Basil's Hairpin

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     It was a bright morning. Everyone already woke up but not Basil. Basil was sound asleep until he felt a poking on his face and a voice yelling "Hey! Hey! Wake up, dweeb!" Basil squinted his eyes to see who it was. It was Aubrey with a serious and disappointed face on her Basil knew he was in trouble. Basil widen his eyes and before he could say anything he got slapped in the face. "OW! W-What was that for! T-That hurt!" Basil whined, "That was for lying to me!" Aubrey shouted. Aubrey slapped Basil again  "That was for not confessing to Sunny!" Aubrey continued. "U-Uh Aubrey I t-think Basil had enough..." Hero worriedly said "Fine." muttered Aubrey. Kel helped Basil get off of the couch and gave him bandages for his face "Sorry about Aubrey but seriously you really were a wimp, Basil" Kel honestly told Basil. "You failed me! You little dipstick!" Aubrey yelled Hero held on to Aubrey so she won't attack Basil again. "I'm sorry Aubrey I got scared!" Basil cried "Fine I will forgive you but you have to confess to Sunny someday. You have the whole summer ahead of you. But we won't be helping you YOU gotta find your perfect moment alone with Sunny on your own." Aubrey declared. Hero released Aubrey gently and Aubrey headed out the door "Bye, losers" Aubrey waved goodbye to them. Basil sighed with relief and he got all his things to go back to his home.

     While Basil was walking home he bumped into Sunny. "O-Oh sorry, Sunny! Are you ok?" Basil hesitated. Sunny blushed and replied "Yea..I'm ok" Sunny softly smiled at Basil then Sunny looked at Basils face "What happened, Basil!?" Sunny jumped with surprise. "O-Oh um Aubrey kinda slapped me 2 times really hard.." Basil nervously said "Oh..well are you ok?" Sunny quivered. "Im ok! Thanks." Basil smiled. Sunny smiled back then quickly said nervously "U-Uh! you left this at the sleepover..." it was Basil's hairpin. "Oh my gosh! Thank you Sunny!" Basil giggled Basil took the hairpin and placed it back on his golden hair. "Your welcome...I didn't wanna wake you up because you looked peaceful and cut- I MEAN JUST PEACFUL!" Sunny covered his mouth embarrassed of what he just said infrount of Basil. Basil blushed knowing of what Sunny was going to say Basil laughed and said "Really? You think I'm cute? Thanks! No need to be embarrassed!" Sunny was relieved. They both stared at each other then Basil said "I really gotta go home now!" Basil ran to his house and shouted "Thanks for giving back my hairpin!"



"Your welcome..." Sunny softly said under his breath....


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