guy. I always think off what if he rape me? What if he use me and kill me?

That's why I always have a pepper spray, and a little knife. You never know what happens in this disgusting world.

I stopped the car as I got off and ran into the house. I headed to my room as I locked the door and slid slowly down the wall.

I took the lighter from the vanity as I pulled my jeans down and turned it on.

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