The Park

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     It was morning. Basil was peacefully sleeping on his bed until he heard a loud bang. BANG BANG BANG! Basil jumped off his bed and ran downstairs to his door. He opened the door and it was Aubrey! "Ding dong, dweeb," Aubrey spoke. Basil was annoyed and rubbed his eyes to wipe away the tiredness "What do you want, Aubrey?.. It is 6:30 in the morning-!" Aubrey smirked "I was just checking if you are still alive. I just got a hunch that you were nervous about the sleepover huh?." Aubrey guessed. "Man- whatever it is not even time for the sleepover!!" Basil whined. Aubrey looked around and smiled like she planned something horrible "Well...I kinda asked Sunny if he wanted to hang out with us." Aubrey giggled "And he said yes! isn't it a great headstart with Sunny? Like hanging out with him ALONE." Aubrey busted out laughing. Basil got so annoyed and flustered that Aubrey flat out gave Basil a "headstart" with Sunny. "Why did you do that, Aubrey! I can't face him alone!!!" Basil furiously said Aubrey hushed Basil with her finger and softly said "You don't wanna scream that out loud, dweeb Sunnys out on YOUR driveway he's just waiting for YOU to come out. And you are still in your pajamas." Basil was embarrassed he wanted the ground to swallow him. "Fine! I will go let me change real quick!" Basil angrily replied and slammed the door. Aubrey smiled and she went to the driveway where Sunny was waiting. "The crybaby said that he will be out soon he is still in his pajamas," Aubrey told Sunny while laughing Sunny stayed silent and nodded at Aubrey. Sunny imagined Basil in his pajamas of how cute he would be if he actually saw him in them Sunny got flustered and turned red completely. "Snap out of it Sunny! Just think of something else..." 

    "I'm ready guys!" Basil shouted out Aubrey and Sunny turned around. "About time, dweeb." Aubrey rolled her eyes with a smile. Basil smiled back then Basil turned to Sunny catching him staring at him deeply. Sunny realized he was staring for too long he blushed then looked away all red. "Dang it! why does Basil have to be so cute all the time" Sunny thought to himself. Basil was wearing a green sweater with a single flower on it that he got on his birthday and was wearing his casual shorts with the outfit. Sunny snapped out of it and softly smiled at Basil. Basil blushed and he smiled back at him. "Okay enough with the awkward staring it's getting disturbing," Aubrey muttered "Let's go to the park now geez-.." Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey were walking to the park. As they got there it was beautiful there were flowers, long elegant green grass, and swings. Basil put his hand on Sunny's shoulder "It's been a while since you got to this park huh? well, luckily the park is still nice and healthy!" Basil smiled brightly. Sunny smiled and chuckled a little bit Sunny realized that Aubrey was gone so did Basil. Sunny and Basil told each other that Aubrey was probably hanging out with The Hooligans as Basil and Sunny were walking around the park Basil saw a white bunny rabbit. "Sunny! Look it's a bunny rabbit!" Basil screamed in excitement Basil grabbed Sunny's hand and ran towards the bunny. Sunny blushed it reminded him of what happened back at the arcade the warmth of Basil's hand is soothing and comforting. 

     Basil stopped where the bunny was Basil crouched down and lured the bunny with some food that Basil had in his bag. The bunny took little bites of the food and when it was done it went towards Basil. Basil picked up the bunny and started snuggling it "Aww! How adorable." Basil softly said. Sunny crouched down and started petting the rabbit's head Sunny wasn't a bunny fan but they are adorable. Sunny looked at Basil and started imagining him with bunny ears Sunny blushed. He got curious if he petted Basil's head so Sunny placed his hand on Basil's head and started petting him. "E-Eh? Sunny what are you doing?" Basil asked and Basil realized that he could feel his face turning red. "I was curious." Sunny calmly said and lightly smiled Sunny seemed to be enjoying petting Basil. "W-Well you can always do that whenever you want from now on!" Basil chuckled Basil looked at the bunny rabbit and hugged it one last time before releasing it . "Be safe little one" Basil told the bunny then he let the bunny go into the wild.


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