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     Sunny was at Kel and Hero's house but Kel went to visit Basil and so did Aubrey. Basil was looking at old photos of Sunny and him remembering the times they had together Basil smiled and let out a happy sigh. "I heard a dreamy sigh birdbrain. Who's the girl?" asked Aubrey who was already by the front door. Basil fell off his couch "AH- Aubrey I-I didn't know you come so early!" "Man...you scream like a girl. Anyway, answer my question." Aubrey asked again firmly. "W-What was the question Aubrey?" Basil said acting confused so he can get away with it. "Don't play dumb with me." Aubrey laughed  "Yeah! don't play dumb with her Basil!" stupidly yelled Kel behind Aubrey. "Let's just sit down and talk is that okay with you birdbrain?" Aubrey suggested to Basil "U-Uh okay!" Basil nervously said and invited Aubrey and Kel to come in. "So Basil I sensed you have a crush huh?" said Aubrey looking all serious Kel, on the other hand, said "YEAH IS THIS TRUE!? MR. BASIL" shouted Kel trying to look professional.  "Come on guys this is a misunderstanding!" Basil politely said trying to excuse himself. Aubrey slammed her hands on the table "IS. IT. TRUE." "WaAaAaA! Ok, Ok! Yes, It's true and my crush is a boy! please stop your scaring me!!!" Basil cried. 

     "Nice! Love is love who's the guy" Kel professionally said in a deep old voice. "Alright then it is settled I already have a huge hunch of who the guy is, sweet Basil" Aubrey said  "What?? Sweet Basil-, what the heck??" Basil was confused and worried. "I have a presentation and proof of who it is..." Aubrey giggled "KEL, BRING IT OUT!" declared Aubrey. Kel had a board on an easel and he was playing a mysterious theme on his kazoo "It is here Miss. Aubrey" Kel told Aubrey still in the deep old professional man act. Basil was shocked at who his crush is with  Aubrey guessing "Behold! Your crush is Sunny ain't it? It's written all over you and if I got it wrong I will not be afraid to kill someone right now. Basil turned red with embarrassment and admitted "Fine! I do have a crush on Sunny! You're welcome..." Aubrey tilted her head and smiled. "Ok? Do you wanna ask him out and confess LOL" Aubrey replied "I can set you up with Sunny if you want. But I'm gonna need your camera for recordings and pictures to see if yall kiss or die I don't know." Aubrey told Basil. "Ok but this is the only time I'm letting YOU use my camera and what is even the set-up gonna be?" Basil confusingly said to Aubrey. "Don't worry I got it covered for you, little nerd. One question though do you want to kiss him, Basil?" Aubrey asked Basil 

     Basil blushed so hard that he can feel his ears turning red "WhAtTttT!!! THAT'S LIke SOO CraZy Aubrey! That's a WILD imagination you got there hehe.." Basil shouted and started mumbling crazy stuff about kissing Sunny and how crazy Aubrey mentioning it. Aubrey grabbed Basil's shoulders and shouted "DO YOU WANT TO KISS HIM OR NOT BASIL!?!?" 

"NO!....maybe?.....yes..." Basil admitted 

      We all kinda need Aubrey as our friend tbh IDK if that's just me. HIII THANK YOU FOR READING!!!! I worked really hard and my back hurts now because of the terrible posture that I have been for hours BUT THANKS BYE SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER

My Sunflower! My Sunshine! (Sunny x Basil ship OMORI)Where stories live. Discover now