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(I didn't reread, sorry grammar mistakes)

A couple of days later:

It have been a couple of days since I've seen Ryder and it's starting to annoy the shit out of me. Because the last couple of days we went to school together and when we got back he came to my house.

I've tried to call him and he didn't pick up. I also thought of going to his house but knowing my mom is living there now makes me stop.

But it have been almost two days last I've seen him. I was in school and I haven't tried to talk to anyone or anyone tried taking to me which I'm thankful for cause I'm so done with people from this school.

I was sitting in class drawing on the table as I heard two from behind me.

"The drugs will be here by today. Ryder told us that the guy pull up in the old building out of town." He whispered as the other said something else.

I really need to see Ryder. It feels weird not seeing him for two days.

The bell went on which made me grab my things before I walked out and headed towards my car.

On my way I stopped at the gas station before I filled the car and brought chocolate to eat. My phone started to buzz which made me grab it and see Four.

"Yes?" I asked turning the speaker on.

"Can you come it's important."

"Um- I- I. Sure I'll be on the way." I muttered before I hang on and drove to the left. What does he want?.

Seconds after I reached his house. I got off as I went to the door and knocked which made it open as his mom came to the view.

"Hello honey! He's waiting upstairs..." she said smiling as I said hi and got in. I walked to his room before I saw him in only his boxers looking at two suits.

"What's up" I said placing my phone on his coffee table as I sat down on the couch.

"So I've asked a girl out and I need to pick her up at 5- I have no idea what to wear!" He panicked making me smile.

"Chill. The baby blue shirt." I said making him grab it as he throw it on.

"Yes right I thought the same hbut then what if she doesn't like blue?" He asked making me raise my brow.

"You serious?" I asked making him sigh as he can and sat beside me.

"If she doesn't like blue then drop her- no you know what if she doesn't like you as the way you are then drop the bitch." I said pointing my finger at him which made him chuckle.

He stood up again before he went to the bathroom to change. His mom then entered the room as she had a tray of food with her.

"I thought you probably didn't eat dinner yet so here are some for you and Four." She said smiling warmly making me give her a little smile.

I looked down and the food looked so god and fresh. It was rice with chicken and a soup aside.

"Thank you." I said which made her smile as the door opened and Four came to the view wearing his fancy suit.

"Oh my boy..." his mother started as she walked over to him and hugged him which made my chest ache.

She pulled away as she grabbed him by his face and kissed his cheek.

"You're growing so fast- I'm sure the girl will fall for you when she sees how handsome you are." She explained as she was doing his tie.

"I hope she does." He muttered with a nervous smile which made me smile. They look like the perfect little family I never thought is true.

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