Breakfast at Basil's House

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     Everyone visited Basil's house. Kel was brushing Aubrey's hair and styling it. Sunny was helping Hero make some breakfast for everyone. Aubrey stared at Basil's eyes then Basil noticed Aubrey staring at him. Basil gave Aubrey an awkward smile and continued admiring Sunny in the kitchen. "Sigh, I'm still sorry for slapping you in the face, Basil," Aubrey said so she could start a conversation Basil perked at Aubrey and grinned. "It's okay Aubrey I kinda deserved it..haha" Hero then jumped into the conversation "You were kinda too rough on Basil, Aubrey but it's a good thing you apologized" "Yea...You were a crazy jerk Auby" Kel said then pulled Aubrey's hair. 

     "O-OW KEL! We would have been at Basil's GRAVE if you guys hadn't stopped me from slapping Basil! ALSO, KEL CALL ME "AuBy" AGAIN AND I SWEAR YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR LOVED ONES AGAIN IS THAT CLEAR?!" Aubrey shouted "Crystal clear, captain! Jeez..." Kel frowned but quickly went to a smile. "Ok guys! Breakfast is almost ready!!!" Hero cheered. Hero looking at the pan with the eggs with pure focus got himself ready then...flipped the eggs. Hero thought he looked professional but then everyone started laughing. Hero was confused "Huh? What's the matt-" before he could finish his sentence he realized his beautifully cooked eggs were gone and nowhere to be seen on the pan. 

     "AH! WHERE ARE MY BEAUTIFUL EGGS!?!?!" Hero panicked he looked at everyone in the living room and they were laughing A LOT. Aubrey was laughing so hard she started snorting, Kel was dying on the floor, and Basil shoved his book to his face while laughing. Hero realized Sunny was with him he suddenly turned to him "OH MAH GOODNESS!!!" Hero shouted. Sunny had a sunny-side-up egg on his face and he was standing there stunned. "BAHAHBAHBAHBAHBAHBAHBA SUNNY GOT SUNNY-SIDE-UPPED FOR REAL" Aubrey snorted while everyone else was still dying of laughter. 

     "OH JEEZ, I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY SUNNY PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" Hero begged. Basil stood up to walk over to Sunny. Basil lifted up the egg and placed it on a plate "Pfft! You ok Sun-Sun?" Basil asked trying to hold his laugh. "I'm not eating that egg it's filled with Sunny's germs!" Aubrey said still laughing "AHAHAHA I-I'M SO SORRY SUNNY IT'S SO FUNNY AHAHAHAAHAHH DSHFSFUIFSIOUFGWOEUIWOGIW," Kel said when he's on the floor. "It's ok Hero I know it was an accident though it was kinda funny." Sunny warmly smiled "THANK YOU SUNNY YOUR AN ANGEL" Hero cried with happiness. 


My Sunflower! My Sunshine! (Sunny x Basil ship OMORI)Where stories live. Discover now